Golden Lesson

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Everything is black, my hand feels like it's on fire, I can't move, what is happening to me?

My body starts to slowly wake up and the pain in my hand starts to fade, when it does I can open my eyes to see, nothing. The area I'm in is pitch black, with no light anywhere, yet I can see. I check my hand to see a strange symbol was burned into it, it seems to have burned through the glove on my hand.

 I check my hand to see a strange symbol was burned into it, it seems to have burned through the glove on my hand

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(It's the mark on the card)

???: Only the cursed survive, child.

I look over at where the voice came from, and I see a woman who is very tall, pale with black veins, and honesty kinda intimidating. It's the same one I saw back in NEST. I know I'm disarmed cause this isn't real, so if I fight its with my fists.

???: And you are quite cursed, reminds me of myself when I was younger.

She doesn't sound arrogant saying that, she sounds a bit sad.

???: Where are my manners? My name is Salem, child. What is yours?

Jet: *Silently stares*

Salem starts approaching me and as she does this I start feeling fear, and it just gets stronger. Soon I'm paralyzed by it and she takes notice.

Salem: You don't need to fear me child, I won't hurt you. I just want to help you be better prepared for this harsh world we are in.

She then grabs my left hand and that mark starts to glow gold, it then stopped glowing and turns silver. I feel my senses heighten and a power course inside me. I need to test out everything it can do.

Salem: You want to test it, huh? Well here you go.

She then summons a Beowolf and it starts trying to attack me. I dodge and reach for my holster, but of course its still empty. I then see my mark glow and I see a weapon start forming into my hand. It looks like my Lightning Hawk, but fancy and made of gold.

I then aim at Beowolf and fire with a loud *BANG*

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I then aim at Beowolf and fire with a loud *BANG*. It gets instantly vaporized, and I quite flashely reload and look back at Salem.

Salem: Nice shot, you can do so much more than make a fancy handgun or being able to reload while spinning it. Focus you on your mark and think of your ideal vehicle.

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