please don't go | bakugou

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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader

warning: cursing, fluff fluff

word count: 907

a/n: loosely based off of the song baby its cold outside!!!! here is this piece for you to warm up your lil heart, I love you bby :D


"It's cold outside," you murmured as you stared at the raining snow that had piled up into heaps that reached your knee.

You were dressed in your winter coat, gloves on, scarf fastened, and beanie on your head.

Twenty minutes, that's how long it had been since the last person had left Bakugou's place and you. Twenty minutes the snow had barely been falling, but you had decided to stay back and help your best friend with the last few things that needed to be cleaned after he hosted Christmas dinner.

"Would ya close the damn door?!" Bakugou barked from behind you, and you unfroze as you closed the door.

Now back in the house, you began to sweat as the winter gear you wore was way too much for his very warm place. Bakugou enjoyed having the heater on so he could be sweaty when he wasn't sweating he felt anxious.

"I have to go home," you frown as you thought about how you walked here.

"You're really a fucking idiot if you think you're going anywhere," Bakugou rolls his eyes as he snatches your beanie from your head. "You're staying here until the snow gets cleared out."

"My family is waiting for me back home," you explain as you try grabbing your beanie back, but Bakugou saw that coming a mile away as he shoved the fabric into his slacks pockets. Surprisingly he had dressed up quite sharply for this event that he had written off as a waste of his time. "You know how they are."

"Take a picture of the world and send it to them, they're fucking dumbasses if they expect you to walk home with this weather," Bakugou rolled his eyes as he walked away from the entrance. You groaned as you peeled off your coat, your body thanking you as you cooled down from the excessive heat.

"I'll be fine, I can use my quirk to help me get home after all," you insist as you scurry after Bakugou to grab the beanie from his pocket. You failed as he shifted away from you, your forehead ramming into his arm as he scoffed at you.

"I wasn't even trying, shitty woman, are you really a Pro Hero if you can't even take a beanie away from me?"

It was a challenge and like the brash idiot that Bakugou converted you into, you chuckled.

"Get ready to eat my dust and the cold air I'll throw into this house!" You exclaim as you unwind your scarf.

"Bring it, pipsqueak," Bakugou grinned manically, his eyes darkening as he crouched as he took in your offensive stance.

Twenty minutes later you lay on the ground heaving like you had run seven straight marathons with your beanie centimeters from your fingers. Bakugou was crouching by the wall, just as out of breath as you were, but doing his best to show that he wasn't.

"I... I win!" You cry as you thrust a weak arm into the air.

"Fucking dumbass, you... you hardly won," Bakugou spat as you rolled to your knees swiping your beanie from the ground as you stumbled to your feet.

Your body felt heavy as Bakugou lurched towards you, the two of you staring as you shoved your beanie on. "I'll take that," you sigh as your fingers touch the scarf that sits on Bakugou's neck as you had once used it to strangle him.

"Y/n, stay."

"I can't, I have to go."

So the conversation went as you stumbled to the entrance, your body sore from the tumbling and wrestling you went through with Bakugou. Throwing on the jacket your eyes stayed on Bakugou who's face dripped with sweat.

"Thanks for hosting the party, I know you didn't want to do it," you grin as you hug Bakugou. "I'll message you as soon as I'm home."


"I can't stay, 'suki."

You stared at Bakugou, your mouth twitching as you smiled softly. His eyes yearned for you to stay, and while you wanted to stay, you couldn't stay here overnight. He only had one bed and you weren't about to force your crush to sleep in the same bed, or worse yet, one of you having to sleep on the couch. No, you would much rather go home.

"Fucking stay, y/n, it's too goddamn cold to be outside!"

"Why should I stay?! Katsuki, It's only a seven-minute walk, I'll be fine! I can take care of myself! Why is it such a big deal?!"

"Because dumbass, I fucking like you way too goddamn much to have you walking in that snowstorm alone!"

Suddenly the house seemed scorching hot as you stared at Bakugou with wide eyes. The only thing you could hear aside from your drumming heart was the howling winds of the snowstorm outside.


"Shut up and don't look at me like that, I know you like me back," Bakugou grunted as he turned away from you. "Whatever, you don't want to stay, so fucking leave!"

Your eyes fluttered rapidly at the emotional whiplash that was Bakugou Katsuki.

But as you knew the pouting princess like the back of your hand, a grin overcame you as you tugged at his wrist. Imagine the surprise on his face when you kissed him with everything you had, and imagine your surprise when he returned the kiss just as passionately.

"Can I really stay?"

"Please don't go..."

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