I Lived Bitch!

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I wake up in a hospital room at some time late at night or very early in the morning, either way the sun is not out. Looking around the room I see I am connected to a IV and my armor and uniform are on a counter across the room. Next to my clothes there is my MUP, a extra mag, and a note that I can't read from here. Looking down I see I'm in a hospital gown and I got new cybernetic limbs. They are very obviously designed to be stealthy and unnoticeable under clothes, they make almost zero noise when I move them and they are not excessively bulky. I remove the IV from my upper arm and make my way over to my stuff, lets see what that note said.


We moved your empty weapons back to your locker, come talk with us when you wake up.


Looking at my gear I decide to change into it, while it is shredded it's better than a gown.


I check my handgun and then reload it with my last full mag, 16 in the gun and 12 in reserve. I leave a nice thank you note for the doctors who will check up on me tomorrow. Looking at myself I'm a little saddened, I have 1 boot, torn sleeves and a torn pant leg cause of my injures. My gas mask is useless now but I dont have another one so I'm stuck with it. It's all scratched and bent with the glass on the eyes knocked out. I'm going to need a new uniform some time soon.



Ozpin: Ah Jet, what a pleasant surprise.

Jet: Sorry its so late, I work up not to long ago.

Ozpin: Its fine, it's just that the Rose and Xiao Long family wished to thank you for all you have done to bring their family together, even at the personal cost of a few limbs.

Jet: Oh personal cost my ass, I'm combat ready already. How long have I been out for?

Ozpin: Almost a week, its Thursday.

Jet: Well it's like 12:20 or something so I'm going to head back to my dorm now, call me when you have another mission.

Ozpin: You have a good night Jet, don't overwork yourself now.

Jet: Hey, I said I wouldn't die right?



I am making my way back to my dorm and when I'm almost there I hear something, is that crying? It sounds like its from team RWBY's dorm, this can't be good.


Yang: *Muffled* Go away!

Jet: Yang, please open the door. It's me Jet.

I hear very rapid footsteps and the door then slams open and I get tackled to the floor in a hug, just like the first time. Looking at Yang she's a mess, and not a hot one right now. Her makeup has run all over her face and she looks like she hasn't eaten or slept a lot recently. She's just crying into my shoulder and I don't think she will let go anytime soon.

Jet: Hey, its ok. I'm here now and I'm still alive.

Yang: You almost died! You almost left me!

Jet: But I didn't I just got a bit hurt on the mission.


Nora: *Sleepily* Can you guys please keep... it... down...

Jet: Hey Nora?

Nora: Ye-yeah?

Jet: I told you I was a robot.

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