Chapter Thirteen: Black Coffee

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What the hell is that sound?

Why is everything so dark?

Why can't I see?

Fuck! My feels like it's in a vice.

"TBI. Diffuse axonal."

What? What was that?



...Who's talking right now?

"Blood pressure?"





"Slight cardiac arrythmia."

"Get her on oxygen, now."

What the Hell?

"I need you to put her on saline. Run the fluids wide open. Keep an eye on that arrythmia, and have adrenaline on standby. Someone get this patient a catheter and check urine output."

What the fuck is happening right now?




My eyes shot open. My body was in a cold sweat, as I quickly looked around my surroundings.
Only the dull light from the door allowed me to see that I was still in my room. I sat up from the low mattress on the floor and still looked around.
Nothing unusual. No sound. Nothing.
Who the hell was talking?
Was I dreaming?
Why couldn't I see?
Why did my head not hurt anymore?
It felt so real.

I shook my head in an effort to jumble my thoughts enough to mentally function.
I looked back at the door.
The light. It's on outside my room. Is he still awake? What time is it?

I got up from the mattress, and shuffled my way to the door, slowly opening it and peeking my head out.
The living room light was still on as I slowly made my way down the hallway.

"You should be sleeping."

I jumped.

"I should say the same to you." I said back, as I collected myself before walking into the living room.

Aizawa was still sitting on the couch, coffee cup next to him, with a stack of papers next to the laptop.

"You're not in a position to give me commands." he said as he looked up from his laptop to me, "Besides, you should already know I don't exactly sleep like most of you."

I smiled and looked at his cup.

"Would you like more coffee?" I asked.

He paused, almost hesitant to answer me.

"That'd be great." he said, shifting his eyes from me to the laptop again.

I grabbed his cup and headed to the coffee maker in the kitchen. Before I grabbed the container, I looked at the nearby clock on the wall. 3AM.

Has he been up this whole time?
Damn. No wonder he needs coffee.

"I take my coffee-"

"Black. I'm aware." I said as I poured him another cup and headed back to him at the couch.

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