~•♧Thank God♧•~

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"Dad, what happened?" Remus demanded.
"H-his heart stopped," Logan choked.

They all went silent.
"I-is he going to be ok?!" Dominic cried when he found his voice.
"I don't know," Logan sobbed. "They haven't told me anything yet. I managed...to tell him you all love him so much before it happened, though," Virgil let out a soft whine and sat on Logan's lap, hugging him.

Patton felt Logans hand holding his. He heard him speaking. But he was fading away.

He could faintly hear Logan screaming, but only for a few seconds before there was nothing but black. Patton stood in the middle of it.

"Let's review your life," a loud voice said, making Patton jump.

Was he...dead?

"W-where am I?" Patton asked.
"You have 3 children, correct?" The voice said.
"U-um, if you include Virgil Remy Thomas and Dominic, 7," Patton said nervously.

"You were a good person. Cared about your friends and family," the voice boomed. Patton flinched hard. He was scared. He didnt know where he was or what was happening.

"C-can I see them? My husband and kids?" Patton asked softly.

A large image faded in.
Logan, being held by the kids. They all were crying

"No! Please, please! I-I can't die!" Patton said as he started crying. "Please! Please send me back," Patton sobbed as he fell to his knees.

A moment passed. Patton shot up, gasping for air and coughing. Doctors were all around him. Pattons head ached as he laid back down, feeling a gentle hand on his shoulder, pushing him down.

"Patton? Can you hear me?" A soft voice said. It was so quiet. As if it were barely there.

"K-kinda," Patton managed to say. "W-where are they?"

"In the lobby. But they can't come in until we run some tests, ok?" The doctor spoke calmly and kindly, his hand still on Pattons shoulder as if to tell him he was alive.

"Tell them I love them...please," Patton looked up at the doctor even though the light hurt his eyes and head.
"Of course,"

"Is he ok?!" Logan cried when the doctor approached them.
"He is alright. We managed to wake him up, but no one can see him until we can find what caused his heart to stop. He asked me to tell you all he loved you very much," The doctor said.

Emile jumped up and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you," he whispered. The doctor smiled.

A half hour later, after blood work and an X-ray, they allowed the kids and Logan to see Patton. Emile clung to his side like a koala.

"I was so worried about you," Logan said kissing his hand.
"I'm so sorry, Logie. Kids," Patton said softly.

"It's ok, dad...it isn't your fault," Remus said with a soft smile. "We're just glad that you're ok,"

After another 4 weeks of being in the hospital, Patton was finally allowed to go home. The kids were so excited. Logan had warned them that Patton was tired and just wanted to rest, most likely wanting to be alone a bit.

For Emile and Virgil, that was really hard. They just wanted to hug him and stay close.

The first few days, Logan tried getting Patton to eat. With the meds he was on, Patton barely moved, ate, or spoke. The room was always spinning to him. His head hurt.

When School started up again a little less then a month later, the kids were not ready to go.

The twins were on their last year of school.
"So boys, remember. No beating kids up, help eachother out, amd behave," Logan told them as they left.
"No promises," Remus smiled.
"Remus, be good," Logan said.

"Ok, I will," Remus laughed and followed Roman and Dominic onto the bus.
"Bye dad," Virgil said hugging him.
"Bye kiddo, have a good day," Logan smiled.

Logan peeked into the bedroom, where Patton was staring out the window at something.
"Babe?" He asked softly.
"Hm?" Patton mumbled.
"Are you ok?"
"I don't know,"

"I have some water for you," Logan said gently, setting the glass down. Patton showed no reaction.

Logan went to the living room to do some work. Thomas was watching a show, sitting on the floor by the couch, singing along happily to the songs.
"Daddy, I'm hungry," Thomas said after a bit. Logan stood and went to make a little lunch. Thomas stood beside him, watching him.

"There you go, kiddo," Logan smiled
"Thank you daddy," Thomad said happily.

Logan was surprised when Patton got up and stumbled into the livingroom.
"Hun, you shouldn't be out of bed," Logan said quickly standing to help Patton.
"I-im fine, don't worry," Patton said. But he used Logans shoulder to steady himself.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt," Logan said in worry. Patton forced a smile amd nodded, regretting it immediately as the room started spinning. He stumbled from the dizziness and let out a soft whine.

"Love, come sit," Logan whispered softly, leading Patton to the couch. Patton sat down carefully and smiled softly when Logan kissed his cheek and put his arms around him.

"Just be careful ok? Don't get up without me. If you fall and I'm not there to help you, anything could happen," Logan whispered.
"I know," Patton mumbled tiredly. "I just wanted to be with you again,"

"I love you," Logan smiled kissing Pattons cheek again. Patton leaned into Logan more and stay in his arms while Logan finished some more work.

When the kids got back, Logan and Patton could see the struggle it was for Emile and Virgil to not run over and tackle them in hugs.

Remus was covering his left eye and quickly walked past them all, Roman following him.
"Boys, what happened at school today?" Logan asked Dominic Emile and Virgil
"Remus got in another fight," Dominic said softly. "And he lost,"

"The teachers had to pull the other kid off of him. We told them not to call you because we wanted to keep you home," Virgil said as he put his bag down.
"What started the fight?" Patton asked softly, sitting up a bit more with a silent whine of pain.

The boys eyed eachother nervously.
"The kids...said that Remus and Roman were disgusting monsters like usual, then said...that you guys are horrible and gross too..." Emile mumbled softly.
"Remus got angry when they said that you both deserved to die," Dominic said, hugging Emile who was angry and upset.

"I'm gonna go talk to him, ok?" Logan whispered to Patton. Patton nodded a bit and Logan gently got up, laying him down.

Logan went to the bathroom and knocked.
"Remus, can I come in?" Logan asked softly. The door opened and Logan sighed when he saw his son. Remus had a black eye and a spilt lip. A mark was on his neck as if he'd been choked.

"I'm sorry, I know you told me not to get into any more fights," Remus said softly. Roman stood beside him with a sad look.
"I'm proud of you," Logan smiled. Both boys were surprised by those words.
"Really?" Remus asked softly. Logan gently held Remus' face in his hand.
"You stood up for yourself and your brother. Your brothers told me what happened, and what those jerks said to make you angry. And I am so proud of you for stopping it," Logan said smiling.

"You should give dad a hug," Logan said smiling
"Ok," Remus smiled back and hugged Logan. Logan hugged him back and smiled at the two. He led then out and they hugged Patton gently.
"Your face," Patton whispered when he got a good look at Remus.
"I'm fine, Dad, really," Remus said smiling.

"Dad, are you feeling better?" Emile asked, cuddling into Patton a bit.
"Much better," Patton said with a small smile.

Hey, this was delayed for a reason. I'm a evil bitch, who loves leaving people on cliffhangers. I love you all, I hope you enjoyed and hope you have a good day/night!❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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