Left Behind

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So I failed my objectived to get the G and now someone else has it, HQ will not like this one bit.

Comm: Jet, have you secured a sample of G?

Jet: Negative, my sample was taken by a mercenary, but Hunk still has his.

Comm: ...

Jet: I need a ETA on my extraction, it's a war zone down here...

Comm: You failed your objective, Hunk may have his but now someone else has a sample of G, WE ARE GOING TO GET SHUTDOWN!

Comm: I think your going to have to find your own way out.

Jet: Sir... Are you leaving me?

Comm: Yes, your being left for dead,... good luck L/N... you'll need it.

Jet: ...

Well shit...


I have gotten to the surface after a while, I have no more ammo for any of my weapons. It's bad, everyone is infected and I might be joining them soon. I found a gunshop and I'm trying to get inside but I have to fight zombies every few minutes, all I have is a knife and it's not going well.


So I got inside, I got my hands on a W-870 and a MUP, which is great. I have barely any ammo but zombies cant get me in here. I sent a SOS alert to anyone, if I don't get help soon I'm as good as dead.


*Racking of a shotgun*
*Beeping of a scroll*
Ozpin: I got your message, Jet, here is the deal, I'll get you out of there if you join my school and let me use you as evidence against Umbrella. I want them shut down and your my ticket to that, what do you say?

Jet: I accept your terms, how am I getting out?

Ozpin: We will send a bullhead to a point in the sewers, point K9 if I'm not mistaken. It will pick you up and you will be immediately arrested and questioned by my assistant Ms. Goodwitch, answer her questions and you will then be brought to Beacon as a first year, you will have to go through initiation like everyone else though. If you cause trouble during your time at Beacon Ms. Goodwitch will personally straighten you out. Understand?

Jet: Copy that Oz.

Ozpin: The bullhead will be there in 10 minutes, be there or be left behind.

Jet: Got it...

*Shotgun fully racks*

*Shotgun fully racks*

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