First Mission

479 8 1

Operation: Urban Angel
Day 200- 11:07:20
Location: Lunchroom
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

Jada: Jet what did you do?
Jet: Nothing! I even replaced the collar with dog tags.
Jet: How did you get my handgun?
Nora: That's not important.
Jet: Give it back.
Nora: Fine...
Jet: You trying to scare the shit out of me?
Nora: No, I have Pyrrha for that.
Ren: Nora, no.
Ruby: Hey Jet.
Jet: Yeah Ruby?
Ruby: What was your first mission like? With Umbrella and everything?
Jet: Story time?
Velvet: ...We are a single table behind you, we can hear you normally.
Jet: Is everyone ready?
Coco: Yep, let's see if you can 'wow' us.


Comm: Echo 3-1, moving up on the rear.
Pilot: Rog, coming up on the other side.

Operation: Shoot House
Day 1- 13:20:39
Location: Atlas
USS - Bravo Team]

Back then I didn't have a nickname, I was just Bravo 1-4. This was my first mission, prevent OPFOR from detonating a bomb on our data drives. Search and destroy, or more so preventing it. It was a 6 vs 6 gunfight in a small little facility we have. Tight corners and long sight lines mean we have to be vigilant and quick to defeat our enemies.
Pilot: Kick ropes, let's go!
We kick ropes and prepare our assault, it's time to do this.
USS Team Leader: Search and destroy. Protect the assets, no mistakes! Reinforcements not available.
Our sniper peaked a sight line to get instantly killed by the oppositions sniper.
5 vs 6
Two of us pushed left, two right, and one down the center. It is worrying how fast they dropped our sniper, they must be good.
Bravo 1-2: Contact!
4 vs 6
Bravo 1-3: AGH! WHAT THE FUCK-
3 vs 6
USS Team Leader: Enemy strafing run inbound! Take cover!
2 vs 6
Bravo 1-4(Me): Copy that, moving!
2 vs 5
2 vs 4
Bravo 1-1: RELOADING! AGH-
1 vs 4
USS Team Leader: Enemy bomb at Bravo! Go now!
45 seconds left until bomb detonation.
Well shit, I start sprinting around the AO. Move to get behind the enemies so I can get the drop on them.
USS Team Leader: There is no one else. Complete the mission.
35 seconds left.
Running as fast as I can, I make it behind the enemies. Now I need to kill them and defuse the bomb. I begin sweeping the area trying to find them.
25 seconds left.
I run left as I hear footsteps, and I peak around the corner to see the sniper jumping at me. He fires his weapon and misses, so I light him up with my LE-5.
1 vs 3
17 seconds left.
I run back over to the right and I peak another dude, I quickly kill him before he can get a shot off.
1 vs 2
13 seconds left.
Hearing footsteps behind me I quickly snap around and aim, killing another opponent but getting shot 3 times.
1 vs 1
10 seconds left.
I switch to my MUP and sprint to the bombsite, there is our data drive with a homemade bomb on it.
5 seconds left.
I quickly open the bomb and see a TV remote with a code next to it, I punch the code in and the bomb is defused.
.1 seconds left until bomb would have detonated.
USS Team Leader: Fuze has been pulled, good work.
I hear footsteps moving away from me so I grab my MUP and sprint towards the sound, catching a dude off guard. Making him a easy kill and the last one in need to get out of here.
1 vs 0
USS Team Leader: They were willing to die for their mission, so be it.


Yang: Do you see my parents banging each other?

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Yang: Do you see my parents banging each other?
Neo: Be the vanilla to my Neapolitan.
Jet: Why are you naked? Oh hold up-

Jet: The mission was only like 2 minutes long

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Jet: The mission was only like 2 minutes long.
Jada: What happened after that?
Jet: I went on more missions, everyone else always died. I eventually got my nicknames of Jet and Little Reaper.
Jada: Why did you always survive?
AJ: Cause he's so short, they are aiming at head height and they just shoot over him.
Jet: Your not wrong, your not wrong.
Neo: >:(
AJ: What?

Yang: Hey Jet, how many times have you been shot?
Jet: About a thousand, give or take.
Yang: That's too many, as punishment for being reckless, you shall be forced to attend movie night with Neo and I in the soundproof dorm.
Jet: Ok, we won't be watching a movie for long though...
Yang: What was that?
Jet: Nothing!

Yang: What was that?Jet: Nothing!

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Operation Urban Angel (ResidentEvilMaleReader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now