Chapter Fifty-Eight: Set Up (Part 2)

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"So, Doe," she started, "What's it like staying with Aizawa?"

Here we go...

"Quite the forward thing to ask, don't you think?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness with naive charm.

"I don't think so." she said, "Why? Do you have some dirty details you'd like hide?" she teased. I could tell she was serious even if she was trying to pass it off as a joke.

"I'm afraid not." I lied with a sweet smile, "It's pretty uneventful, if you wanna know the truth." I was already feeling really uncomfortable talking about this, but I tried not to show it, "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious, is all." she said cooly, "I want to make sure you're being taken care of." There was a brief paused before she spoke. Her eyes narrowed a little, and a mischievous grin spread on her face. "So he's meeting all of your needs?" she asked.

"Yes." I answered slowly, my brows furrowing slightly, knowing full well what she meant by that, "I'm surprised you're so invested. I'm glad that you care, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to be my mother." I said lightly, trying to walk the fine line between banter and snark.

She laughed.

"I'm sorry if you feel I'm being a bit overbearing. I'm just double checking because I know, from personal experience, how difficult things can get when living with a man." she said.

Two can play at that game, Nemuri.

"I'm sure you've had ample experience in that department, so I'm confident that I can take your word for it." I retorted, a sly smile appearing on my face, "I appreciate the concern, but I think Aizawa has a good handle on things. No need to worry."

Nemuri's cockiness faded slightly. I could tell that comment threw her off her game a bit. I'm sure she wasn't expecting me to talk back.

"I'm sure he does." she said as her eyes traveled from Aizawa and then back at me, "That being said, you are young, and may not see things that others would. I know I've made those mistakes before. I'm sure Aizawa would agree with me that I'm only looking out for you." The way she said that made me cringe. It was like she was trying to speak for him and it felt forced. She continued, "I know I'd personally hate to see you get taken advantage of." she said.

"Nemuri..." scolded Aizawa.

'Only looking out for me my ass.' I thought.

"Well, I'm not. But again, thank you for your concern." I said through somewhat gritted teeth as I tried to fake a smile. My blood was beginning to boil.

"I mean no offense. Again, I have experience and am only making sure things are running smoothly. Think of it as me bestowing a little wisdom." she reassured both Aizawa and me in a very condescending way.

"Comes with age, I'm sure." I replied quietly and calmly with a smirk, causing Nemuri to blink in surprise and scoff, and Hizashi to choke on his drink.
I was even more convinced that this was a set up now, and I was sure Aizawa felt the same listening to this. I had a feeling she was trying to give me hints that she was onto us. I figured I might as well hit her with a few cheap shots and get under her skin if she was going to try and get under mine.

Before Nemuri could say anything further, the first round of food came in, which summoned the Okami forward.

"Perfect timing." said Nemuri, somewhat bitterly, "The sooner this conversation can end, the better."

"To be started it." said Hizashi quietly, which only made Nemuri growl.

There was an awkward silence as the Okami set up each of our plates. I tried my best to draw my attention away from the drama and onto what was being carefully prepared. Even if the intention of this dinner was somewhat malicious, I was at least going to try and enjoy it.
Once each of our plates was full of the first course, the Okami stepped away and headed back towards the door.
The food was absolutely divine. Colorful both visually and palatably. The taste of the fish and fresh vegetables was crisp, fresh, and delicious. It was like heaven.
As we ate, Hizashi spoke.

"So, Sho, what's it like living with a woman?" he asked.

Jesus Christ. Even Hizashi was in on this shit?

Aizawa took his time eating and swallowing his food before speaking. I wasn't sure if it was to buy time, or to annoy them both by making them wait for an answer. It was amusing either way.

"Inconsequential." he said before taking another bite.

Hizashi raised a brow.

"A man of few words. I'm not surprised." he said dryly but then smirked, "So if that's how you feel, you won't mind if she stays at my place while you're gone next week?"

We both froze.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Hizashi blinked in confusion at first, but then smiled.

"I'm surprised you don't know what I'm talking about." he said, "The students have their exam with us at the end of this week. After that, they-"

"Go off to training." I finished, my voice sounding hollow as I spoke.
Oh no. I had completely forgotten about that. Was it almost time for that event to happen? I looked over at Aizawa who looked rather saddened.

"Yeeeaaah..." said Hizashi, his expression switching from amusement to regret, "Sorry. I thought there was no point in telling you. What, with you knowing the future and all."

"So...I have to stay with you?" I asked him.

"I meeeeaaaan if ya wanna!" he said, his voice becoming a little livelier, "Technically, you did have a choice between Nemuri and me but-"

"Yeah, come to think of it, my place will be too cramped. So I'm going to have to withdraw my offer." Nemuri said coldly as she continued to eat and ignore us.

"Riiiiiight." said Hizashi awkwardly, "But you could totally crash at my place!"

"W-why can't I stay at his place?" I asked, looking back at Aizawa, who continued to look down at the table.

"Solo?!" said Hizashi in shock, "Pfft! No offense, Doe, I know you've got some fire in you, but it wouldn't be safe for you to be there by yourself with no backup."

"I don't exactly feel comfortable with her staying with you." I heard Aizawa say lowly under his breath.

"What? Why?!" asked Hizashi, visibly hurt by the statement.

"You're not the first person I'd run to and trust to look after someone else, especially with your cramped schedule." he said, glaring at him, "She's more than welcome to stay at my place so long as there's backup."

"Don't be ridiculous." chimed in Nemuri, "You know as well as I that's not going to fly with anyone. Someone, namely a pro, needs to look after her in your absence. Police won't be enough if someone from the League makes a move."

It was tense for a moment as all three of them stared each other down. It was odd being in the middle as people argued over me.
Then it hit me.

"...What about All Might?" I asked.

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