Suburban Extraction

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Now today was like any school day for the students at Beacon. I didn't get my arm fucked today either which was great. Today was going strong for the first few hours, we had Port but managed to stay awake. It was starting to get a bit boring in Oobleck's class but me and my team got saved by the bell.

Intercom: Would team JANJ please come to Ozpin's office immediately.

Well that's weird, beats sitting around here doing nothing.

Jet: We should go.

As we are making our way there my team starts interrogating me, no I didn't do anything.

AJ: Jet, what did you do?

Jet: I didn't do shit, we probably are just going on a mission.

Nate: Let's hope it's that and not you getting arrested for talking back to Goodwitch.

Jet: She is fucking scary.

Team: Yeah...

*Elevator music*


Ozpin: Ah, good to see you four. How are you all doing?

Jada: We are doing good sir.

Jet: Cut the small talk, what do you want?

Ozpin: Straight to the point? Well then, Jet, we have a problem and we are sending you and your team in to deal with it. A couple tried to leave the White Fang and the Fang were not very happy about that. They killed one of them and took the other hostage and I need you to rescue them.

Jet: Ok, where did this happen and how long do we have?

Ozpin: The incident happened in a suburban and we don't have much time. They have stopped talking to the negotiators so time is running out.

Jet: Ok, lets go guys, every second counts.

Team: Right.


Jet: So I take it you guys have never done something like this.

Jada: No not really...

Jet: Ok, I got a plan to do this, you just need to do what I say and when I say it. We can do this.

Jada: Ok, you take the lead for this one.

Pilot: Touchdown in 15 seconds.

Jet: Ok, kick ropes.

Pilot: Your good to go!

Jet: Ok, GO! GO! GO!

*Sliding down rope*


Pilot: I'll be back on your smoke, bring the hostage home.

Jet: Copy that, let's move.

*Moving into AO*

Jet: Ok, stay behind me and don't shoot unless I tell you too.

Team: Ok...

Looking at the house I see a single guy outside standing guard, I stow my AX-50 and draw my knife and start sneaking up behind him. My team sees this and also starts sneaking with me. I then grab the guy and slit his throat and pierce his skull with my knife. I then push him over the railing and he falls a good 15 feet and falls on his head, breaking a already broken head. My team looks moderately shocked but don't say anything. I draw my AX-50 and hit a board covering a window and knocking it down, allowing me to look inside to see a terrorist aim his rifle at me. I move when he shoots and peak with my weapon and fire, blowing his head quite literally to bits. I look in the room and see no other terrorist beside the puddle and I prepare to move in.

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