A Flying Ace

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Operation: Urban Angel
Day ??? - 18:15:00
Location: Beacon
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

Everyone was eating dinner and talking, some were trivial things and some were more serious. Overall the mood was rather lighthearted, no one was fighting or pissing each other off for once.
Yang: So Jada, I heard Jet flew you guys around in you last mission.
And here we go...
Jada: Yeah, for a bit... until he decided to crash the damn jet!
Ruby: Wait he actually did that? I thought he was joking.
Jada: No, this is the third time he crashed a aircraft on our watch.
Yang: Oh really? Please do tell.
Jada: Oh of course.


Operation: Steel Wave
Day ??? - 14:30:16
Location: Vale
Beacon - JANJ Team Member Jada]

Nate: We're under heavy fire! Where is our backup?!?
Jada: I got Ozpin on the line and Jet in the air, that's it!
Nate: Jet, help us!
Jet: How? My chopper doesn't have guns, it's just a transport chopper!
Nate: Think of something! Anything!
Jet: Alright you see that enemy nest, directly ahead? Just look over there and it will be clear in a few seconds. Just let me get in position.
Nate: Hurry up!
Jet: Alriiight, here I come~ [Singing Fanfare]
Looking at the nest I see a helicopter in it, on fire and probably about to explode. He is dropping next to us as he rolls to not break his legs.
AJ: Yo, what the fuck?!?
Ozpin: What was that?
*Bass boosted explosion*


Operation: Drop Shot
Day ??? - 17:12:10
Location: Vale
Beacon - JANJ Team Member Jada]

Jet: I see 14 hostiles moving your way, over.
AJ: Can you clear some of them out?
Jet: Sure I can help, just let me-
Jet: Taking smallarms fire, that won't get you very- SHIT RPG!
Jada: Jet, are you ok?
Jet: I'm loosing control! I can't hold her for much longer! It's time for plan C!
Nate: What is plan C?
Jet: Just watch, it's the greatest plan.
Jet: *Singing* This is the greatest plaaaaaan!
AJ: Damnit man not again!
Jet: All 14 are dead! And I'm ok!


Operation: CTP
Day ??? - 10:47:40
Location: Vale
Beacon - JANJ Team Member Jada]

Jet: You guys need help groundteam?
AJ: Yes, without crashing your chopper, how can you help us?
Jet: I got my sniper rifle with a scope that spots out bad guys, so I'll just take them out from here. Don't worry, there's- there's zero chance I'll hit you with this.
*Distressed beeping*
Jet: Uh oh, I'm loosing control... Ohhhh boy, this is bad. This is really... Ohhhh... Ohh boy... Ohhhh man... And I dropped my sniper rifle... Come on!
Nate: Should we be worried?
Jada: Na, he's got it.
Jet: Alright, I almost got control! Almost got it! Ohhh, there we go. No, nope, I'm-
Jada: Is he ok?
*Distant gunshots and White Fang screaming*
Jet: It's ok, cause I'm ok! That was a big brain play, I feel like I just won against the AI in a game of chess.
AJ: I'm telling your girlfriends.
Jet: ...OH NO!


Ruby: Do you have any sense of self preservation? Or the will to live? Anything?
Jet: Na, I got rid of those a long time ago.
Nora: Next time you crash something, I better be there or else!
Ren: Nora...
Jet: Heh, reminds me of the first time I crashed my jet. It was a VTOL, boy was command pissed.
Yang: And how did that go?
Jet: Well...


Operation: DTS
Location: [CLASSIFIED]
USS- Bravo Team Member Jet]

Jet: This is Victor 1-4, confirming successful entry of ground team, how copy?
3-1: This is Echo 3-1, good copy 1-4. Bravo 0-6 and 2-5 are with me at the entry point, ready for your assistance.
Jet: Ok, I should be able to help you from back here. Let's be stealthy... Actually you know what? No, this calls for some bold action.
*Singing* I'm the bold action MANNN!
AI: Warning, critical damage to core, and lease evacuate immediately.
3-1: What the fuck 1-4?!?
Jet: I've always wanted to do that... anyways we should steal a truck or something and get out of here before it explodes.
3-1: Yeah, let's go!


Jet: Yeah... Hunk tore me a new asshole for that.
Jaune: You take pride in your destruction of airships?
Jet : You know it!
Yang: Well, the girls and I will talk to him about it later, but first... You think you can beat me in arm wrestling Nora?

Operation Urban Angel (ResidentEvilMaleReader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now