never came | todoroki

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todoroki shouto x reader

"You never came."

a/n: i teared up writing this :) YOURE WELCOME

You stood outside of the restaurant.

You were dressed up in the nicest clothes you owned, the humiliation in your body entirely too evident.

You glanced back down at your phone as you looked at the messages between you and Shouto. It was the night of your first anniversary, and you had planned on a fancy dinner. The two of you finally out for a romantic night.

It had been months since the two of you had been able to enjoy an actual date, with his career as a Pro-Hero and your late nights at the hospital, it was often rough. To be honest, most times you did have off together, Shouto would forget to show up. You'd get home to find him passed out in bed, or on the couch. Whatever it was, he often didn't show.

But last night you reminded him.

Last night he said he'd meet you there.

But you were still waiting outside the restaurant in your dress as your eyes searched for him. The hostess inside had been entirely uncomfortable about the fact you weren't going in. It was three hours past your reservation, but like a fool, you stood outside in hopes he would come running towards the restaurant any time soon.

But it was thirty minutes until they closed, and you could feel the staff's eyes on you. You had been defeated. Walking into the restaurant, you thanked the hostess for her care, but you decided you'd be leaving.

It was a cold walk back to your apartment, tears stinging in your eyes as you climbed the stairs to your apartment.

Unlocking the door you froze as you saw the lights of the house on, and inside was Shouto's friends from U.A. The worst feeling in the world pitted in your stomach as you watched the laughing group of friends eating pizza as they watched a movie together.

They hadn't heard you come in, and you found it hard to breathe at the fact Shouto didn't seem to care that you were not home. Or that he had missed something else.

You blinked away tears as Shouto went to grab another slice of pizza, his attention on Uraraka as she said something related to the movie. But no matter how much you wanted to go and ruin Shouto's night with his friends, you turned toward the hallway and disappeared to your room. The soft click of the door seemingly catching all of their attention.

You stood in your bedroom as you carefully removed your jewelry. You wiped off the makeup and undid your clothes swapping them out for a baggy T-shirt and sweats. You could hear that they had gone silent, the movie now paused, and your heart rate rose. You didn't want a confrontation with Shouto while his friends were here.

"Are you okay?" Shouto's voice asks you, and you're immediately aware of the fact that he's by the doorframe. The door not completely closed.

You nod your head, as you refuse to look at him. "Y-Yeah," Your voice stupidly cracks as you toss your clothes into the hamper. "Just tired."

Shouto doesn't seem too convinced as he presses on, "You sure?"

You know that it was a lot of prodding, but the repetition of the question makes you forget that there's a company. "You never came." You spat at him, your words empty, hollow, yet angry. "I stood there for hours, like an idiot! Waiting for you to show up! Yet still, you never came. You didn't text me, or respond back to me!"

Shouto blinks, and the horror of realization of what was today seeping across his face, "Y/n–"

"No!" You sob, your hands are thrown in the air. Creating a wall between him and you. "I don't want fucking sympathy, go and have fucking fun. You were having fun, right? Go have fun, but I'm leaving tonight because I need to be with someone who doesn't constantly blow me off."

The words that come out of your mouth are poison, but you ignore the look in his eyes as you push past him. You stare at his friends who are all staring at you, sympathy and embarrassment on their faces as you gather your purse and throw on your shoes.

The door slams behind you, and Shouto is still frozen in the doorway, his heartbeat in his throat.

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