The Fairfax Residence

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I ran to the police department and was rushed to the SWAT truck that the team would be getting into in a few minutes, I joined the police radio on my Genome Codex and put my earpiece in and waited for the briefing.

Comm: Get ready, men, this is a tough one. Our target, Lawrence Fairfax, is the number one suspect in a string of grisly homicides. A bit of review: over the last year and a half, seven women, all of them studying at the state university, disappeared. Their remains, showing signs of torture and dismemberment, reappeared anywhere from a week to three weeks later. The killer was careful; the task force forensic team was unable to get a useful DNA match from any of the bodies.

Comm: That changed with the most recent find. Another victim was located earlier this morning by a local laborer. Some of the DNA scrapings from her nails match one of the men being investigated by the task force: Lawrence Fairfax.

Comm: There's a complication: another student, Melinda Kline, went missing sometime around 20:00 on October 18th. That was six days ago. If Fairfax has her, and if he's following the profile, chances are good she's still alive. Rescuing her is your first priority, which is why we're going in with no warning.

Comm: About our suspect: Fairfax is employed as a temporary carpenter and works off and on at the university. No police record, but court records show a pair of expired restraining orders against him. He's been suspended from a recent jobsite for stealing supplies. Fairfax's coworkers don't say much about him; he keeps to himself. He's been at the law library multiple times, most notably on the days before the disappearances of three of our victims, including Melinda Kline. A police interview with him was inconclusive; but the detective responsible did acquire a DNA sample from a used tissue.

Comm: Fairfax was seeing a psychiatrist when he was laid off; we've been unable to access his records. The psych warned us that Fairfax may have fortified his living areas. Be alert for traps, especially in spaces only Fairfax uses. He lives with his mother, Gladys Fairfax. She's a recluse, and due to health problems rarely leaves the house. We don't have reason to believe she's involved, but stay on your toes.

Comm: Fellas, seconds may be the difference between life and death for Melinda Kline. Study the layout, choose your gear, and get moving.

Comm: We will be having Jet from beacon leading the entry team today with Cyanide being his partner for this operation. Everyone report to the SWAT van that will take you to 25 Glendive Lane, now.

And with that I hear the footsteps of the entry team rushing to the van, and just seconds later they enter and we take off. We get acquainted and start building our plan. They pull up the map and we get started.

Jet: Ok, so this is the top floor correct?

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Jet: Ok, so this is the top floor correct?

Cyanide: Yes, this is the top floor, we believe civilians or an accomplice may be up here, our plan was to start up there and work our way down.

Jet: Ok, how about this Cyanide... You and me go in through the garage downstairs or down the main stairs first and then we get this Fairfax guy first, after we neutralize him and call it in the rest of the team clears upstairs. When they finish we clear the rest of the downstairs. that way if there are multiple suspects and one is upstairs and one is down, we won't have any surprises.

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