Brief Peace

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Well it's Wednesday, school started a few days ago and I start tomorrow. I should probably go get some ammo because I only got one shell and I don't plan to go out Kurt Cobain style. While I'm out I can get THE HAT and maybe some ice cream. Damn this elevator is taking a long time to go to the ground floor how many floors are there?

[Timeskip with shitty elevator music]

I finally got out of the elevator and I just started making my way the the pads so I can catch a bullhead to town, all is going and then I hear the sound all students hate most. The damn *RING* of the bell, I know class isn't over for the day yet, so it must be passing period. I better move quickly so I can get to the bullhead before getting trampled in the hallway by a bunch of people that I don't know. Oh shit here they come, RUN!

*Explosion of people*

I can't take this, I'm short! There! A bench I can take cover on! *Rapid footsteps* I made it, thank god. I can wait out the wave of people and then move when I can see where I am going... A good time to unfold and reholster my weapons. *Chick-chink* *Chink* Why do I feel a disturbance in the force? What's that sound?

*Very rapid footsteps*

???: OhmygodthosearesomanycoolweaponscanIpleaseseethem?!?

Jet: WHAT THE FUCK?!? Who are you and why are you in my bubble?

???: Oh sorry, I got a bit excited. Hehe... *Awkward laughter and backs up* My name is Ruby Rose, nice to meet you!

Jet: Names Jet, nice to meetcha mate. *Shakes hand*

Ruby: So like I was asking, those are some cool weapons! Can I see them?

Jet: Yeah sure, just be careful, yeah?

Ruby: Of course! Ohmygodasubmachinegunwarpickhybrid! Witha32roundmagandaclosedbolt! *Starts making unholy sounds*

Jet: Whoa calm down! It's just a gun, no need to freak out over it.

Ruby: Our weapons our a representation of us, why should I not freak out over it?

Jet: Cause it's not that special, I have three more guns anyways...

Ruby: Wait really?!? Can I see?!?

Jet: Maybe later... Can I have my gun back?

Ruby: Oh... yeah, here... *Gives weapon back with sad look in eyes*

Jet: Eh, don't look so down. You can see my other weapons later, don't you need to head to class?

Ruby: OHMYGOSHYOURRIGHT! Thanks for the chat Jet, but I got to run!

Jet: I should get going to, see ya later mate!

*Ruby fucking teleports*

Jet: Oh, so that's how she did it... I can do that to, I just need to head to that bullhead and I can "disappear" from Beacon...

*Jet also "teleports"*


First things first... ammo and lots of it. Then I can do whatever. There should be a shop nearby, From Dust Till Dawn is it's name I think... Should be just around the corner... Ah! There it is...

Jet: G'day shopkeep!

Shopkeeper: Good day to you sir! How can I help you?

Jet: I need dust and lots of it, I have the dimensions of it here... *Shows paper of ammo types*

Shopkeeper: I see... I can get you some ammo for your shotgun and your handgun now, the SMG and the MAG will take a while as that is some high quality dust crafting.

Jet: I can deal with that, so how much for the specified amounts?

Shopkeeper: You are asking for 76 handgun rounds, 23 shotgun shells, 27 MAG rounds, and 232 SMG rounds... That will take several containers of their respective dust each to make... So I would say the total will be around 500 lien.

Jet: Ok, do you take card?

Shopkeeper: Yes I do...

*Standard checkout procedure*

Shopkeeper: Thank you for your business, come back in a few hours for the rest of your ammo.

Jet: Thank you, will do.

*Leaves shop*

*Reloads shotgun and handgun*

Jet: Feels good to have ammo, soon I would be stuck with just my knife again...

*Rapid beeping on Codex*

Jet: Hello? This is Jet speaking.

Ozpin: Jet! We have a situation! We need you immediately! This will count as your initiation so move fast!

Jet: Copy that Ozpin, what's the situation?

Ozpin: We have a High Risk Warrant Service / Hostage Rescue mission that we need your skills in.

Jet: Copy that, send me the details to my HUD and I'll be on my way.

Ozpin: Ok, sending. The school will be watching, don't let us down...

In this mission, you is tasked with investigating the house of Lawrence Fairfax, who works at the local university as a temporary carpenter. Some of the women from campus have gone missing, and Fairfax is the prime suspect.

This will be interesting...

This will be interesting

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