Chapter Forty-seven: Dread

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(Reader's POV)

' head.' I thought as I started to wake up, 'What happened last night?'

I made the mistake of opening my eyes and the room began to spin. I hadn't felt a hangover this bad since I was in college. I thought I had a better grip on my alcohol tolerance, but clearly, this was an indication that I didn't.

"Fuck." I groaned, as I sheilded my eyes with my arm.
Every part of my senses were uncomfortably intensified. My head pounded, my limbs felt like noodles, my sight was hyperfocused, my hearing -

"Yes, I know." I heard from outside the room, though it felt like I was right next to the sound with how loud everything seemed. I focused on the sound for a bit, "Honestly, how else would you expect me to react?"

It was Aizawa. And he sounded pissed.

"And I don't recall it being professional or part of procedure by getting inebriated on the clock with a subject under our protection and care, either...Midnight...Yes, she did. I'm surprised she didn't accidentally put her in a coma in our world as well, if that's even possible. She emptied an entire bottle for crying out loud!"

Yeah. Really pissed. There was a long pause.

"Wait, what?!" I heard him yell, making me flinch, "You can't be serious..." I heard another long and drawn out pause, and I took it as a moment to check on him, slowly getting out of his bed. I squinted as I looked towards the ground to watch my step as I cumsily made my way to the door. The floor didn't spin nearly as much as everything else did.
I opened the door as quietly as possible, though it sounded like trumpets from my ears, and peered out. I couldn't see him so I slowly tip toed along the wall of the hallway until I could.
A moment later he came into view, his back facing me as he was on the phone. He let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes, sir. I understand." he said, dejectedly, "I will. Thank you." he said before hanging up.

He turned around and saw me leaning against the wall in the hallway.

"Everything okay?" I asked quietly, worried about what the phone call was about.

He ran his hand through his wavy, black hair and sighed as he walked towards me.

"Not particularly, but I'll manage." he said as he fixed my hair out of my face. "How about you? Are you feeling alright?"

His touch and gentle voice was a welcoming feeling despite how shitty I felt.

"Not particularly, but I'll manage." I said with a chuckle, "My head hurts and everything is still kinda spinning."

He smirked and gently led me towards the couch.

"I'll make you some green tea. It should help with your hangover." he said gently as I sat down.

"I'm more of a 'over the counter pain killer and greasy food' kind of person, but whatever you say." I joked as he walked towards the kitchen to make tea.

"Mind telling me what happened last night?" he asked as he began to fill a kettle and boil the water.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." I said as I rubbed my temples. It only just now dawned on me that I didn't know what happened after he left, "Unless I already asked you last night in a drunken stupor." I joked.

I looked over to him, and he was leaning against the counter near the stove. I noticed his hands gripping the surface rather hard as his head hung low before speaking.

"You hadn't." he said, his voice, while relatively calm, had a bit of edge to it. Almost like he was trying to control himself. He turned around, "I got confirmation that he was watching you, and found out that he had alerted his clients about you in the process, possibly with a photograph. I wasn't able to find out who exactly his clients were but...Doe?"
He stopped when he noticed my face had gone pale, and my eyes wide with fear.

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