anon asked: Can you do Hc's or scenario when shouto's in love for the first time but he's kinda awkward and since Midoriya is knowledge in "everything" he asks for advice from him and fuyumitodoroki shouto x reader
warning(s): fluff
word count: 1,296
A/N: awwww this is cute!!!!!!!!!! sorry it took like,,, two days for this??? i think it was two days, but no worries its out now and it made me hecka soft and happy. enjoy, anon and readers! my requests are still open!
shouto was just sort of observing you one day as you danced in the lounge room with a few other classmates as you screamed sang along with the music videos that were being streamed
it just sorta hit shouto as he watched you pretending to do the catwalk with kaminari that he was in love with you
shouto just sort of sits up from his relaxed position as he stiffens as his thoughts are running too fast for his rationale to keep up
holy shit, he was in fucking love?!
shouto needed to talk about this with someone, his sister instantly coming to mind, but she was teaching at the moment, so who was the most knowledgable person in the class?iida? one of the higher knowledgable people in the class, but even shouto could tell he wasn't going to help him much
momo? no, she would probably get overwhelmed with happiness and would make shouto nervous
bakugou? shouto chuckles at the thought of bakugou giving out relationship advice
sero? no, he'd just describe something from the romance mangas he enjoyed readingmidoriya? well he always was pretty knowledgable in just about everything and had a way with peopleso, shouto stands up ready to hunt down midoriya who was more likely than not up with uraraka and iida in one of their roomsas he walks to the elevator, shouto is stopped by you, who mid-performance attempts to get shouto to sing and dance with you, but with racing thoughts of how he figured out he's in love with you, he doesn't play alonghe leaves you there with a small frown, but when Kirishima comes up next to you striking a vogue pose, you're instantly thrown back into the chaosshouto knocks on midoriya's door, and he's a bit embarrassed as he sees the trio four steps into a ten-step Korean beauty face routine"can I talk to you, midoriya, if you're not busy?" shouto asks as midoriya laughs insisting he can talk despite the drying face mask on"I'm in love with y/n, and I don't know who to do." shouto comes straight out, and uraraka and iida freeze, immediately leaving while they whisper"you're in love with, y/l/n-chan?" midoriya repeats, his eyes wide and a smile on his face. "that's great congratulations! uh, how did you know?"shouto calmly presents a wiki-ask page on 11 signs of knowing you're in love with the person"I match ten out of the eleven.""Which one??""the getting high one, I've never taken drugs, so I don't know the feeling.""Oh... okay!""can we talk about people feeling high when they're in love, because from what I know, it makes people hungry, blotchy, and they act stupid."so basically, midoriya tells shouto to present the fact that he's in love with you through a romantic datethe two of you always go on dates on Sundays given it's the only day you have off, so he suggests that this Sunday he brings it upshouto nods his head slowly"But how do you even bring it up in an actual conversation, do people really just say I love you out of nowhere?""...oh todoroki-kun."todoroki is pacing in his room as he calls fuyumi, he wasn't going to go home to talk in person on the account that it was too late"hi shouto, I was getting worried you weren't going to call today!"shouto loves his big sister and calls her every day, try to change my mind"I need to tell you something important, and I need your guidance." shouto says after having a casual conversation with his sister about her day at work"if it's about how to make those cold soba noodles from last Sunday, you're out of luck! My student threw up on the recipe, it's gone until I can track down–""no, fuyumi, it's about y/n.""oh no, shouto, did something bad happen? did y/n get submitted into the hospital again? oh my god did you break up?!" fuyumi rambles trying to guess what her baby brother is undergoing with his cute little s/o"I'm in love with y/n." shouto simply states, a smile overcoming his features as he is now able to say those words and it just feels so right"...can you give me a second?" fuyumi just about gasps and shouto listens as his sister squeals in victory before returning quickly, "I'm so happy for you shouto! what did y/n say back, 'i love you' i hope, or else I will drive down there!""no, no. I haven't said anything to y/n yet... I talked to midoriya about it earlier, and he had an idea, but I'm just too fucking awkward to confess like he said I should."fuyumi listens more than she talks as shouto continues to tell her about the wiki-ask article, the second he realized outside of the article, and the elaborate plan midoriya had said would be perfect to try out"it's just not me.""of course it isn't you," fuyumi laughs, "you're todoroki shouto who is more serious than our own father, you're straightforward and honest even when it's not in your favor. just tell y/n about your feelings, I'm sure that even if y/n isn't in love with you already, it will be soon!"those words comfort shouto more than anything else and he relaxes, "thank you, fuyumi, I'll tell y/n soon.""you're welcome!""say hi to fuyumi-chan for me." your sing-song voice calls from the doorway, and shouto turns around to see your face flushed probably from the fake concert you were performingshouto puts the phone out and puts on speaker and you grin. "hi fuyumi-chan!""Hi, y/n-chan! sorry, I can't talk much, but I have to go now! call me later shouto, and let me know when you do what we discussed!"you stare at shouto as he pockets the phone and stares at you with tight lips as his anxiety steeps in again"tell me what? is fuyumi finally dating that one teacher she found attractive?!" you gasp as your hands cover your mouth, "wait don't tell me, okay wait... yes, do tell me!"you calm down a bit as shouto takes your hand and pulls you into his room, the door closing behind you.shouto presses a kiss on your knuckles as he inhales deeply"I love you.." he whispers and your heart just about stops beating.shouto can barely take the impact of you throwing yourself on him, your legs wrapping around his waist as he holds you close"I love you too, shouto," you whisper in his ear as you pull awayyou're beamingshouto is smilingand you met his lips in the middle as the world around you two disappears
we love soft "has no idea how to confess his feelings" shouto uwu. anyways, hope you enjoyed this was done in record time because i wrote it during crackhead hours after watching a romcom!!!
"why'd you come up to my room?" shouto asked as you two stood in the kitchen making yourselves some instant ramen"well, I was concerned when you brushed me off, but I gave you some time alone. then uraraka-chan and iida-kun came down and could not stop giggling like a bunch of primary school girls, and then when midoriya-kun came down, he would not look at me and I tried everything! So, I figured it had to do with me.""Those three are the worst at being subtle.""oh, it's okay," you smile as you present the ramen, "it helped me to get up to confront you! Also, you have got to sing and dance against mina and Sato, they're on a whole other level. Kirishima and I could not keep up! I was ready to live the rest of my life on that couch!"shouto laughs softly as you exaggerated as always"I love you.""I love you, too."

bnha x reader || scenarios, oneshots, and headcanons
FanfictionA book where you, the reader, gets to experience love and heartbreak with your favorite bnha characters!