Chapter Five: No Scar

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I gulped.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not your enemy here!" I said frantically.

"As far as I'm concerned, someone who knows intimate details about a hero's weakness and quirk, and threatening to divulge them to the public unless released, is not exactly a friend either." he said looking down at me, "Now answer the question."

His restraints became tighter this time, as I winced in pain and struggled to breathe.

"I'm...not...from t-this...universe." I choked out.

"How do you know about All Might then?" he asked firmly.

"I...k-know about...all...of you..." I said, "I...can...ex-explai-" My vision was becoming foggy from the lack of oxygen, and my limbs started to go numb. I was about to pass out.

Just then, his weapon released me and I gasped for air. I fell onto my hands and knees and took in each breath with relief.

"Start explaining then." he said looking down at my pitiful state, "You have five minutes, or I'm taking you to the psych ward."

I looked at him, eyes still beaming red through his yellow goggles. I sat up but dared not to stand in front of him. I knew he was a softy on the inside, but damn - his exterior was menacing.

"I don't know the details of how I got here. I'm still trying to figure that out. But I know about you because everyone I know in my world does." I said, "But I'm hesitant to tell you because I know you'll think I'm nuts."

"You were about to jump off a four story building." he said, folding his arms, "It's a little late to worry if I think you're nuts."

Point taken.

"So..." I started. God, how the fuck do I even say this? Where do I even start? Hi, Mr. Eraser, sir! I know all about you because you're manga characters and you are on a popular anime show! Oh, by the way, I know you love cats, and there's a bunch of EraserMic fanfic about you on the internet! What the Hell? Who would believe that? No one! God, I'm screwed. I'm so screwed.

"Clock's ticking." he snapped me out of my head, "It'd be wise not to waste it before I take you in."

"You guys are fictional characters in my world!" I blurted out in a panic.

Silence. He stared at me unamused.

"What?" he asked, monotonously.

"It's true! I swear!" I said, trying to sound convincing while not laughing at the absurdity of the situation, "I know all about you because it's literally written. I'm aware of a huge chunk of your timeline. I know what's going to happen or what already happened."

"Prove it." he said.

"Wait, what?" I asked, surprised at the request.

"You say you know about all of us and our timeline. But that could be true, or you're a part of an organization trying to trick us." he said.

I sat there, trying to think of what to say. What could convince the one person who only saw things in a rational way and wouldn't give anything the light of day if it wasn't?

"Let me see your face." I said.

He didn't move.

"You don't have to worry about quirks. I don't have one, unless you consider crippling imposter syndrome a quirk." I swore I could see him smirk from that comment, but I continued, "Just trust me just this once. If I don't convince you, you can lock me up and throw away the key." I said.

God, I hope this works. Last thing I want to do is say something that'll lock me away in a world that wasn't supposed to be real.

After a few moments in complete silence, I saw the red light fade from his eyes, his hair gently fall to his face, and his capture weapon laying delicately on his shoulders. He walked towards me and knelt down to my level, and lifted his goggles above his eyes before looking directly at me.

I looked at him and couldn't help but be somewhat flustered. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I did think he was an attractive character, but goddamn - he made tired look good.

Goddammit, focus!

I look under his right eye.

"No scar." I said to myself.

He looked at me, patiently, not responding.

"You don't have a scar under your right eye. So that means you haven't had the fight yet." I said.

"What fight?" he asked.

"I don't think I can tell you the specifics, otherwise I risk screwing up the timeline. But what I can tell you is that, if this is the correct year, it'll be happening soon." I said.

Just then, he grabbed his capture weapon and made it wrap around my entire body. My body was basically a cocoon as I struggled like a fly in a spiderweb.

"I suggest you not struggle or the restraints will get tighter." he said as he flug my entire body over his shoulder and he carried me.

"Wait! Where are we going? You have to believe me, I'm telling you the truth!" I yelled out.

"If you aren't, where I'm taking you will be appropriate." he said as he carried me off the roof and down the stairs out of the building, "If you are, then I know exactly where to find you."

What I told him must not have been convincing enough.

I'm screwed.

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