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Ok I have no idea how this would traditionally go, I have never had a close CLOSE family member with cancer. The only person I've ever known with it was my moms birth mom, who I actually didnt know too well since she lived in New Zeland and we are in Canada. So I'm just making up bullshit as I go, sorry


"Oh god,"
"What? What does it say?" Remus asked nervously.
"Remus...go to your room please," Logan said taking Patton into his arms. Remus nodded and went to his room, where Roman and Dominic were playing a game. Remus sat on his head thinking.
"Hey, wanna join?" Roman asked.
"No thank you," Remus said softly.
"Remus...are you ok?" Dominic asked.
"Not really," Remus laid on his bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling. He felt Roman get onto the bed and looked over at him. Roman watched him for a few seconds, studying his face.

Roman moved closer, laying beside him. He put his hand on Remus' chest, looking up at him.
"Tell me what happened," he said softly.
"I can't," Remus closed his eyes and tried to take a deep breath.
"Please?" Roman asked softly, running his other hand through Remus' hair.
"Dads will tell everyone when they feel like it, it's not my place to say," Remus said. He pulled Roman down so he was laying in his chest, making Roman smile softly.

"I'll leave you guys alone," Dominic said getting up. He left, closing the door behind him.
Remus kissed Roman's head and smiled again when Roman nuzzled his chest
"I love you," Roman smiled, kissing him.
"Love you, too,"

The next day, the kids could tell something was wrong. Patton was quiet. He smiled and greeted them softly, but wasnt as bubbly and happy as he usually was.
"Bye dads," they called as they left.

When Dominic entered his classroom, he froze in place. He saw someone he knew. From his old school. Someone who knew he was trans.
"Hey, Delilah, is that you?" He called to him. Dominic winced.
"N-no, you must have me mistaken for someone else," Dominic said quickly, taking his seat.

"No...I'm pretty sure it's you," he slid up next to Dominic.
"Please leave me alone," Dominic said softly, pulling out his books.
"Who is Dominic?"
"I am," Dominic took a small breath.

"What, are you trans or something?" He asked, even though he knew the answer. Every head in the room turned at that. Dominic was tense and nervous. He didnt want anyone knowing.
"So, Delilah," the boy said smiling.
"That isn't my name," Dominic snapped. "Stop calling me that,"
"But it is your name," the boy laughed when Dominic felt tears in his eyes

"Stop it," he said softly. "Leave me alone,"
Dominic was a quiet kid. He didnt have any friends and spent lunch and breaks with his brothers, mostly Virgil and Emile because Roman and Remus were often making out in the bathroom. So he didnt have anyone to stand up for him at that moment. All his brothers were in other classes.

The boy kept pushing, deadnaming him. Dominic finally broke into tears, jumping up and running out. He knocked on the door to the classroom Remus and Roman would have been in. The class turned to the door. When the twins saw it was him, they both got up quickly.
"Hey, are you ok?" Roman asked softly as he closed the door. Dominic shook his head as tears kept falling.
"S-someone from our old school is here a-and now everyone knows," he told them. They quickly hugged him as he cried

"It'll be ok," Remus whispered. "We wont let anything happen to you,"

Unforunatly, they weren't there when Dominic was getting pushed around. He was shoved over, tripped, called names.
"Leave me alone," Dominic said nervously as they cornered him.
"Why should we? We can't have a freak like you walking around,"

"DeeDee, who are they?" Emile asked, pushing his way through to stand beside Dominic.
"G-go get Remus and Roman," Dominic whispered. Emile looked worried,.but nodded and ran off to find their older brothers.

When Remus and Roman came over, the kids quickly moved away. They knew Remus wouldn't hesitate to beat the crap out of them.
"Are you ok?" Roman asked as Dominic glued himself to his side. Dominic nodded after a moment. He stayed as close as he could to them for the rest of the break.

After school, they were surprised to find Patton and Logan waiting by the bus for them. They both had serious yet sad looks.
"What's wrong dads?" Roman asked.
"Just get I the car," Logan said. They were quick to listen and got in their seats.

At home, they found Remy inside with Thomas.
"Is something wrong?" Dominic asked as they sat down

"Yeah," Patton said softly. "Boys...we have something really serious to tell you,"

"I..." Patton choked on his words. He took a deep breath. "I have cancer,"

The kids were silent in shock.
"No..." Roman breathed. "And Remus, you knew?!"
"I wasnt allowed to tell anyone!" Remus cried in defence. "Dad told me not too,"

"How long have you known about this?" Remy asked softly.
"Not very long...Remus found out while babysitting Thomas when he was suspended. We only got it confirmed yesturday,"
"That's why you were so upset yesturday?" Dominic said to Remus. He nodded and held his hands tightly in his lap. Roman wrapped his arm around Remus.
"Cancer...so what's going to happen?" Virgil asked softly.

"I am going to need to spend some time at the hospital. We don't know how long it will be for, but I won't be at home for awhile," Patton said softly. Emile jumped out of his seat and hugged Patton tightly.

"But I'm gonna miss you," Emile said softly in tears.
"I know, baby," Patton whispered hugging him. "I'm so sorry,"

"Can...can I stay here tonight?" Remy asked.
"Of course," Logan said. That night, Reny slept in Roman's bed while Roman cuddled up close to Remus. Emile wanted to sleep with Patton and Logan and they agreed, so he was snuggled up between them.

Virgil and Dominic slept in their beds, but none if the kids really slept. Remus was restless and since someone else was in the room, Roman couldnt do much to help him sleep

(if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge)

"Ro?" Remus whispered as he felt Roman's hand running down his side.
"Yeah?" Roman whispered back. He slipped his hand under the hem of Remus' pants.

"W-what are you doing?" Remus mumbled, blushing a deep red.
"Nothing, just relax," Roman whispered. Remus liked the feeling of Roman touching him and closed his eyes

(Dear god kill me before I do something else I regret in this story)

The next morning, Logan drove Patton to the hospital. At school, all the kids stayed together as long as they could. They were all quiet that day and really sensitive.

"Hey, are you ok?" One of Emiles friends asked. Emile shook his head in tears.

Ok I will be leaving it here for now

My Instagram is lia._.gaming and I have a poll on my story right now. Vote on that, but choose wisely. It will define the future of this story

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed have a great day/night!!❤🧡💛💚💙💜
(legit forgot the order of the rainbow for a second)

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