~♡He's ok♡~

489 19 25

Sex and stuff
Remus being dirty
Cancer and memory stuff mentions
Remus being dirty

Series finale

"Hello?" Logan answered his phone.
"Hey...can you come pick us up?" Remus said nervously.
"What's going on?" Logan asked suspiciously.
"Roman and I kind of got arrested,"

"Dear god, what did you do!?!" Logan cried, startling Dominic Virgil and Emile.
"We ran into that bastard that hurt Dominic and beat the shit outta him," Remus said, a clear smirk in his voice. Logan sighed in disappointment.

"I need to go to the police station, Dominic can you watch your brothers?" Logan said softly. Dominic nodded.

Logan pulled up and found his teenaged twins, sitting together in the holding sound.

"I'm here to retrieve my sons, Roman and Remus Sanders," Logan said softly to the receptionist.
"Logan Berry, I'm their stepdad,"

Logan went through the process and when his boys were let out, he smacked them both upside the head.
"What were you two thinking," he growled as they got into the car.
"We're sorry, we just got so mad seeming him wandering free," Remus grumbled.
"How badly did you hurt him?" Logan asked them

"Hospitalized him," Roman said in a proud tone. Logan sighed with a smile.

"No more beating people up, boys," he chuckled. And you're going to be telling your father what you did,"
"No!!! He'll be mad," Roman whined.
"Too bad, you're telling him when he wakes up," Logan smirked at the loud groans both twins let out.

"Hey, you're up," Logan said, kissing Pattons cheek when he brought the boys inside and Patton was in the kitchen.
"Yeah, where did you go?" Patton asked
"To get our sons from going to prison," Logan glanced back at the boys.

"What did you two do?" Patton asked slowly.
"We beat up the bitch who hurt Remy and Dominic," Remus grumbled. "Someone called the cops on us,"
"Good! You can't go around beating kids up!" Patton said, shocked and upset.

He suddenly stopped, staring with wide eyes at the ground. He slowly raised a hand on cover his mouth, his breathing quickening

"Honey? Are you ok?" Logan asked, slightly panicked.
"Logie-bear," Patton whispered, looking up at him. He started to cry and wrapped his arms tightly around his husbands neck. Logan held him back, worried amd confused.
"What happened, are you ok?" He whispered.
"I-I don't know what happened," Patton choked out. He moved back slightly and pressed their lips together.
"I'm leaving," Roman groaned, dragging Remus away with him.

"Patton, calm down," Logan whispered, gently pushing him away.
"I remember, I remember," Patton insisted. "I remember everything, Logan,"
"Wait, really?!" Logan cried in excitement, hugging his husband tightly and kissing him again. Patton cupped his cheeks, the kissing turning from passionate to heated very fast.

Since Patton had gotten sick, they hadn't really done anything. When he lost his memory, Patton was terrified Logan was actually just using him because he couldnt remember anything which made it difficult to do anything, you know, bedroom wise

"Are you sure..?" Logan said softly. Patton nodded eagerly.

"Remus, Roman, call Remy and take your siblings to visit him!" Logan yelled.
"Fine, but don't make a mess!" Remus yelled back laughing.


Once they were sure the boys were gone, Logan pulled Patton to their room and kissed him while sitting down, Patton on his lap.

"I have a feeling you've been waiting a long time," Patton giggled
"You have no idea," Logan said softly.

The two continued their heated make out session, Patton on his knees above Logan as he pushed him down.

Logan suddenly flipped them over, chuckling at the shocked squeak Patton let out.
"I love you so much," Logan whispered, taking Pattons shirt off and kissing him again. Patton slipped his hands up Logan shirt, pulling it off over his head.

"Wow..." Logan said softly, looking at his husband.
"W-what?" Patton stammered nervously.
"You look better then I remember," Logan chuckled, kissing him.

Patton clung onto him, moaning into his shoulder amd trying to keep quiet incase one of the kids came home. Logan grunted softly, thrusting harder and biting his neck lightly. Patton let out a string of breathy moans, clawing at the others back and encouraging him to go harder

Of course, Logan did, slamming into him roughly.

When the finished off, they just laid snuggling for a long while. About 30 minutes later, Logans phone rang.
"Hey kiddo," he said.
"Are you assholes done yet? Remus and Roman started making out on the couch, Thomas tripped and won't calm down and Dominic is having a panic attack which triggered Virgil to have on. Three out of five children are crying, help me," Remy said. Logan sat up quickly.
"Is Dominic ok? What happened?" He asked quickly.
"He saw a bit of his chest in the mirror and everything came back to him...I can't get him to calm down," Remy sounded worried. "Please can you come here? I don't know what to do,"

The adults quickly got dressed and rushed out.

"Dad," Dominic whimpered when he saw Logan, scrambling up and hugging him.
"Its ok, bud. It's ok, I'm right here," Logan whispered holding him. Patton scooped Thomas up and calmed him down quickly. Virgil hugged Logan as well.

Soon enough, the two boys were calmed down and drank some water.
"Boys, we have an announcement," Logan said as he gently nudged Dominic and Virgil to sit with their brothers.

"What's going on? Oh no, you're pregnant, goddamnit!" Remus groaned loudly. Patton giggled.
"No, I'm not pregnant. My memory came back, dingus," Patton teased.
"Really?!" Emile Roman and Remus cried, jumping up in excitement. Dominic and Virgil were of course excited, but still not in a wonderful headspace.

"Is that why you guys did it?" Roman asked.
"Did what?" Emile asked innocently.
"Nothing, darling. Roman, shush," Patton hissed smiling.

6 months had passed. Patton was finally cured and healed. He was finally ok. They did have to be careful incase cancer returned, but he was alright

"I'm going to miss you two so much," Patton whispered hugging his twins as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"We'll be ok, dad. We'll come to visit just like Remy does," Roman smiled, hugging him too. Logan helped them load the last thing into the car and the twins hugged their younger brothers, each giving a big big hug to Emile, who was crying like Patton.

"Its going to be ok, cutie. We'll see you soon," Roman smiled, kissing Emiles head gently.
"I love you," Emile pouted.
"We love you too," Remus smiled too, ruffling his hair making the younger giggle.

"Bye dads," the twins got into their car and drove to their new home across town.

"I love you so much," Roman hummed as the two snuggled on the couch.
"Hey guess what? Couch sex," Remus whispered. Roman giggled, blushing a deep red.
"Dirty brat," he smiled, kissing his brother.
"I'm serious!! We can do it anywhere! And no one will walk in on us or tell us to be quiet," Remus giggled.
"Dirty weirdo, I love you," Roman kissed him again.
"I love you too," Remus smiled wide.

"Her name is Gabbie. Gabbie, these are going to be your new dads,"
"Hi Gabbie, I'm Roman and this is my husband Remus,"

If you wish to read more, about the twins and their futures, I will be writing a new book about them! It will be like a season two of the book kinda...anyways, yeah

I really hope you all enjoyed this series. I had alot of fun (and tears) writing it. You have showed such amazing support on it and I loved that my ideas were enjoyed. Thank you so so so so SO much!!!!

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