Chapter Three: Three Hours or One?

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"This is not happening."

I sat up before anyone could stop me and reached out to touch him. I tugged on his costume around his enormous calf muscle and sure enough, yep - he was real.

"I don't understand..." I said to myself, trying not to panic.

All Might looked down at me, huge grin and all.

"What's there to understand? You're safe now and that's all that matters! Now, let's get you to a doctor to make sure you've-"

But before he could finish, I got up and began to back up. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.
This isn't real.
This isn't happening.

"This can't be real. I was just in a car! I don't live here. I don't belong here!" I started to sputter out in a panic.

People began to become visibly concerned with my erratic behavior. Even All Might put his hands out defensively as he tried to calm me down.

"Now, now. Let's keep calm about this." He tried to say reassuringly.

But I wasn't hearing any of it. Within a moment, I bolted as quickly as I could. Audible gasps came out of the crowd that surrounded me as I pushed through them and made a run for it.
Where was I even going? I don't know. I don't care. I needed to figure out what to do.

I kept running, even as I heard All Might shout from a distance, "Please stop!"

I knew he could outrun me so I had to figure out what to do in the meantime. But before I could even think about my next plan of action, I felt a firm grip grab my wrist. I stopped to a massive halt and I looked to see it was indeed All Might who had stopped me.

"There's no reason to panic, miss. There must be some misunderstanding." he said heroically, and yet gently.

I shook. I could feel his grip on my body. This wasn't an illusion. I wasn't hallucinating. He's real.
I had to say something that would convince him I'm not supposed to be here.

"Do you still only have a three hour limit, or are you down to one hour now?" I said.

He froze. Though he smiled, I could tell what I had asked had put him off guard.

"I...I'm sorry?" he asked, trying to put on a facade of calmness.

"I know about your limits. But I don't know the timeline yet. Are you at 3 hours or 1? Have you passed down One for All yet?" I asked more firmly than before. I needed to convince him that I wasn't bluffing and I had a reason to react the way I did.

People started to trickle around us. I could tell this made him visibly nervous.

"Ha ha! I don't know what you mean!" he said loudly for the people to hear, "But we should make sure you see the right people to make sure you're alright." he said lowly. "You should come with me."

"I don't want to come with you." I said as I yanked my arm away from his grip. "I want to go home. Unless you want me to shout out what I know, I suggest you let me leave."

I could hear the ringing in my ears, my heart was beating so quickly. Sweat dropped down my forehead as All Might stood there, not saying anything. I stared him down, eyes wide in a panic. After what felt like an eternity, he nodded to me without saying a word.

I exhaled a sigh of relief, and then backed away again before making a run for it. I looked behind me to see him still standing there. I hope what I said didn't put me in a bad position just now. What if he lets the others know? Do the faculty know about him yet? What if they come after me because of what I know?

It doesn't matter. I need to find somewhere secluded to figure things out before the right, or wrong, people find out I'm here.

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