Chapter Fifteen: Necessities

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Aizawa's room.

I slowly made my way to the door, with my mind racing about what could be in there.

'I wonder if it's just as plain as the rest of the place, or if it's something insane, like hot pink with cat pictures everywhere.' I thought. 'I mean, I did see him in pink pants once in a panel. What if it's a mess, and his bedroom is the only place where he doesn't give a damn.'

I stood in front of the shut room, looking at it with total curiosity. I know he said not to go in there, but come on! I couldn't help but wonder. I know it'd be a total breach of trust, which I didn't want to break, but at the same time, telling me not to go into the personal space of a introverted and slightly mysterious hero, whom I adored, was basically torture.

I looked at Cloud.

"What do ya think, Cloud? Think I should take a peek?" I said to the cat, who continued to look at me and purr.

"I think that would be a very unwise decision, Miss Doe." said a gruff voice into my ear.

I yelped in shock, letting go of Cloud and falling on the floor in the process. I looked up and saw Aizawa, castless and without bandages on his face, looking down at me with a couple bags in his hands.

I exhaled in relief, while trying to lower my heart rate.

"Jesus Christ, you really are a ninja!" I said, "I didn't even hear you come in."

"Hardly, but having the element of surprise is a basic skill every hero needs in order to subdue those who are up to no good." he said, lowering one of his bags, and offering me that same free hand to me, helping me up.

"Up to no good, huh?" I said, finally standing, "I wasn't doing anything you told me not to."

"Oh really?" he mused, "Is that why you were asking my cat whether or not to go into my room just now, after I specific told you not to?"

"But I didn't go in yet, did I?" I said, stubbornly with a smile.

Though he didn't react to my remarks, he still didn't break eye contact with me for a few moments. I then noticed it. The familiar scar under his eye.

"I see you've finally gotten your scar." I said to say as light heartedly as possible, "I must say, it was kinda odd not seeing it there, not that you look bad either way."
I then lightly gasped and felt myself blush.

'Did I really just say that outloud?!' I shrieked in my head.

Before I could say anything further, he did a quick look at me up and down, and grabbed the bag off the floor.

"I'm glad to see that the clothes fit." he said as he turned around and went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, you and Nemuri were both pretty spot-on!" I said, following him, "Not sure whether I should be impressed or creeped out."

Despite that last comment being a joke, Aizawa froze and looked slightly uncomfortable.

"I...I'm sorry if..." he began to say with his back turned to me.

I put up my hands defensively.

"Oh! No, no, no! I was totally just teasing. I'm sorry. I'm not creeped out, I promise." I said, feeling like an idiot for not choosing my words and tone more carefully, "Honestly, I'm grateful. It hadn't occured to me that I don't have any necessities of my own here. What you did was very thoughtful!"

He turned to me and looked at my face, almost as if he were checking it for sincerity. I heard him sigh, seemingly with relief.

"That reminds me..." he said as he turned back to one of the bags, and pulled out a box and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked, as I looked at the box and then to him, before opening it.

"In the event that something happens beyond what you already know and expect, we need to be able to contact you." he said, as I then saw it was a phone, "I've already stored numbers and contacts of all the faculty members at UA, seeing as you know them very well. They already have your number as of now."

I was speechless as I looked from the brand new phone to him.

"I..." I started, trying to form a sentence.

"The phone is also traceable." he continued, "If someone finds out about you and you're kidnapped, which hopefully won't happen, I can find you if your phone is on you. In any case, if there's an emergency, don't hesitate to call me immediately." he said.

I stood there in silence. Not entirely sure how to react or what to say.

"Thank you." I said meekly.

He nodded and started to put things away.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"I've got it. Thanks." he said, as he put each packaging of food away in various cupboards or in the fridge.

"I imagine it must feel nice to use your hands again." I said, trying to hold on a conversation.

He hummed in response, still going about his business.

"Do you have any plans today?" I asked.

"I'm going to UA's campus and training to get my stamina back up after being out for a few days. You can stay here in the meantime." he said, finishing his task.

"Should you be training so soon?" I asked in concern.

"I'll be fine so long as I don't over do it." he said, crossing in front of me and down the hall.

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

He stopped and looked behind him.

"That won't be necessary." he said.

"I could use the training myself." I said, taking a step closer to him.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Why exactly do you need the training?" he asked.

"Well," I started, looking down, "I haven't kept up with my martial arts or aerial training since I've been here."

He turned around and faced me, still confused.

"You know martial arts and aerial?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah. I've been going at it for a few months, so I figured it would be good for me to keep at it." I said, shyly. I could feel my face getting warm. I've never told other people about my hobbies. I thought they would laugh or say it was ridiculous, but...

"Alright." said Aizawa, catching me by surprise as I looked up at him, "But I don't want to have to babysit you while you're there with me. If you keep to what you know and don't try anything new, you can come with me."

I smiled at the offer.

"Oh, thank you so much! I promise you won't have to worry about a thing!" I said, as he turned around and headed to his room to go change.

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