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Operation: Urban Angel
Day 212 - 21:15:16
Location: Beacon
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

It's time to start hunting down the remaining of Salem's forces, Ozpin is giving me my list of targets and Qrow is giving me the locations of said targets. Adam Taurus in Menagerie, and Hazel Rainart, Arthur Watts, and Tyrian Callows in Evernight castle. In the dead of night I would infiltrate the locations and confirm my kills of the targets. I was given a stealth airship by Ozpin to allow fast travel to and from locations, thank god I'm a pilot. If all goes according to plan I should be back here before anyone wakes up.
First stop, Menagerie.


Operation: Urban Angel
Day 213 - 0:00:30
Location: Menagerie
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

I touched down a mile from the White Fang base Adam is holding up in, orders are to kill him and avoid unnecessary casualties. I can do that, especially when most of the base is asleep. After running up to the base I repel up to the roof and enter the vents. Looking at the map Qrow gave me I plot my course to Adams dorm and I start crawling. After a few minutes from crawling I hear talking below me.
WF1: So you heard the new orders from Sienna?
WF2: No, what did she demand now?
WF1: That we start re-enforcing the windows with ballistic glass and the vents with solid steel.
WF2: Why? Some assassin coming for her?
WF1: Close, someone assassinated Cinder and her group. She doesn't want to risk being next.
WF2: How could someone possibly kill Cinder? Let alone her AND her lackies?
WF1: With a sniper rifle, they didn't have their heads intact after it was done.
WF2: That's fucking great, when are these re-enforcements being set up?
WF1: We start tomorrow, it could takes days or weeks to complete.
WF2: Who would want Sienna dead?
WF1: Fuck man, I don't know... maybe this Jet guy?
Having heard enough I continue to crawl to my target, I'm only a minute away. After getting there I slowly open the vent panel and I peak I to the room. I see Adam asleep in his bed, and his weapon and mask on the table across the room. I silently climb down and lurk up to his bed, he doesn't hear a thing. I quietly rack my suppressed shotgun and I put it against his forehead, I then look away as I pull the trigger.
I take a picture with my scroll and I send the picture to Ozpin, after getting confirmation I sneak back into the vents and I make a detour to Sienna's room. I slip in after seeing that she is asleep, she won't be for long. I gently shake her awake and I cover her mouth before she can scream. I motion for her to be quiet and I remove my hand.
Sienna: W-why are you here? What do you want from me?!?
Jet: For you to stop working with Salem, if you don't you will be targeted for termination. This is your warning.
Sienna: O-ok, I'll stop working with her! Just please don't kill me! I'll do anything!
Jet: You want to know what you can do? You can tone down the needless violence a bit.
Sienna: Ok, but why?
Jet: Killing innocents won't achieve anything, just stick with soldiers and in self-defense.
Sienna: Ok,... what's that smell?
Jet: Blood.
Sienna: Not that... I smell... horny.
Jet: Are you in heat? Or are you just stupid?
Sienna: I may be in heat...
Jet: What does horny even smell like?
Sienna: Like four girls.
Jet: What are you saying here?
Sienna: Fuck me.
Jet: Hold up... I have four girlfriends, I plan to remain loyal. Bring it up with them first.
Sienna: And who would that be?
Jet: A firecracker, a psychopath, and two bodyguards. Just go to Beacon and ask for Jet, it's easier that way.
Sienna: But that's so far...
Jet: Well... I could take you away from all of this...
Sienna: I'm listening...

Operation: Urban Angel
Day 213 - 3:48:12
Location: Evernight Castle
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

Jet: ...So that's basically what happened.
Ozpin: If you were anyone else I would expel you, but we both know how this is going to end.
Jet: Hey, when I'm done I'll set you and Salem up on a date. Maybe we can break the curse that way.
Ozpin: You sure you don't want another girlfriend?
Jet: Any more and I might not survive. Salem would also crush me like a tin can.
Ozpin: Looks like your in for a ride regardless, have fun at the castle.
Sienna: So... that went well?
Jet: Well enough, let's hope the Neo takes it ok.
Neo: You WHAT?!?
Jet: I'm sorry.
Neo: Why would you need another girlfriend? You have me!
Jet: It's better for everyone this way. The White Fang will de-escalate and Sienna won't be getting fucked with a gravel in court.
Neo: Fine, I give you the pass. But don't go thinking you can just walk into that castle and fuck Salem... without me.
Jet: What was that last part?
Neo: Nothing! Your taking the heat if the girls try to kill me cause of this later.
Jet: Fair enough, well I'm approaching the drop point. Talk to you after I save the world.
Sienna: I can tell that went good.
Jet: Yes it did, now I'm going to go in and get evil. I should be back within 15 minutes.
Sienna: And then we-
Jet: And then we fuck. Horny cat...
Sienna: What will I do?
Jet: Just sit there and look pretty. I'll be back soon.

Operation Urban Angel (ResidentEvilMaleReader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now