Chapter Sixty-Six: Collapse

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(Aizawa's POV)

I stood in front of the TV in horror as I watched All Might fighting for not only his life, but for this country against All for One. I've seen the man struggle before, but not too this extent. And what was worse, was there was little to nothing any of us could really do to help him right now. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was starting to feel hopeless.
Sweat dropped from my forehead as I watched his true, skeletal form onscreen finally revealed to the entire public.

This was bad.
Really bad.

Vlad, Principal Nezu, and I were frozen in silence. I knew we were all mentally shouting for him to see this through. To live. To win. But we were all frozen with uncertainty and terror to keep ourselves from doing so.

The former town was in complete shambles around them. I couldn't even recognize it from the news cameras in the chopper flying above them. The rescue effort was going to be a nightmare, and god only knew how many casualties there were underneath the rubble.
Then it dawned on me.

"Where is this happening?" I asked, as my heartbeat began to spike.

"Yokohama." answered Vlad, "That's about a couple hours from here." 

'My apartment is halfway between there to here.' I thought before my eyes widened in horror, '(Y/N) is going to be close to the blast.'

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I ran out of the room and out of the building.

I could vaguely hear Vlad and Nezu shout after me, but I was already too far away to understand exactly what was being said. But whatever it was, it wasn't important enough to stop. I needed to get back home and fast. The fight was going to reach it's climax soon, and I wasn't sure if the complex would be able to hold from that kind of power, even as far away as it was from ground zero.

I only hoped to God that I could get there in time.

(Reader's POV)

The ground was beginning to shake more and more, to the point where I wasn't sure if the building was going to hold much longer. Bits of debris was starting to fall from the ceiling as the ground and walls shook. By this point, some of the windows had already shattered.

'So much for being far enough away from the blast!' I thought as I quickly tried to get Cloud into a pet carrier.

I could hear the police urging everyone to evacuate as quickly as possible as the building started to fall apart.

The ground finally stopped shaking, but the building creaked and bellowed well after the fact. I was running out of time, and I knew I had to get out of here as fast as possible. I finally got the cat into the carrier and was about to head out the door when I realized I needed to grab a few more things: Aizawa's hero suit, scarf, and goggles.

Just then, a policeman burst in.

"Miss, we need to leave now!" he said as he came in and tried to usher me out as quickly as possible.

"I just need to grab-"

"There's no time! The building is going to collapse! We need to go now!" he said as he began to pull me out of the apartment.

I tried to fight it at first but he wasn't going to let me budge. By the time we got outside, I shoved the cat carrier into his arms, and immediately bolted back into the building.

"Hey!" he screamed after me, but I kept going and stormed back into the living room, through the hallway, and into the bathroom.
As I grabbed his scarf and suit from the floor, I heard the ceiling collapse in my bedroom behind me. I jumped and screamed, taking this as a hint to get the fuck out of there.

"Shit! The goggles!" I cursed to myself as I looked around for them in a panic. My hand started to shake, making it all the more difficult to see with the flashlight. And just when I thought my luck was running out, the light from my phone suddenly turned off. I hit the power button, but nothing.

'Fuck! Battery's dead!' I thought.

I tapped my hand around the sink, when I felt the goggles with my fingers, immediately snatching them in my hand as I turned around to get out.
But just as I did, the ground shook harder than I anticipated and I quickly fell over and tripped in the hallway. I could hear the ceiling collapse behind me near Aizawa's bedroom. The sheer sound of it made me scream in horror as I tried to get back up onto my feet, but to no avail.

Was this how I was going to die in this world? Crushed to death because my dumbass went back into a building that was falling apart by the second. For a hero's costume...
At this point, I was basically asking for the Darwin award.

As I crawled with Aizawa's things in my hand, I felt a firm hand grab my arm and pull me up to my feet. I tried to see who it was in the dark, but they quickly hurried me out of the apartment, which was crumbling to pieces.

Right as we made it out the exit, the apartment complex began to collapse right behind us. I looked from the newly formed rubble to the person who grabbed me and saw a sweaty and dusty Aizawa, in a suit and tie, panting right beside me.

Thank fucking god.

He looked at me and his expression shifted from relief to disapproval.

Am I in trouble?

Author's Note: Things I learned today: All Might's United States of Smash is estimated to be around 25,017,640,000,000 joules of power, or the equivalent to 1.5 atomic bombs (for context: a 5 megaton explosion can feel like a 6.9 earthquake - which is where damages to populated areas can occur). The more you know, ladies and gents! Btw, kinky smut coming up next!

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