Meeting The Xiao Long/Rose's

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[The Xiao Long/Rose Residence, Vale
Several Weeks After Incident, 5:23 PM, Friday
Meet The Xiao Long/Rose's And Make A Good Impression
Y/N "Jet" L/N, Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long]

Don't shoot yourself in the foot, just stay calm and everything will be fine.


Oh god if only it was that easy, I'm a nervous fucking wreck. I really don't want to fuck this up, and I look like I am barely holding on. When I get my paycheck I'm getting my armor repaired or replaced.

Yang: Hey, calm down, you'll be fine.

Jet: Easy for you to say, you don't look like a physical representation of what war does to someone.

Yang: Hey, they will like you, you saved mom.

Jet: True.

Yang: Ready?

Jet: Yep.

Yang rings the doorbell and we wait for it to open, we hear rapid footsteps and then Summer opens the door with a huge smile on her face. She pulls Ruby and Yang into a bone-crunching hug and starts greeting her kids.

Summer: Oh how I missed my babies, it's so good to see you.

Ruby/Yang: Mom!

Summer: And you brought a very fine young man home Yang, make sure to make me plenty of grandbabies.

Yang: MOM!

Summer gives Yang a sly smirk and then she makes her way over to me.

Summer: It's good to see you again Jet, nice to see someone can handle my little firecracker.

Jet: It's good to see you too Mrs. Rose, Yang keeps my hands full but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Summer: After you two graduate I want to see a ring on her finger... *whispering* and a bun in her oven.

Jet: Y-yes mam.

Yang: MOM!!!

Summer: I missed a lot of your childhood, I'm not going to miss any of my grandkids.

Ruby: Well your here now, so we can make up the lost time.

Yang: Yeah!

Ruby: ... Mom, how are babies made?

Summer: I'll have Yang show you later tonight.

Ruby: Ok!


Jet: Ok Ruby, looks like I'm being voluntold to give you "The Talk", we will do it later, ok?

Ruby: Ok.

What is Summer planning? Shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick. We all go inside and we see Qrow and Tai, Yang's uncle and dad respectively. They all say hi and get caught up before turning to me.

Qrow: Good to see you Jet, still fighting the good fight?

Jet: Yes sir, but for today I get some brief peace.

Qrow: Don't overdo yourself, I don't think anyone could take another "incident".

Jet: I will do what I must to accomplish the mission, I am of no importance.

Qrow: Maybe not to yourself, but people care about you. Stay safe.

Jet: You too.

Qrow then walks off towards the kitchen with Summer while Tai is sizing me up, let's do this.

Jet: Hello sir, my name is Jet and it's nice to meet you.

Tai: Nice to meet you Jet, my name is Tai and I have heard things about you.

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