dabi x parent!readerwarnings: fluff??? idk what this is tbh LOL
word count: 1,100
a/n: so... i kinda really love the todoroki family tbh, dabi is touya fucking fight me. anyways, this sorta broke my heart reading it because im sure the insecurities that run down shoutos veins are only quadrupled in dabi... anon, hello, and i hope i did you justice! enjoy!
Dabi was watching as his four-year-old son, Kyo, as he was running around the backyard of his house. Blue flames expelling from his hands as he was able to use his quirk within approved areas: the backyard, and the backyard only.
"I'm going to be stronger than you, daddy!" His son screams as he twirls around the blue flames that flicker from his body dancing majestically.
Dabi was grateful that Kyo was able to use his quirk without being hurt internally such as himself, a fear he had the moment y/n confessed she was pregnant with their child. But, Dabi was lucky. Y/n had a quirk that returned her body, and others, to homeostasis, so she was basically everything immune, and their son was now able to use his quirk while her quirk kept his body in check.
"Daddy, come PLAY WITH ME!!" His son roared as he had figured out that he could expel flames from his breathe and was effectively scorching the grounds around him.
"I don't see why not." Dabi agrees as he gets up from his sitting position, stretching his arms as he watches his son charge at him, his y/e/c eyes blazing with fire as he shot towards him. A smile falls on his lips as Kyo head rams into his stomach, and so for the next few hours the two of them exchange blows and Dabi skillfully avoids the disgustingly hot fires of his son.
After playing around for what felt like way too long, Dabi sinks to the floor exhausted. Why did the little squirt have to have so much fucking energy?
"No! I still wanna play!" Kyo shouts as fire sets itself on fire on his head, transforming himself into a literal hot head at the moment.
"Dad is tired, give him a break," Dabi states as he slumps against the wall, being old really sucked.
"No!" Kyo yells as he goes and grabs Dabi with his chubby fingers.
"Kyo-chan, I said no," Dabi repeats, raising a single pierced eyebrow.
"And I said no, too!" Kyo is now punching Dabi thinking it would help persuade his equally stubborn dad.
"You stop!"
Maybe it was because Dabi just wasn't one to take whining, or because he was exhausted, but the second Kyo set his hands on fire, enveloping Dabi with his blue flames Dabi shoves his son away from him, anger flaring through his veins. It takes a second, but Dabi is now staring at his son who is crying on the ground, his shirt torn and slightly singed, and his heart stops.
"DABI! WHAT THE HELL?!" A voice yells from inside the house, and Dabi can only feel dread consume him as he watches y/n running out, her hands glowing ready to help their sobbing son.
"It's okay, Kyo-chan, where are you hurt?" Dabi hears y/n coo their son as he groans slightly, regret flooding his veins as he walks over to put a heavy hand on Kyo who is sobbing.
"EVERYWHERE!" Kyo sobs as he points to his butt and Dabi sighs in the slightest relief, at least the most pain he got was from falling, not necessarily from him.
"I'm sorry, little man." Dabi apologizes as Kyo's sobs muffle but there's still the angry aura from his girlfriend, and Dabi glances over at her and her cheeks are puffed. A tendency she had when pissed off.
"Come on, Kyo-chan," Y/n says, her words sharp, "Let's go shower, it's almost past your bedtime."
Dabi could only watch as she lifts their son up from the floor and storms into the house. Dabi feels exhausted as he knows he's in for some major shit later tonight.
Dabi stands by the doorframe as y/n puts Kyo to bed, a gentle goodnight is whispered and a kiss on his forehead send her out the door, eyes trained on the wall as she skillfully ignores Dabi who enters afterward. Sitting at Kyo's bedside, Dabi watches as tears mist up in Kyo's eyes.
"I'm sorry, daddy," Kyo sniffles as he sits up in bed, his arms wiping away his tears, "I thought we were playing, I-I didn't mean to make you ma-mad!" He sobs throwing a hug around Dabi's shoulders, and Dabi feels like melting as he hugs his son back.
"I'm the one who should apologize, Kyo," Dabi disagrees once his son's sobs fade into gentle gasps for air, "I'm the adult, more importantly, I'm your father, and I shouldn't have acted that way. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'll make it up to you later okay? Your father is a terrible man sometimes."
"You're not, daddy," Kyo disagrees as he gazed up at his dad, "You're a perfect daddy, you play with me all the time, and give me cookies when mommy says no!"
A chuckle escapes Dabi's throat, but it's tight with emotion. They stay there for a bit, holding each other.
A soft nod is felt against Dabi's chest and he plants a kiss onto the top of his head, "Alright, little man, go to bed. I love you."
"I love you too, big man." Kyo agreed with a smile as he goes under the covers, his eyes immediately closing as his breathing slows significantly.
Standing up, Dabi heads back to his room where y/n is waiting for him, and he's a bit apprehensive what was going to happen with that.
Sure, you were hot when angry, but it made him uncomfortable nowadays when the anger was because of him.
"I'm sorry," Dabi apologizes after a few minutes of standing there, as he sees y/n sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone, but unlike before she looks up at him. Emotions running thick through her eyes, and Dabi has no idea what they are yet. "I wasn't using my head, or whatever."
Dabi watches as y/n rolls off of the bed and envelopes him into a hug, her fingers gently tracing the outline of his staples and scars on his chest, something he used to feel entirely insecure about, but now something that soothed his heart. "I know you are, and I'm sorry too. You didn't deserve that reaction from me either, and you're a great father, Dabi."
"Did you—"
"Yes, I heard." Y/n sighs as she presses a gentle kiss to his lips, and Dabi feels weak suddenly, his biggest insecurity was being a horrible father after all. "You're doing amazing, and you make me so proud every single day. You're stronger than him, and you will never disappoint us, okay? I love you."
Dabi smiles as he presses his lips back onto hers. "I love you, too." He mumbles as the kiss slowly picks up.

bnha x reader || scenarios, oneshots, and headcanons
FanfictionA book where you, the reader, gets to experience love and heartbreak with your favorite bnha characters!