Chapter Nine: Grumpy Mummy

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"Principal Nezu." I interrupted.

Nezu, unphased and unoffended by my rude manners, continued cheerily.

"Yes, of course! I should've realized you already knew me. How silly. Well, though it would be redundant to offer introductions, a few of the faculty members still need to meet you, my dear!"

I looked as two more faculty members appeared behind him.

"Nemuri, Hizashi, this is Jane Doe." Nezu said as he gestured to me on my bed, "This lovely lady was the one we've been told about through both Toshinori and Aizawa."

"Yeah, Aizawa. The same one who put me in here." I said bitterly, "Lemme guess, he looks like a grumpy mummy right about now."

"I'd appreciate it if you kept your snide comments to yourself." said a monotone voice, concealed behind the doorframe. "Your poor choice of words lead you here. I had no choice but to make sure you were somewhere logical and safe."
He then made his presence known by walking into view.

My heart skipped a beat.

Shit! I didn't know he was here!

Yep. Definitely looks like mummy.
I folded my arms in protest.

"You had a choice. You could've believed me from the start, instead of just leaving me here to rot." I said, bitterness flooding the air.

"Not rational. Besides, I did say I'd come back and find you, should your proof deem itself valid, did I not?" he retorted.

My cheeks turned red.

"Judging by how you look right now, I'd say it's pretty valid!" I fumed.

"Hey, hey, HEEEEEY! Let's all just chill for a sec, yo!" said Mic, trying to de-escalate the tension in the room, "Jane? It's Jane, right? Nice to meet you! I'm-"

"Present Mic, I know." I said a bit harshly, not taking my angry eyes off of Aizawa.

"Oh riiiiiiiiight! Right, right, right! You're like the epitome of a fan of all of us! What with you knowing everything about our universe and all. Gotta say, that's the sickest compliment ever." he said as he made his way towards me, and lightly nudged my shoulder in an effort to ease my emotional state.

"I'd say it's pretty scary, actually." said Midnight, "While a peeping Tom gets me all hot and bothered, I've never encountered something quite like this. It does make me a little creeped out."

Great. I've managed to creep out one of the kinkiest heros out there. Not sure whether I should feel ashamed or proud.

"What exactly are you all doing here?" I asked, confused.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked!" said Nezu, "Due to the mysterious circumstances of your arrival in our world, and your knowledge of the upcoming events, we'd like to not only make sure that the information that you have and you, yourself, stay safe, but also find a way for you to get home."

"Sounds easier said than done," I replied, "but wouldn't me being around you cause more harm than good? Shouldn't I go at this alone?"

"Not necessarily." answered Aizawa, "Though your existence in our world presents many problems, it would create more should you accidentally find yourself surrounded by the wrong kind of people. People who could use that information to counter attack anything we'd do. We simply can't allow that to happen."

I looked from him to Nezu.

"So what exactly do you suggest?" I asked.

"Well, seeing as you have nowhere to go, and no one whom you could keep a low profile with, we all confirmed that you would stay with one of the faculty members until further plans on how to get you back home could be strategized."

With the faculty?

"We've all conversed and boiled it down to who would be well suited." said Midnight, "Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to get one-on-one time with another gal, but my wild ways would be difficult to keep you on the down low. I do love it when all eyes are on me. I would hate to see the wrong ones set on you"

"Saaaaaame." said Mic, "Don't get me wrong, I love your spunk, kid, and I bet we'd vibe well, but I'm constantly in the limelight. If I had a random girl hanging out with me, it'd cause quite the stir. Not to mention, it'd break too many of my devoted fans' hearts!"

That just meant...

"Which leaves Aizawa as the right person for you to stay with at this point in time!" announced Nezu.



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