Chapter Fifty-Five: Knock Knock (NSFW)

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(Aizawa's POV)

I jolted awake to the sound of my alarm going off in my discarded pants on the floor. I hated the sound of that thing so much, but it always woke me up. I quickly leaned over the bed and searched through the pockets before finding it and looking at it through my heavy eyelids.


Damn. I didn't even remember falling asleep. least a few hours of sleep was more than I usually got in one nap. The grogginess from the extra hours, however, was not as welcoming.

I groaned as I promptly turned it off and tossed it aside. As I stretched out, I became very confused as I felt something touching me. It took only a moment for me to realize that it was (Y/N) laying next to me. I wasn't accustomed to this, but I certainly didn't mind waking up to a beautiful woman next to me in bed. The light from the rising sun peaked out from the dark curtains and touched some of her features. Her hair was a tumbled mess as she laid there, seemingly asleep, her waist rising and falling in a slow but steady rhythm. I smiled at the sight of her, and gently moved some of the hair away from her face before letting my fingertips travel across her shoulder and down her arm. She felt smooth to the touch as my fingers traced her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

'God, how could I be so lucky?' I thought to myself contently.
I couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved that this moment was reminiscent of the nightmare I had earlier last night, but I tried my best to push those thoughts aside. That was a dream, and this was very real. I wasn't going to let my irrationally ruin the moment.
She stirred and let out a contented sigh, as her eyes slowly began to open.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I said, with a soft chuckle, "I'm surprised you fell asleep again."

She giggled quietly.

"I know." she said as she rubbed her eyes and yawned, "I'm guessing what we did last night...well, this morning, knocked me out."

I smirked.

"Blaming me, are we?" I mused.

She smiled with a devilish glint in her eyes.

"By all means, I'm not complaining." she said, biting her bottom lip for a second, "But out of curiosity, what would happen if I was?"

I pulled her roughly up against me in a swift motion. A playful yelp escaped her lips, followed by another adorable giggle. She gave off an impression of being so innocent, and yet, her teases showcased an entirely different side of her.
It was beguiling.
And tempting as Hell.

"I've told you before: Act like a brat and you'll be punished as such." I said in a low voice, as I drew my face closer to hers.

A low hum came from her as she quickly leaned in and kissed me. The feeling sent a surge of lust through my veins, making it impossible for me to stop. I pulled her closer to me, letting my hands travel everywhere they could as I deepened the kiss. The animalistic feelings to ravish her came over me as our bodies intertwined again under the already tangled sheets. The thrill was too overwhelming to ignore, and it felt like absolute bliss.
Just then, the similarities between this and the nightmare came back into my head, as flashes of her disappearing entered my brain. The worry of losing her like I did in the nightmare made my movements more urgent than before as I continued to devour her lips. I knew she wouldn't vanish now, but my heart couldn't help but break at the idea of it. And I definitely couldn't stop myself from making sure she wasn't going anywhere, regardless if that fear was coming from a rational place or not.
My mouth immediately went to the crook of her neck, and I sank my teeth into her. Not enough to draw blood, obviously, but enough to leave a mark.
She gasped and arched her back to the feeling as I added a little more pressure. I wanted her to feel this later. I wanted to remind her that she was mine.
I could feel myself becoming hard again as her moan echoed through the room. My cock rubbed against her warm, wet core, and the feeling made me growl with pleasure as I looked at her and sat up.
She wriggled beneath me, waiting with anticipation for my next move.

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