Chapter Forty-four: Sexy Babysitter (NSFW)

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By the time we got back to Aizawa's home, it was already dark out. I was told not to acknowledge anyone or anything I saw in an effort to not draw attention, but noticed that there were a few police vehicles hidden in spots around the area.
Aizawa had to call Nezu to update him on the current situation. He gathered that Okuta likely took notice of me and my whereabouts due to showing up at the school several times around the same hours. Because of that, we had to scrap doing the VO2 Max Tests and only stick to the DLW method for the rest of the week. Personally, I was glad to hear that, and so were my feet, which were covered in blisters.

"Any updates if they found him?" I asked as I rubbed the soles of my feet while looking at the clock. It was 10:45PM.

"Not yet." he answered as he handed me an ice pack, "If they do, I'll be the first to know."

"So...what do we do in the meantime?" I asked, flinching a bit as I put the ice pack on the sores.

"My job for the rest of this week is to keep you out of harm's way." he said, sitting next to me on the couch, "That will also mean switching up my schedule to help throw off anyone spying on us."

"But what about UA?" I asked.

"My students are busy with their internships for the rest of the week." he said as he leaned back, "My presence isn't needed at the school for the time being. Any work I need to plan for my students I can do here."

"I imagine being my bodyguard 24/7 will get pretty boring." I said as I moved the ice pack, making me flinch again.

"We can find ways to keep it entertaining." he said. I looked over at him. His eyes were closed, but there was a very apparent smirk on his face.

I smiled and chuckled.

"I don't know how you're going to keep me from harm if you're too busy being distracted." I said, taking the ice pack off for a moment to give my skin a break from the cold.

"I'm fully capable of multitasking, Miss Doe." he said, as I set the ice pack down for a moment and leaned back with him, resting my head on his shoulders.

"I don't doubt it." I said, tracing my finger along his hand, "What about being on patrol?"

He flipped his hand over so that my fingers glided along his palm.

"I need to be the first to respond should they find Okuta. Given his quirk, the police department will need me to come in during interrogation to counter him if he tries to do anything again. That means being available at any time." he said, as his own fingers played with mine.

"And what about tomorrow, or the rest of this week?" I asked. As much as I enjoyed having more time to be around him, I had to admit, I felt guilty that I was taking him away from his pro-hero work.
His hand held onto mine.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there." he said, "Until then, I'm staying here with you."

I moved my head up to look at him, prompting him to look at me. For the first time in a long time, someone made me feel safe. It was comforting, but I worried just how long I could keep that comfort. If there was one lesson I learned time and time again, it was that nothing good ever lasts. I wanted to be in this feeling of being adored and protected for as long as I could. I didn't want anything or anyone getting in the way of that.

"Shota?" I asked, "Do you actually want me to stay?"

He paused for a moment, as if he was trying to figure out the correct way to respond.

"I don't think that's for me to decide. That'll depend on if we can find out a way for you to stay or not." he said, looking down for a moment.

"That's not what I asked." I said, "I'm not asking if it's possible. I'm asking you what you want. Do you want me to stay?"

Aizawa looked at me again, and gently moved my hair away from my face, caressing the side of my cheek as his hand trailed down to my chin. God, I could never get sick of that.

"More than anything." he said softly, his face closing in.

His lips gently pressed into mine, as we embraced each other, not wanting to be apart for another moment longer. His facial hair tickled my skin as one of his hands came behind my neck, and the other on my waist, pulling me closer as he leaned on top of me on the couch. Kissing him felt so heavenly, as did his touch. Goosebumps scattered across my body, as if each kiss felt new to my skin.
Aizawa's hand trailed down to my hips, gripping my ass before traveling down my thigh and lifting my leg up so he could grind into me just a bit more. His lips traveled down my neck, finding that sweet spot at the crook before he devoured it with kisses and love bites.
A moan escaped my lips as my heart raced. My body was practically begging for him. More of him. His hand went to the hem of my pants before pulling them down enough to give his hand full access to my womanhood. As his lips came crashing back to mine, his hand pushed my panties to the side and teased my sensitive spot, making me moan again as my body jolted in excitement. I heard him hum with approval as his face lifted away from mine.

"Is this what you want?" he teased, circling that area with his fingers.

I felt blood rushing through my body as the sensation overwhelmed my ability to answer at first.

"Y-yes, sir." I moaned.

With a devilish smile, he inserted a finger inside of me, making my back arch from the feeling. Once I adjusted to the sensation, I moved my body to his rhythm, panting as his finger ran across my g-spot again and again while his thumb swirled around my clit.
Just then, his phone began to buzz.

'Noooooo.' I mentally whined.

I heard him growl as he stopped.

"Fuck..." I heard him sigh as he pulled away from me, and grabbed his phone. His eyes narrowed in annoyance as he answered. "Hizashi, this better be fucking good..." I sat up slightly, trying to calm myself down from the high I was feeling, and pulled my pants back up. As I readjusted myself, Aizawa's demeanor then shifted as he stood, "I'll be there."
He hung up.

"They found him?" I asked quietly as I stood next to him, sensing his mood changing into something menacing.

"Yeah. I-" His phone buzzed again. Judging by the look on his face, I could tell it was Hizashi, "God, what?!...You've gotta be kidding me...Hello?...Goddammit."

"What's going on?" I asked, curious what else he had to say.

Aizawa sighed and closed his eyes in frustration.

"Nemuri is coming over to watch over you while I'm gone." he said, his voice in a defeated tone.

"When?" I asked.

"She'll be here in a few minutes. She was the closest one nearby." he said. He came closer to me, "Which means we don't have much time left until she gets here."

I ran my fingers through his hair as I nuzzled my nose against his.

"You'll have all the time with me when you get back." I said softly.

He chuckled before he started to kiss me passionately. The urgency behind it only made me more flustered and frustrated, knowing it was going to have to end before I wanted it to. There was so much pent up sexual tension between us that we both wanted to get out so badly, but time was not our friend.
It was only a minute later, when we heard a knock at the door, that we reluctantly separated. I groomed my hair and straightened out my clothes before sitting on the couch and icing my feet, while Aizawa went to the door to answer it.

"Knock-knock! Someone call the sexy babysitter?" hollered Nemuri.

"Keep your voice down! The neighbors will hear." he said, irritably.

"I don't see the problem." she said as she waltz right in with the largest grin on her face, "Hello, baby Doe!" I waved at her as she continued, "Now, I hope I didn't interrupt you two and give you blue balls just now." Nemuri joked.

'Oh how little you know.' I thought as I tried not to laugh.

"Just behave while you're here." he said with a glare before looking back at me, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

I smiled back at him before he took off, prompting Nemuri to close the door.

"So, anything fun to do around here?" Nemuri asked.

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