Chapter Thirty-six: Get Used to This

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(Aizawa's POV)

After taking off my boxers and turning the shower on, I waited for a few moments, wondering if Doe was going to join me.

'Don't get carried away. Just be patient.' I thought to myself.

Still, I waited just a second longer before getting in. When those seconds passed, I turned and went into the shower, trying to focus on the task at hand.
My mind was still in a bit of a haze as the water hit my skin, washing away the remnants of everything that had transpired earlier.
Even as I tried to just get clean, when I closed my eyes, all I could see was her in my head. Those eyes filled with wonder, curiosity and anticipation. Her lips as she smiled and moaned. How they tasted and felt. Her body and how it arched and responded to my touch. How her skin still gave her a glow in the dark. How soft she felt. The intoxicating scent of her was imprinted in my mind.
Yeah, I was hooked. And I wanted more.

'Took me long enough to admit it.' I thought.

I had denied myself for awhile that I could want her. I wasn't sure if she was even interested to begin with. But more importantly, I wasn't sure if it was still appropriate to do this. Hell, I still don't know. The only thing I was sure of was that I wanted her and I wanted to explore what could be with her. I wasn't sure how much time we had, but I wanted to bask in every moment that I could. In order to do that, I had to cross the line in my professional work.

'Problem is, by getting involved, I might've screwed up this mission.' I thought, 'Even worse, I lied to her about what Nezu said.'

Fuck. I've dug myself quite the hole.
This would definitely complicate things for her and me. Not only will my colleagues be royally pissed when they find out that we started to become intimate, but she will be devastated and betrayed when she learns the truth about Nezu's plan.

'Maybe no one has to know?' I thought as I finished washing my hair, 'No. No, I can't do that. I have to tell her at some point. I just don't know how yet. As for my colleagues, it's none of their business what she or I do outside of any of this.'

Keeping a secret from Nemuri and Hizashi wouldn't be too difficult. I was already pretty secretive about my life, so by dodging any questions, it wouldn't make them bat an eye. But Nezu...he was more observant. There was a difference between being nosey and staying informed. He didn't want to know just for amusement. He wanted to know so he could calculate his next move. I'd have to find a way to keep myself collected when around Doe if I was to keep what we were doing under wraps. There were already a few instances where my emotions got the best of me.
I hated this. But all this could've been avoided if he had listened to my proposal about letting her stay in the first place. I didn't think it was selfish of me to suggest it.

'She should have the choice about wanting to stay or not, not them.' I mentally argued.

But it dawned on me that she really didn't have a choice. Her body in her world is wasting away the longer she was here. Who knows what'll happen if she were to pass away in her world. Would she just cease to exist here? I wouldn't want to find out the hard way. So in a way, I was being selfish by trying to keep her here and dismissing the consequences.
All because she made me feel good.
Because I felt understood and appreciated.

But damnit, don't I deserve to feel these things?
At least for a little while?

I turned off the shower and opened the shower door, grabbing one of the towels nearby to dry myself off. Now that she was here, at least she had her own so mine wouldn't constantly be damp.

"Shit. I forgot to bring an extra pair of clean clothes with me again." I muttered to myself. "Old habits die hard."

I wrapped the towel around my waist. There was no way of getting around this with Doe in my room.

'I hope she doesn't take this the wrong way.' I thought to myself.

After taking a deep breath, I opened the bathroom door and started to head over to my room.

'Might as well give a warning.' I thought.

"Just a heads-up," I said as I opened the door, "I forgot to grab clean clothes, so-" but then I stopped as I looked up.

I saw her curled up into a ball with Cloud, fast asleep on my bed. I never thought I could be jealous of a cat before. At least this explained why she didn't join me in the shower. I couldn't help but think this was one of the most adorable sights I had seen in awhile. I leaned on the doorway and watched for a moment.

'I could get used to seeing this.' I mused to myself.

Having a woman in my bed was not exactly the norm for me, but after seeing her in my bed this way, and knowing what likely lead to her falling asleep, I would be happy to have that change. Of all the things that made her finally sleep more, I'm happy, and somewhat honored, that it was this. Now I just needed to make sure not to wake her up in the meantime.



'Shit. My phone.' I thought, as I looked around for it.
Last I knew it was in my pocket. Now I just needed to find where I put my pants.



'Who the fuck is calling me this late?!' I thought as I finally found my discarded clothes and pulled out the phone out of the pocket. 'Of course it's Hizashi.'

I walked out of my room as quietly as I could before answering.

"What?" I asked, irritably.

"Awwwwww, is that how you respond to your best friend now?" he asked, "After all we've been through? I deserve better, you know."

"I assume there's a reason for this call?" I asked, growing impatient. Hizashi usually never called me this late.

"Tch. Always business with you...Yes, yes. It's about Doe." he said, annoyed that I wasn't playing along.

"What about her?" I asked, suspicious what this could be about.

"Oh relax, lover boy. Nezu just wants to start with Plan A of getting her back home. He wants to start first thing tomorrow afternoon." he said.

"Fine. We'll be there." I said, wanting this conversation to be over already.

"Fine?" asked Hizashi, "No arguing? No, 'You'll never take her alive!' or, 'She's mine and you can't have her.'?" he said, dramatically acting out like some matinee vaudeville actor.

"Whatever gets me off the phone with you sooner, the better." I retorted, growing tired of Hizashi's antics.

"Oooooh. Why? So you can be with your lady love? Wait, are you saying she's replaced me? Is that why it took you forever to answer your phone?!" he screamed dramatically.

"Goodnight, Hizashi." I said before hanging up.

I rubbed my eyes and tossed the phone aside on the couch.

'I have my hands full in keeping this a secret.' I thought as I wandered back into my room, where Doe remained asleep.
Though I wasn't going to bed anytime soon, I wanted to ensure she at least got a good night's sleep for once. I pulled the covers over her, causing Cloud to wake up from the sudden movement and warmth. As he got up and moved, Doe stirred slightly in her sleep from the sudden change. I froze for a moment, trying not to add any extra sound that could wake her, but thankfully, she stayed asleep.

'I wonder why she refused to sleep for so long.' I thought, 'I never got around to asking her.'

As she got settled, I lowered myself and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Jane." I whispered to her before moving away.

As I grabbed an extra pair of clothes, I went towards the door, and looked back to get one last look at her before closing it behind me and letting her sleep.

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