Forgotten Soldier

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[Shown above is what happened, watch that if you wish to see that]

What brought me to this point? Well lets see...

That idiot dropped the sample, I saw him do that, I ran down to the very bottom of NEST, and now I have the sample. Now I just have to fight through all of NEST again so I can get out at the cable car at the very top. When I'm out I need to get a shirt of a hat that says "Zombies are real and they tried to eat my ass", that about sums up how I feel about this shit. Maybe I could get it signed by Guy Fieri, who knows? Wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen to me.

I should probably stop staring at the sample and monologuing and I should start running, yes lets do that...

AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.

Jet: I'm already here and there is no train you asshole, what do I do now?

AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.

Jet: Can you say anything besides that, please?

AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.

Jet: *Sigh's* Well lets go...

Well lets open the first door and... there are four zombies and one has body armor. Great.

The first three are no problem for my SMG but that last one might be a problem, hmm...

The first one has a backpack, so I shoot his leg until it gets severed and he hits the floor. Then I loot him. His bag had a knife and some dust, not enough to make ammo but a nice amount nonetheless. I shoot the other two in the legs until their legs get severed and I run over them while they are stunned. Now its the armored guys turn. I bait him to attack me and I dodge, then when he can't move due to zombie's being slightly retarded I just run by him. There is the door to the next room, great!

And... the whole room is on fire, not great!

Whatever, the zombies in here are on fire and crippled, so I can just run by them and to the next door. Ok, this room is also on fire and there is a licker- wait is that a vending machine? Might as well see what's inside... is that a Flash Grenade? DIB'S! This will come in handy, I can feel it.

Now lets kill that licker, I'll stick back here and light him up and... he's down lets move in. There is another zombie in here... attacking a cabinet? He has a backpack so he is loosing his kneecap privileges. He has more dust in his bag, using the dust I saved earlier and this dust I make some SMG ammo, and thank god I had almost NO ammo. Next room, lets go!

This room has 2 armored zombies and another backpack zombie, when I'm done in here none of them will have legs. *Rapid cracking of gunshots* *Second short burst* Now lets see what he has. More dust, I shall reposes it to my possession from now on. Now lets climb up this ladder.

AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.

Ok thank you, I already knew this place was about to blow up movie style. Tell me again, PLEASE.

AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.


AI: Alert, self destruct sequence initiated. Please use the central elevator to proceed immediately to the central train platform.

The sooner I get out, the sooner I can stop listening to this annoying AI's bullshit. There's another vending machine, lets see whats inside. That's a lot of guns... LIGHTNING HAWK! DIB'S! This gun will fuck those zombies up. Next room away, cause they are now fucked!

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