Operation Heaven's Gate

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Once we have taken off I went to Qrow to see if he got me what I needed, cause this is going to be a hard one.

Jet: Do you have the things I asked you for?

Qrow: Yes, the Breaching Charges and the Nitro Cell is in these cases. I must ask, what about those other unidentified cases? What's in those?

Jet: A customized drone I made and a few cluster charges.

Qrow: A cluster charge?

Jet: Yeah it works like a cluster grenade, but I can mount it to a wall or floor and it will shoot it through the other side.

Qrow: Seems dangerous, how will you use the drones so you don't accidentally blow up Summer?

Jet: Of course, let me show you.

Jet: This is Yokai, I can control the drone with a wrist pad and it can cloak on ceilings and stun enemies with a sonic blast, all while while transmitting a video feed to me. It hovers so it is silent, unlike drones with wheels that make noise when they move or turn.

 It hovers so it is silent, unlike drones with wheels that make noise when they move or turn

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Jet: And this is my AMP-6 "Matryoshka" cluster charge, it makes shit go boom. Mount it on a wall, hit the detonator and watch the fireworks from the little hockey pucks of doom.

 Mount it on a wall, hit the detonator and watch the fireworks from the little hockey pucks of doom

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Qrow: Well I'll be damned, you sure are set for this operation. The others might be a little intimidated when they see all of this.

Jet: Who are we working with again?

Qrow: We are working with Ice Queen and her little group of special ops, you might speak the same language but I doubt that you'll like them. They can be a but arrogant so heads up.

Jet: They won't be arrogant after it gets one of them killed. When will they be here?

Qrow: We'll be picking them up in about a hour so get ready mentally.

Jet: How about physically? I need to find a way to strap all of this shit to me.

Qrow: Heh... you have fun with that.


Yeah Qrow was right, Winter is a cold bitch and she started talking shit about my plan cause obviously I'm just a mercenary. I could not have any common sense or any training cause mercenaries are a bunch of dumbasses who just get paid to shoot someone. Then after she realized she could not come up with a better one if she tried (and she did) she chose to try insult me personally rather than admit she was wrong. Now the Ace-Ops, oh boy... Clover looks capable and trustworthy enough, but his weapon is a fishing rod, a fucking fishing rod! He may be able to clean house with it so I wont judge him too much yet. Now Vine seems chill and less gung-ho then the rest of his team, a good change of pace. Elm is a bug buff lady with a heart of gold and a hammer that turns into a SMAW. I will be sticking with her in the firefight cause that will fuck someone up. Harriet is like if Ruby was arrogant, she is well mannered by is very confident in her skills. She has metal arms that go over her normal arms so she can punch someone extra hard. Now Marrow is my favorite, he is the rookie of the group so he doesn't have any sense of elitism that someone like Winter or Harriet would have. Also, he has a normal fucking gun, at least one other person has a rifle in some way besides me.

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