Chapter One: Regular Day

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The day started as usual. Morning alarm going off and wondering whether or not to hit the snooze button and hope that five more minutes didn't accidentally turn into thirty more minutes.

'I just want five more minutes.' I whined in my head, 'but I know goddamn well that if I fall back asleep, I'm not getting back up in time without rushing out the door.'

I begrudgingly grabbed my phone by my pillow to hit the off button on the alarm before checking notifications from various social media apps. It may have been monotonous to do so, but hey, it kept me awake. So far, nothing really out of the ordinary. Most people were commenting about how the weather was, posting various memes, or sharing pictures from the night before. Just a regular day, it seemed. A part of me wished that I was as outgoing as everyone online seemed to be. But being socially akward and sarcastic didn't mesh with most people at large group settings.
I noticed I had gotten a text from early this morning. I click on the app to see it's my coworker.

"Hey, would you be willing to come in early today? I need to leave early because of my probation hearing."

Again? I thought.

"I'll be in as soon as I can."


After distracting myself for a few minutes, I figured it was time for me to actually adult and get out of bed. As I sat up and started to stretch, I felt the cracks of my bones and aches in my worn out muscles as I did every single day.

'I have got to remember to warm down after every class.' I thought to myself.

For once, I was able to actually stick to a New Year's resolution and exercise and be more active, taking various classes for martial arts, circus arts, or just exercising regularly at home when I wasn't working. The downside of that, obviously, was that I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus.

'That's what I get for being responsible, I guess.' I thought as I went to the bathroom to ready myself for another monotonous day of work. My family didn't agree with my decisions to find other hobbies that distracted from what I went to school for.

'You're wasting your time!' said my mother, 'You should be applying to as many applications and programs as possible right now. Not wasting your time doing amateur acrobatics!'

'But...I'm happy with what I'm doing for once.'

'You'd be a lot happier if you tried harder and applied yourself to your career.' she retorted.

I still heard those echos of disapproval everyday whenever I went to class. I thought my family would be happy that I was trying new things and becoming stronger. I was growing in more ways than I expected, but they didn't seem to think so.

'Whatever', I thought, 'I can't please everyone.'

After spending about 20 minutes trying to make myself look like I was well rested and blood flowing through my veins, it was time to put on my work uniform and grab a quick snack before heading out.
I cringed as I felt the frigid winter air hit my face while I locked the door.

'Seriously, why do I live somewhere where the air hurts my face?' I complained to myself as I quickly shuffled through the snow and got into the car, desperately trying to heat it up as fast as possible before attempting to take on the crappy winter roads.
I wasn't sure what I hated more: Waking up early in the morning before I actually wanted to, or being greeted with weather that just wants to suck the life out of me before my job does.
It then dawned on me: I complain way too much. I mean sure, I had food in my stomach, a roof over my head, and a job that paid the bills...well, most of them. But still every morning, I managed to wake up and find numerous things to complain about. 
'Maybe my New Year's resolution should have been to be more positive.' I chuckled.

After about 5 minutes, I put the car in reverse and headed my way to work.

"...with reports of the virus spreading in various parts of the country, the president was criticised for not acting fast enough to ensure that the situation was being handled..."

*channel switch*

"...Icy roads continue to cause major roadside traffic jams and accidents, with a pile up of about 80 cars causing a mile long accident along highway..."

*channel switch*

"...Red solo cup, I fill you up, let's have a party~..."

*channel switch*

"Oh my God, why do I even bother with the radio nowadays?" I exclaimed, as I went to pick up my phone and put on Bluetooth while at a red light. Even the radio didn't have anything good to tell me to start off my day.

'Sometimes, I just wish I was in a different universe that wasn't this one.' I thought, as the red light soon turned green.

As I slowly proceeded forward, I noticed something coming towards me in my peripheral vision.
All that I saw was a red truck speeding right towards me, out of control. I didn't have time to brace for impact as the car hit mine at full speed.

Next thing I knew, I heard glass shattering, and metal  crunching, as my head bashed against the car.
Then my world went black.

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