Chapter Thirty-five: Touch Me (NSFW)

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"Are you sure this is what you want?" he whispered to me.

A small smile formed on my lips as we looked into each other's eyes.
Even though he was in total control of the situation and could do whatever he pleased, he still had the willpower and decency to let me have the final say.
After a moment, I nodded.

"Yes." I whispered back.

It wasn't even a moment later that he released his capture weapon from my body and his lips crashed into mine, kissing me passionately. He pulled me in by my waist before letting his hands hungrily wander over my body. I moaned into the kiss as my hands gripping his neck and into his soft, black, wavy hair. We only spent tiny moments separating to take little gasps of air, ensuring that we weren't going to suffocate each other. I loved the rough texture of his five o'clock shadow as it tickled my face as we continued to kiss. I could feel my knees getting weaker and weaker as I felt his tongue dance against mine.
I had never been kissed in such a way before. This was different than anything I had ever experienced. Anything I had experienced before was sloppy, harsh, inconsistent, or just plain unharmonious. But with him...It was like he knew exactly what he was doing, like he had somehow mastered the art of a kiss. And my god, was it doing a number on me. I could barely stand up, if it weren't for his strong, rough hands holding me steady. It was like he had a hidden quirk that rendered my legs useless the second our lips collided.
He slowly started to walk me backwards until my back hit the wall.

"Maybe this will help." he said, his voice husky before his lips traveled down to my neck, devouring it with more intoxicating kisses.

I continued to let out gasps of pleasure, but tried to muffle myself from potentially sounding too obnoxious. This, however, did not please Aizawa, as he came back up and pinned my hands above me against the wall. With his mouth against my ear, he whispered,

"Don't. I wanna hear you."

His lips traveled back down to the crook of my neck, where I felt him plant more kisses. My hands tried to pull free so that I could touch him, but it only made him hold onto my wrists more firmly than before. I heard him moan before he barely lifted his lips away.

"My, my. Aren't we impatient." he mused, before his mouth returned to my neck, only this time, I felt his teeth bite down with a perfect amount of pressure.
A much louder moan left me as the pressure slightly intensified with each second. My breath began to get caught in my throat as I held it from the overwhelming sensation. Only seconds after did he release, that I became more of a physically limp mess infront of him.

"Fuck." I airily moaned out, as I felt the warmth between my legs becoming more present and more wet. My skin was buzzing with euphoria as I was riding this new high of intimacy.
He let out a low, mischievous laugh as his face came back up to mine.

"Watch that mouth of yours, Miss Doe." he warned.

I smiled back at him.

"Or what?" I asked confidently between my panted breathing.

He gave me his iconic smirk before whispering into my ear.

"Or I'll put that foul mouth to good use."

Another shiver was sent down my spine after hearing those words.

'Goddamn.' I thought.

But was I ready for that, though? I mean, my body clearly wanted him. That was obvious. It was practically begging for him to make me come undone in every depraved way imaginable. That being said, was I making this choice with a clear mind or in the heat of the moment? Would I still be okay with this decision, or would I regret it later? It's been awhile since I've gotten that intimate with someone. Would I be okay with rushing through the motions? I wasn't so sure. Everything was moving so fast, and I was getting more into my head, making it hard for me to come to a quick decision.

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