Chapter Thirty: My Guardian Angel

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A few days had passed since that night of tests at UA. Honestly, I had lost track of time, given that I was barely sleeping every night, afraid I'd get stuck again. I managed to time out 10 minute naps with my new phone by setting an alarm. It helped keep me a little aware but not by much. I think the worst part of it was that Aizawa was starting to catch on. My focus was becoming increasingly spacey, and my reaction time was like that of a unicorn. In other words, non-existent.
I tried to relax when Aizawa was busy with school, that way, when he returned home, I'd look somewhat rested. I didn't want him to worry before he had to head off to patrol, now that he was back into the swing of pun intended.

Around 3:45pm, I heard the usual turn of the lock at the door before it opened. Then came Cloud's overly excited meows of affection. Right on schedule.

"Yes, yes. I know, I know. I'll feed you in a minute." said Aizawa to his cat, who rubbed up against his leg.

"Welcome back!" I greeted, as I walked from my room to the living room.

He hummed in response and walked towards the couch, where he collapsed face first.

"Long day?" I asked, as I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Hmmmmm." was all I could hear, muffled into the cushion.

"Anything interesting happen?" I asked.

"Hmm." he muffled.

"I take that as a no?" I asked, trying to hide my amusement.

"God, you ask as many questions as Hizashi." he said after turning his face to the side to talk, "Yes, it's been a long day. I've just come back from the station to escort my students to their internships. Other than that, nothing interesting has happened. Now, it's time to rest."

"Well, I'll leave you to it, then." I said, as I stood up and started to walk away.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he asked.

I stopped and turned around, looking rather confused.

" my room?" I answered, not sure about where this was going.

"I don't think so. You're staying here and resting with me." he said, drawing his finger in the air to move to him.

"...Excuse me?" I asked, unsure if I even heard him correctly.

"You haven't been sleeping these last couple of days and it shows. I intend for that to stop now. So are you going to comply, or do I have to make you?" he said, almost menacingly.

I folded my arms.

"I don't see how I-..." I started to say until Aizawa's capture weapon immediately sprang forward and wrapped itself around my wrist, before dragging me across the wooden floor, towards him on the couch.

"Was that necessary?!" I yelled.

"Was arguing with me necessary?" he retorted, "Now shut up, and sleep."

"How do you propose I do that? I'm on the floor!" I said, trying to pry off his capture weapon, which was still tight around my wrist.

"The floor is perfectly fine, but if you insist on being stubborn about it, you can either use my sleeping bag, or I can trade places with you on the couch." he said, still watching me try and get his stupid scarf off of me, "Either way, that's not coming off until I know you're asleep."

I growled in anger, as I flopped my hands to my lap out of frustration.

"Whichever makes this more uncomfortable to you, I'll go with." I seethed.

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