Chapter Sixty-Two: You Sure About That?

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"Are you sure about this?" asked Hizashi as Nemuri unlocked the door to Aizawa's apartment, "I mean, I'm all about snooping around for fun, but this seems a bit much."

Nemuri walked in, waiting for Hizashi to get inside before shutting the door behind the both of them.

"He gave us access into the apartment, didn't he? If he didn't want us to look around, he'd find someone else to cat sit. It's not our fault if we find something he didn't want us to see. If he gets upset, it's his problem." she said as she patted Cloud's head, who approached them both with eagerness.

"I don't think that's how that works..." Hizashi mumbled as Nemuri crossed him.

"Tell you what," she said with a sigh as she turned to him, "I'll feed and play with the cat before we leave. Will that count as doing what we were supposed to do?"

"I suppose-," Hizashi began to say.

"Great!" Nemuri interrupted in delight, "And you can change the litter." she said before walking down the hall.

"Hey!" whined loudly after Nemuri, who didn't bother to stick around long enough to argue.

"Just look around!" she hollered back at him from Doe's bedroom, "Let me know if you find anything!"

After letting out a disgruntled sigh, Hizashi followed suit and began to search the apartment for any evidence of an affair between Aizawa and Doe. Even though they both witnessed the outdoor aftermath between the two of them, that was their double date trap at Kyoto Kitcho, they still wanted to solidify that nothing was going on behind closed doors. While Hizashi was somewhat convinced that they weren't fooling around, Nemuri was not. To her, the argument between the two of them was almost too convenient and staged. She knew she might just be going on a hunch, but she was never wrong about a hunch before. Nemuri wanted to know, without a doubt, that nothing was going on between the two of them. Because, as things were now, she wasn't entirely convinced they were being completely honest. Not only that, but rubbing the truth in Aizawa's face, after he denied it so many times, would feel like such poetic justice.
As the minutes turned into hours, the hunt for proof continued, and the prospect of finding anything began to dwindle. After searching the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room, Hizashi and Nemuri were seemingly coming up empty handed. After what seemed like a continuous run of bad luck and wasted time, Hizashi walked in Aizawa's bedroom, with Cloud curled up in his arms, and saw Nemuri on her hands and knees near the bed, continuing to investigate underneath it.

"Come on, Nemuri." he said, "We've been at this for awhile. And we haven't found anything."

As she sat up from the floor, Hizashi noticed a smug smirk on her face, as she lifted a mesh g-string from under the bed. The same one she purchased for Doe when she first got here.

"You sure about that?" she asked cooly, as she wiggled them in the air. Hizashi's jaw slowly dropped, as well as Cloud as he accidentally dropped him from the shocking discovery, and his eyes widened, "Almost didn't see them at first, but I'd recognize these anywhere. And that's not all." she continued as she stood up, "I also found strands of her hair in the room and on the bed. Trust me," she said as she stopped right in front of him, "we've found everything we need here."

(Reader's POV)


"Can you please open your left hand?"

'...Who...who is that?'

"Hmm...Can you please open your left hand for me?"

'Am I...back in my coma state?'

"There doesn't seem to be a response, doctor."

"Don't be too hasty. Let's allow the algorithm to make the call rather than our eyes and ears."

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