Chapter Twelve: What Else?

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(Aizawa's POV)

"Thank you." she said to me before walking away into the room that was now her's.

After nodding, I let my head rest on the back of the couch and allowed myself a moment to get lost in my thoughts. Today was already quite the day from the festival. Seeing my students grow, or losing confidence on the field was a lot to take on, especially with Todoroki and Midoriya, who've exceeded my expectations. Now I have a young woman in my apartment. Not only that, but a young woman who doesn't belong here.

I'll admit, I wasn't thrilled when I was told I would be the one to house and protect her. It was sort of thrown at me at the last minute.

"What?" I remembered, responding to the request with irritance.

"Aw, come on, Sho! It won't be that bad!" said Mic.

"And what makes you think I'd be the right person for this?" I glared.

"Because you have the right credentials for this specific mission. No one knows you really well, and you have the right sort of temperament for this sort of thing." said Nemuri.

"First of all, I'd hardly call this a mission," I retorted, "Secondly, I don't see how I have the right temperament for this."

"You have a knack for getting through to people and bringing out the best in them." interjected Nezu, "And should anything go awry, I have full faith in your abilities to keep everyone safe."

"I don't have time for this." I said, beginning to walk away.

"You're right." said Toshinori, as he stopped me from going anywhere, "You should be spending less time arguing with us, and more time preparing a space for her to stay after you all pick her up from the hospital."

I groaned.

"And why is it that the number one hero can't handle this?" I asked.

"You know that'd be a bad idea. She knows too much about me. Too much that'd she and I would be at serious risk if word got out to the League. She already knew that I'd lose some of One for All before I even knew." he said.

I looked down in frustration.

"I know this is asking a lot out of you." said Toshinori, as he laid a hand on my shoulder, "But if there's anyone I know who's more capable of this, it's you. Just don't be too harsh with the girl. I'm sure she's terrified of the whole situation, just as you might be."

I sighed again as I stopped rehashing all that went on today. As much as I didn't like being thrown into this mess, everything was all said and done.

I looked down at the casts on my hands. I hated being this useless with these stupid things on. I wonder if there's a way for me to get them off tomorrow, or maybe tonight.

Thankfully, I was able to maneuver my phone out of my pocket, and turn it on so that I could make a call to Recovery Girl.

After a few seconds of a dial tone, I heard her pick up.

"Recovery Girl speaking!"

"It's Aizawa. I was wondering if there was a possibility to get these bandages and casts off of my hands." I said into the phone.

"My, my, aren't we hasty? What for? You know as well as I you need more time to heal." she scolded.

"I also need to be able to teach my class on Monday, and I can't very well do that if I stay like this any longer." I said, trying not to sound impatient.

"Hmm..." she said, pausing momentarily, "I'll tell you what, if you meet me early, tomorrow morning, I can take off some of the bandages and the casts. That way you can be more mobile. But a majority of them will need to stay on for a few more days."

I thought it over but then agreed.

"I'll take what I can get. What time works for you?" I asked.

"6am, in the infirmary. I'll see you then, deary." she said before hanging up.

Well, the faster I can be back to normal, the better. While I wanted to be able to be useful to my students again, a part of me also wanted to see if I did have a scar under my right eye, as she told me I would.

Everything else she had told me did come to fruition, which only left one last bit of proof to solidify that she was telling the truth.

If that's the case, then she really does know everything that's happened, what's going to happen, and everything about us, though there were little details or hints that weren't "confirmed" as she put it.

Which made me think...

What else does she know about me?

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