Chapter Twenty-One: Believe Me

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Oh no. That sound again.




Where am I? I still can't see.

"She's in a medically induced coma."

"What does that mean for our daughter?"


"Right now, there's pressure caused by brain swelling, which has starved some areas of the brain of oxygen. By reducing the electrical activity in the brain and slowing down the brain's metabolism, an induced coma can minimize the swelling and inflammation."



I'm in a coma?
But how am I hearing this?

"...I don't understand."

"Right now, we need to reduce the swelling in her brain from the accident. But we'll be monitoring her blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels in her blood to ensure they're at normal levels in the meantime."

"For how long?"


"It depends. Typically, comas can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. But while induced comas for more than a month are rare, it's not out of the realm of possibility, given her serious injuries."

I heard silence in the room.

Mom, dad! I'm here! I'm here!
Please! Please hear me!

"What are her chances of surviving this?"


"Well, unfort-"

Everything became slurred. I couldn't hear anything clearly anymore.

No. No! No, no, no!
I'm here!
I'm here!

"No!" I screamed out as I jumped up from where I was on the couch, hyperventilating as I looked out in panic.

Aizawa jumped from where he was, which was oddly enough right next to me on the couch. His hands were firmly on my arms before I had startled myself upright, like he was trying to wake me.

"Hey, hey, I'm here. I'm here." I heard him say gently, approaching me again, as he softly brushed my hair away from my sweat drenched face.

I was shaking. I looked down to see myself sweatier than I was before we came back from training. My lungs began to sting as my chest felt tight from the inconsistent breathing. Tears began to spill out of my eyes, as I recalled everything that I had heard. I couldn't help but become hysterical.

I felt Aizawa start to slowly pull me into a hug.

"N-no...I'm all sweaty and gross." I stuttered as I pushed him away.

He rolled his eyes, and grabbed me, firmly pulling me to his chest. I felt him softly rubbing my back, patiently waiting for me to collect myself, nuzzling my tear stained face into his new black shirt. The warmth of his embrace felt like a safe cocoon, as my sobbing turned into faint hiccups, and my trembling began to diminish.

"I...I...I know what happened." I barely squeaked out.

I pulled away, looking at him. His face was riddled with confusion and concern. He lifted his hand and softly brushed away a tear with his finger.

"What's this about?" he asked calmly.

I paused.
How was I supposed to process this?

"I'm...I'm..." I tried to say, but the words weren't coming out. I didn't understand this, or why it was happening.

"It's alright. Take your time." he said reassuringly.

I took a moment to try and collect my thoughts, before I finally found the sense to say anything.

"I'm here because I' a coma." I said.

Aizawa froze.

"How do you know this?" he asked.

"Because I could hear it-" I said.

"While you were sleeping?" he interjected.

I paused, surprised by the interruption. I couldn't help but feel like it was accusatory.

"You don't believe me." I said, looking down with disappointment.

'Of course.' I thought, 'I should've known.'

"I didn't say that." he said, with seriousness in his tone as I looked back at him, "but I'm also suggesting another logical possibility."

"I swear, I heard them! This happened before last night, only I wasn't sure what it was then." I said, a little more frantically.

His demeanor became more focused after hearing that additional information.

"Are you sure? Is that why you woke up in the middle of the night?" he asked.

I nodded.

He hummed, looking off into the distance. He sat there for a moment, presumably to think of what to do next. I don't blame him. I would be confused as to what to do if I were in his shoes and someone told me this.
Just then, he stood up, grabbed his phone and began to make a phonecall.

"Principal Nezu, we've got a situation here...We may have a development regarding Miss Doe and the reason for her presence in our world...Yes... Honestly, I'm not entirely sure about the validity of this, and that's why I need you and the staff to rule out all other potential possibilities. If what we've just discovered is true, we'll at least be on the right path to solving this...Yes, we'll be on our way."

He hung up and turned to me.

"We're heading back to the campus. I'll give you a little time to recover before we leave." he said.

I looked down, still in shock of it all. Everything seemed to be happening so fast and I felt so overwhelmed. But even still, as unbelievably stressful and bonkers as this all is, he's taking it seriously.

"So you do believe me?" I asked quietly.

He bent down into a squat so that my eyes met his again.

"I believe we're going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another."

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