Chapter Sixty-Four: Cold

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The morning after the kidnapping, I was promptly taken back to the apartment, where I stayed alone with Cloud, so that All Might could rejoin with the staff to discuss what steps to take next in retrieving Bakugo. I noticed the police were still around the area, so there was at least some security where I was. Still, that didn't leave me feeling very reassured.

I tried getting ahold of anyone regarding Aizawa's whereabouts, or what was going on, but no one would say anything beyond a curt answer.

Present Mic:
Sorry, kid. I got nothing.
Hope you find out soon.

Haven't seen him since
this morning. :(

Principal Nezu:
No. I'm sorry, my dear. We
are very preoccupied
with pressing matters.

All Might:
I saw him this morning,
but not since then.
Try not to worry.
I'm sure things are fine.

I had tried texting Aizawa, but was met with silence. I knew he had read it, which only made me more nervous. I tried calling, but it went straight to voicemail. I had a lingering feeling he was upset with me. I had no other explanation as to why he would be avoiding me and everyone else.

'Maybe he's busy checking on his students? Or he might be tired and is just catching up on sleep?' I thought, trying to calm down my fears, even though I knew that was a bullshit explanation.

I paced and paced for what felt like hours, waiting to see if he was going to return home.
By the time is was 6 o'clock, I heard the locks on the door switch, and the door opening shortly after, followed by an exhausted Aizawa.

I wanted to greet him, but couldn't bring myself to say anything. I had so many thoughts in my head, but not one coherent sentence to follow up with.
He made no eye contact and said nothing as he closed the door behind him. Even as Cloud happily chirped and rubbed up against his feet, he didn't acknowledge him.

'Fuck.' I thought as the sense of unease within me intensified.
As I took a deep breath to say something, he spoke in a monotoned and low voice, devoid of all enthusiasm or patience.

"I've got to get ready."

I remained motionless and quiet on the couch as he passed by me and walked into the hallway and shut himself in the bathroom.

'Yep. He's pissed.' I thought as I felt a lump in my throat and tears beginning to form, 'Maybe I was wrong to think he'd understand.'

I sat and waited for him to come out, not daring to move a muscle as he continued to shower. I wanted to get up and knock on the door, but I had no plan of action if I did. What was I supposed to say?
Hi, love! Sorry that I didn't mention your student's kidnapping beforehand and now the entire city hates you!
Yeah, great course of action.

I let out a sigh as I tried to figure out how to get him to talk.

'What if he doesn't love me anymore?' I thought, 'What if he kicks me out or has me reassigned to someone else?...What if UA gets rid of me after this? Then I'll be alone, and have no way to get back home.' I buried my face into my hands as I shook my head and took deep breaths, 'No, no. Stop. There's no use to getting worked up over this.'

I heard the shower faucet turn off, causing me to raise my head and look towards the door.
My heart started to race again as the thoughts came flooding back, urging me to speak and say something to get him to talk.

After what felt like ages, he finally came out, clean shaven and a towel wrapped around his waist. As he began to walk towards the bedroom, I finally found the courage to stand up and follow him.

He continued to walk into his room, where thankfully, he didn't shut the door on me as I approached it.

'Well, that's somewhat promising.' I thought.

I stopped in front of the doorway, still not entirely sure what to say as he started pulling out clothes.

"If you've got something to say, say it. I don't have a lot of time to talk. I have somewhere I need to be." he said, his tone somewhat icy.

"The public broadcast, I know." I said in a hushed voice. There was another pause between us as he continued to get dressed. I knew time was of the essence, so I figured now might be the time to use it, "I-I'm sorry about what happ-,"

"Don't." Aizawa interrupted. His voice was cold and his expression came off as frustrated as he looked at me briefly before back to himself as he got dressed.

I could feel my heart racing as the anxiety within me rose.

"I don't know what else to say." I said more meekly than before as I felt my heart starting to break.

"You had plenty of opportunity to say what you needed to before this training took place." he said, his voice still stern as he buttoned up his shirt, "And did you? No."

"You know I couldn't because of-"

"The timeline?" he said, his voice raised more now as he looked at me again, "I'm aware." He took a deep breath and went back to getting dressed, this time with a tie. When he spoke again, his voice was somewhat calmer, "Still, there was a part of me that hoped you would be honest. That you would say something, anything, to warn me about this. When I asked you if there was anything else I needed to be made aware of, I genuinely thought you were telling me the truth when you said no."

"You think I wanted to lie?" I asked, my voice on the verge of cracking, "I hate not telling you everything I know. It kills me."

"Well, your lie could've very well killed some of my students last night." he responded back.

"Don't you dare put that on me!" I said, finally raising my voice as a couple of tears fell, "I knew everyone was going to be fine."

"I didn't!" he said, his voice getting very close to a yell as he turned to look at me. His eyes were like daggers into mine, "And my students are far from fine. This isn't a game for your entertainment. This is real life for me and these kids. And lest you forget, I still have a missing student and pro, and god knows where they are or if they're still alive."

'You know what? Fuck it.' I thought.

"They are!" I shouted back, "Bakugo and Ragdoll are still alive and they will still be alive when the team gets there! Since you're so impatient about the future, there. Now you have it. Are you satisfied?"

Aizawa's expression seemed somewhat surprised by the revelation, but he shook his head.

"While it does bring me some relief, I would've preferred the spoilers before this whole mess got started." he said, his voice low and cold again as he finished straighten his tie.

I let out a huff as he began to grab the remaining pieces of clothing. After putting on his pants, he grabbed the jacket of the suit.

"I can't win with you." I said, my voice quiet again as I wiped away the tears still falling down my cheeks.

"We will continue this conversation when I get back from the broadcast." he said as he put on the jacket, "Until then, you will remain here under the close supervision of the officers outside."

"How thoughtful." I said bitterly as he walked passed me at the door, "I'm glad you care and take my safety so seriously." I sarcastically hollered back at him through the hallway as I walked behind him several feet away.

My words must've felt like a slap in the face, because he slowed his stride and stopped near the door, his back still facing me. He didn't say anything for awhile.

"You know I do." he said, his voice low and soft. That was the Aizawa I had missed and hoped to see when I got back. Instead, I had one that was angry. He let out a sigh, and spoke again, only this time, he sounded drained, "I'll be back in a few hours."

And without saying anything else, and without looking at me, he left, leaving me feeling even more alone with my thoughts than I did before.

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