Chapter Forty-nine: Different Circumstances

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About a week had passed since the Hosu incident, and Aizawa had learned that Deku, Todoroki, and Tenya were involved in the attack on Stain. Needless to say, he was not thrilled, but he was thankful no one was hurt, just like I had assured him before.
Even so, the stress of everything happening with his students and the Okuta case left us with little time to relax or become intimate. I couldn't really blame him for wanting to hunker down and focus, even if I was craving for his touch. Still, it sucked. We shared kisses here and there, but beyond that, we didn't go very far. Tried as I did, he would find a reason to stop, and it was starting to get under my skin. I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault in some way. I didn't have evidence that it was, but I also didn't have evidence to say that it wasn't either. If the problem was me, I didn't know how to fix it beyond just disappearing. I didn't want to do that.
At least, not yet, anyway.

Adding the anxiety that we were going to head over the UA, now that it was the weekend, to begin the first step of getting me out of here didn't help at all. Right when I thought I was getting somewhere, I might potentially be yanked out of a world I love, and away from a man I was just becoming intimate with and, who now, won't touch me beyond a simple kiss.

Blatantly put, this was some bullshit.

When we got to UA, we didn't say anything while walking in the hallway beside each other. I peeked over to see if he was looking at me, but he wasn't. With his hands in his pockets, I couldn't play with his fingers like I had done before. I looked forward as we continued our walk. The silence was killing me.

"Aizawa?" I asked, cautiously, "Is everything okay?"
Normally, I would've called him by his first name, but with how off he was acting lately, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do that anymore.

"Yeah. Fine." he said, his voice sounding more exhausted than usual.

"Are...we okay?" I asked. It was the first time I had expressed the both of us as a unit of some kind. While it was nice, in this context, not so much.

He paused as I look over at him. His tired eyes looked at me for a moment but then down at the ground.

"I...," he started, struggling to continue, "...I don't think we should talk about this right now." he said, his voice trailing off slightly.

I stopped walking, and he followed suit after a few steps. A lump started to form in my throat as my brain started to spiral. What the fuck was going on?

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked quietly, trying to compose my voice in an effort to look stronger than I felt.

Aizawa's eyes widened with surprise.

"No, not at all." he said, his voice gentle as he started to approach me, but held off from doing so. Why was he all of the sudden too guarded to come near me?

"Then why have you been acting so cold lately?" I asked, trying to keep my voice down, and not get angry or too emotional.

He looked at me with such remorse. I could tell whatever the reason was, it was eating at him as well. I didn't know why he just didn't tell me outright.
He sighed and took a few steps towards me, setting a hand gently on my shoulder.

"It's not my intent to hurt you. I'm..." he paused, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts, "I'm trying to find a sense of balance. In doing so, I might've gone a little overboard and became too distant."

"Might've?" I repeated. I couldn't help but still feel hurt, even if it wasn't his intent, "For the past week you've recoiled away from me anytime I've tried to get close to you. How am I not supposed to feel hurt?"

He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them again and softly caressing my cheek with his hand, before trailing it down to my chin, tilting it up slightly. I missed that feeling so much, my cheeks began to feel slightly flushed. In doing so, he smiled before looking at me seriously.

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