~•♡First meet♡•~

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Logan Berry and his wife were both screaming at eachother.
"Just get out!" Logan finally yelled. She slapped him before leaving. Ligan heard crying and rushed to his kids room. Remy, age 8, held a crying Virgil, age 1 with Delilah, age 5, beside him also crying.
"I'm so sorry, you guys," Logan said softly. Delilah hugged him and he held her tightly for a long while.

"You're never home anymore," Patton  said in tears. His wife snarled at him. She saw the twins, age 6, hiding behind Patton with their 2 year old brother Emile. Roman held the toddlers hand tightly.

"Take the brats and leave," the wife said before slamming the door. Patton sighed and wiped his tears away.
"Daddy, why is mommy so mad?" Roman asked as Patton buckled Emile in his car seat.
"I'm not sure, buddy," Patton said softly. He drove for an hour. He got to the hotel and found all three kids sound asleep.

"I'm so sorry," Patton whispered to his kids sleeping bodies. He started crying, not able to hold it in anymore.

"Daddy, wheres mommy?" Remy asked Logan the next morning.
"Gone. And she isn't coming back. She wont hurt us anymore, ok?" Logan said. Remy nodded. At school a few weeks later, Remy met Remus and Roman for the first time.

"Do you have a mommy?" Remy asked them.
"No. Daddy says she didnt love us and left," Remus said. "Mommy wasnt around much. She didnt care about us,"

"My daddy kicked my mommy out after she slapped me. All I did was ask her a question," Remy said.

Patton and Logan had bumped into eachother at the store that same day. Like literally bumped into eachother. Patton was rushing, and Logan hadn't seen him until the smaller male ran into the taller one. Logan stumbled and righted Patton.
"Are you alright?" Logan asked

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Patton said out of breath. "I should have been watching where I was going,"

"I wasnt watching either, don't worry. This isn't all your fault," Logan said. Pattons eyes filled with tears at those kind words.

"Thank you," Patton whispered. "I-I better get going, sorry again," Patton said before speeding walking away. Logan chuckled and watched him go, before continuing his shopping.

"Mommy?" Remy said softly when he saw his mom.
"Remy, sweetie, come on, I'm taking you home," she said smiling sweetly.
"Daddy says I cant talk to you unless he's with me," Remy said backing away. "And daddy isn't here,"

"Good," his mother took hold of his arm, shocked when the boy started fighting and screaming.

"Stop being a brat!" She hissed at him.
"Help! Help me!" Remy cried. "Help!!!" Teachers came around the corners to see what was going on. 
"Sorry, my son is just being defiant," his mother said.
"My dad said I cant go anywhere with her!" Remy said, starting to cry. He was scared.

Logan walked into the school, his ears immediately filled with Remy screaming and crying. He ran in, and found his wife.
"Let him go," he said in a low voice. She did and Remy ran over, clinging to Logans leg in fear.

"Get out of here. You arent allowed to have the kids," Logan snapped.
"I'll get them, just you wait," she said before leaving. Logan knelt down and held Remys face in his hands.
"Are you ok?" He said softly.
"Y-yeah," Reny said wiping his cheeks. Logan wiped a tear away as it escaped Remys eyes and smiled softly.

"Its ok. If she ever comes back, remember to never get in her car with her, ok?" Remy nodded.

"Oh, it's you again," A familiar voice said from behind them. Logan turned and smiled at the man.
"Oh, hi," Logan said.
"I never got your name, I'm Patton Sanders," the shorter one said.
"Logan Berry, and this is my son Remy," Logan said.

"Dad!!! We made a new friend!" A little boy said excitedly, running over, his identical twin right behind him. "Hey, there he is, hi Remy!" Remus said smiling.

"These kids yours?" Logan asked smiling.
"Yeah. The one in green in Remus and the one in red is Roman," Patton said. He brushed some...something, out of Remus' hair. "How in the world do you have rocks, sand and leaves in your hair child," Patton said softly. "I never understand how be does it," Patton smiled at Logan

Heyo, I wrote this as a one shot series with three parts originally so I'm just going more into detail, filling in holes and everything for this, because I really wanted to write a whole book for it

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