Chapter Seven: Jane Doe

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Being admitted into the hospital was terrifying.
I've never been inside a ward before. If they were anything like I had seen in the movies, I was scared shitless.
They tried asking for my information, but anything I gave didn't match their existing records. And with me having no form of ID on me, and no existing relatives, friends, or co-workers to verify who I was, it made all of it the more time consuming and frustrating for the staff. 

At that point, they wrapped a plastic band around my wrist with a barcode.
As a nurse came over and scanned it, I caught a glimpse of what was onscreen:

病人 :  山田花子  
お誕生日 :  平成3年  六月  二日
DOB: 06/02/1991
入れる : 恵那2年  二月 二十六日
ADM: 02/26/2400
アレルギー: なし

Guess my name is Jane Doe now, seeing as how my identity doesn't exist here, and no one can vouch for me.

Maybe it was smart that I don't reveal my true identity. Who knows. Maybe someone knows I'm here and shouldn't be and will try and take me out in someway. That's wishful thinking.

As I stayed in my secured room, I sat on the mattress against the wall, looking into nothing. With it being a hospital, there weren't any paintings or pictures. Just plain white walls. Zoning out from the constant nothingness continued day in and day out.

At some point, I forgot what day it was, and how long I had been there. Everything was so routine here. Checks, make bed, breakfast, group session, doctors, more group sessions, lunch, vitals, recreation time, group session, checks, visitation, dinner, closure, bedtime meds, sleep.

Rinse, lather, repeat.

What I hoped would last a weekend turned out to feel longer. If I had to guess, I've been here a week. Maybe longer?
And the thought of knowing that much time had passed made me even more concerned.

Has the attack at USJ already happened?
Did mentioning anything screw it up?
If so, is Tsu okay?
Is Aizawa okay?
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if either of them got hurt or killed.
Has All Might lost some of his power?

"Checks!" said a nurse as she opened my door, snapping me out of my spiraling thoughts.
She noticed I was in and made a note on her board.

"What day is it?" I asked her.
She was about to continue to close the door, paying me no attention, when I quickly got up and forced the door to stay open.

"What day is it?!" I said with sharpness in my tone.

"Miss, step away from the door." said the nurse, a hint of worry in her voice.

"I just need to know what day it is!" I shouted.

The nurse grabbed her walkie-talkie.

"Code grey at room 24601, I need a team to restrain and sedate for an F98 patient." she said as she then tried to keep me from getting out.

I continued to push and pull until I was able to get out of the room.

As I made my way through the hallway, other in patients were peeking out through their doors, watching my hysteria unfold.

"Does anyone know what day it is?!" I shouted out to anyone who would answer.

I could hear the rush of footstep racing towards me. A couple of men in white uniforms quickly came over to me and grabbed me, trying to drag me away.

"Please, I just need to know!" I cried out, feeling myself lose all sense of composure.

The men tried to calmly tell me to come with them as they dragged me into an isolated room, full of padded walls and floors.

Great. Just fucking great.

I tried to keep myself from being pushed in, when I didn't notice them inject my arm until it was too late.
I screamed and tried to yank my arm away but I was already losing strength trying to fight my way out. It wasn't long before they were able to grab my legs, keep my arms together before forcibly putting me in the room.
With a loud clang, I heard the door shut, leaving nothing but a slight sliver of light from the bottom of the padded door.
I tried to slam my fists, screaming to let me out, but to no avail.

Then the room started to spin.
Everything was getting blurry.

I passed out only a few minutes after.


Author's note: So I've never been admitted into a hospital (let alone in Japan) for psychiatric care, so I'm not entirely sure how everything works. Forgive me if I'm way off. I tried to do as much research as I could about it but there wasn't much to go off of. Also, I apologize if the kanji is an absolute mess.
I'm also aware that  山田花子 doesn't literally translate to "Jane Doe" in English. However, from what I could gather, it's the Japanese equivalent for a nameless/unidentified person. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

And yes, the room number is 24601. Because musical Easter egg.

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