Chapter Nineteen: What I Would Give

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After about 20 minutes, the food was ready and Aizawa served me a bowl.

The dish looked great, as the smell tingled my nostrils. In the Udon were tiny carrots, finely chopped chives, nori strips, toasted sesame seeds, and a mixure of spices I wasn't familiar with.

"Oh my god, this looks and smells amazing." I said, as he sat down next to me.

"It's really simple. No need to get overly enthusiastic." he said plainly, as he blew on the hot noodles with his chop sticks.

I did the same as I waited for the noodles to cool enough before taking my first bite. Despite him saying it was simple, it created a symphony of flavors on my tongue that was beautifully blended.

"Holy shit, that's good." I mumbled with my mouth full.

"Language." said Aizawa, "and don't talk with food in your mouth."

I furrowed my brows as I swallowed the food.

"Mkay, dad." I replied sarcastically as I took another bite.

He looked at me with disapproval.

"Watch that lip of yours, Miss Doe." he said, in a slightly lower tone. I wasn't entirely sure if it was meant to sound threatening or something else.

"Or what?" I teased as I blew on the noodles.

Without much warning, I felt his hand grab a fistful of my hair and pressing my face down into the cushion of the couch, letting my chop sticks fall back down into the bowl. I yelped in response as I felt my heart pounding rapidly, and as my face grew warmer. Though his hand was in my hair, his grasp wasn't painful. His power wasn't overbearing, but it was present and firm enough just to persuade me to submit.

Goddamn, Aizawa.

"Have I made my point?" he asked.

I attempted to struggle, but I felt him press me a little harder into the couch. I whined from the pressure.

"Careful. Act like a brat, and you'll be punished as such." he threatened.

I couldn't help but wonder if he was aware of the amount of double entendres he was giving out.

Was he acting like a guardian or like a Dom?

God, what I would give to be punished by Aizawa...

'Oh, come on, brain! Get a grip! Now's not the time!' I scolded myself.

"Alright, alright. You win!" I said, slightly muffled from the cushion, "You've made your point loud and clear."

There was a few seconds of pause before I felt him release me. I looked at him as I rubbed my head. His face seemed completely neutral, like nothing he did phased him at all.

'How the Hell could he do that with a straight face?!' I thought.

"Now eat. Your food will get cold." he said as he continued to eat from his bowl.

My face still felt hot, I wouldn't be surprised if I was as red as an apple. I tried to regain my compsure as I slowly made my way back to my seat. I could feel my thighs trembling as I tried to keep myself as calm as possible. My heart was still nuts, despite my best efforts. I didn't want to make matters more weird if I gave off the impression that I was beyond turned on by that experience.

There was quite the awkward silence filling the air after that. It was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. All that could be heard was the clicking of the chop sticks into the bowls and soft chewing. Also Cloud's purring as he was lying next to the couch.

"Tell me something," I heard him say, snapping me out of my lustful thoughts, "how does this world measure up to yours?" he asked.

I looked at him and then back at my food. All this time, I haven't brought up my world. Just what I knew of this one.
But did I want to bring up my world? Full of misery and blandness? What about my family? Would he even care?

"There's nothing to talk about, really." I just said rather bluntly, playing with the remainder of my food with the chopsticks.

"I don't think that's fair." he said gently, "You know so much about our world. It seems logical for you to share yours in order for any of us to get a better understanding."

"That seems fair enough. But really, my world doesn't even remotely compare to yours. Much like myself, it's really...ordinary. I don't think you would understand." I said solemnly.

Aizawa paused, and put his bowl and chopsticks down before continuing.

"Enlighten me, then." he said calmly.

I looked at him, and my eyes met his. He was sincere, and waited patiently for me to respond. There was a softness to his features that seemed welcoming for me to open up.

I didn't know what came over me, but it was then that I started to share. Bringing up everything I could think of. From our world leaders being inept, the rich dominating the status quo, the scarcity of resources, the inaccessibility of healthcare and basic needs, constant poverty and overwhelming debt...The more I continued, the more concerned he looked.

"All of this, and no one has a quirk?" he asked, almost amazed.

"Yep. Pretty much." I said.

He shook his head, processing what he just heard.

"I'm surprised you're able to keep such a straight head on your shoulders, despite all of this." he said.

"Well, trust me, I've done my fair share of complaining and panicking, but if that's all I did, I wouldn't be able to find time to enjoy the little things in life." I said, with a weak smile on my face.

"Such as?" he implored.

I thought for a moment.
What were some things that made me happy or brought me joy?

"Well...I love the smell of the air after it rains. I love the sound of rain when it's a calm storm. I love the feeling of laundry straight out of the dryer. I love the feeling when I finally get something right after working at it for a long time. I love trying new things...within reason, of course." I chuckled.

A soft chuckle left his lips as well, as he continued to look at me with curiosity and fascination.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Hm?" he responded.

"What are little things that bring you joy?" I asked.

"Don't you already know?" he asked.

I let out a laugh.

"Like I said, I know a lot about you, but not that much." I said, my smile becoming more present.

He sat there and thought for a moment, before picking up both our empty bowls and heading back to the kitchen.

"Like I said, I can't give away all of my secrets." he said as he turned away.

"Oh, come on!" I protested as I got up and followed him, "You can't tell me one little thing about yourself?"

He set the dishes in the sink and turned around to see me standing behind him, my eyes full of eager and impatience.

"Pleeeeaaaaase?" I asked, "Just one thing. One tinsy, little thing and I'll leave you alone." I begged.

He paused, not breaking his eye contact with mine, as he hummed.

"I'll think about it." he said, as he crossed me, "but first I need to clean up."

I huffed a sigh and crossed my arms.

"Fine." I whined, as he walked off to the bathroom.

"For what it's worth," he said as he stopped before entering the bathroom, making sure he had my attention, "I don't think you're ordinary."

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