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"Who leaves a toddler on someone's doorstep? What kind of parents do that?!" Roman said in shock.
"Guys, calm down," Logan said firmly. "Remy, Ro, Re, there is a box of your guys' old clothes in the attic. Go find it,"

They came down a few minutes later with some clothes for toddlers and smaller children. It had been raining a little bit so the child was crying and a bit wet. Patton changed him and found a note in a plastic sandwich bag. Logan read it.

My name is Thomas. I was born on April 24th. I am 2 years old. I am allergic to cats. I have been left here because my mommy and daddy cannot take care of me anymore. I hope you can give me a warm, happy home

"Kids...you better get to school," Patton said softly as he held the toddler, Thomas, close.
"Ok..." Remy said. Soon they were gone and Logan and Patton talked about what they were going to do. Thomas was playing with Lily on the floor by them, still as gentle as ever as he licked and cuddled the little boy.

"What are we going to do?" Patton asked softly.
"Take care of him until we find a more efficient home," Logan sighed. "We already have six kids and a dog, I don't think we can take care of another one,"

"I guess you're right," Patton mumbled. He knelt down by the toddler and smiled at how curious his big brown eyes were. "He's so cute, though,"

"I know. You seem to have what some call the baby fever. When you miss having babys and toddlers around," Logan said smiling.
"Yeah...I mean, Virgil and Emile are already almost 11 and 12...it has been almost 10 years since we met, Logan!" Patton was in awe. How had these ten years passed by so quickly?

"Ten years...wow," Logan leaned back on the couch. "That is absolutely amazing,"

For a bit, they just played with Thomas. He seemed was quiet and shy, but playful when he got used to Patton and Logan. At lunch, they fed Thomas a sandwich with the crust cut off, and he seemed very happy. He babbled a bit and Patton couldn't stop smiling. He picked Thomas up and made a slightly pouty lip at Logan.

"Logie, please can we keep him? Hes so cute and sweet!" Patton asked.
"Baby, we can't," Logan sighed and almost broke when Patton gave him the sad puppy dog eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, Pat. You know we can't take care of him properly," Logan said shaking his head.

"I know..." Patton said sadly. "But we are gonna keep him until we can find a better home, right?"

"Yeah," Logan said after a moments thought. Patton smiled wider and kissed Logan. Thomas smiled and copied Patton, kissing Logans cheek. Patton giggled and Logan smiled.

As a week went by, Thomas seemed to fit in really well. He quickly made his way into Logans heart like he did with Patton. And after about 9 days of having Thomas in their home, Logan caved.

"I think we should keep the kid," Logan told Patton late that night.
"Really?!" Patton cried excitedly.
"Yes," Logan nodded. Patton squealed happily and hugged Logan, kissing his happily.

"We have decided to keep Thomas," they told the kids the next morning.
"Yeees!" Roman said, jumping up and punching the air in excitement. He stopped quickly when the others laughed. "Uh...I mean, what changed your minds?" He sat down and Remus giggled softly and cuddled into him a bit.

"I wanted to keep him from the start, but dad said it might be a bad idea. Last night he said we should keep him," Patton explained as he picked the little boy up.
"This is awesome! I'm not the youngest anymore!" Virgil said with a sudden burst of excitement. He quickly sat and ducked his head, sitting in silence.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Patton asked kneeling in front of him. Virgil felt all eyes on him and had his shoulders up to his ears.

"I-I was loud, sorry," he said softly.
"Hon, don't apologize. You were just excited," Patton said in a soft, comforting voice.

"Dads...I need to tell you something," Emile spoke up. "I know the reason for Virgils out burst. And why he got so freaked out being loud,"

"Is something wrong?" Logan asked.
"You promised you wouldn't tell them!" Virgil hissed in fear.
"What's going on, boys?" Logan said firmly.
"Virgils been getting bullied. They call him a baby because he's the youngest. And everytime he defends himself, they...they hurt him,"

"Wait, what?!" Remy demanded, jumping up. Virgil flinched and bowed his head more.
"Remy, calm down," Logan said. Remy sat beside Virgil, pulling him into a hug.

"Honey, when did this start?" Patton asked gently.
"I-I don't know...since school started," Virgil mumbled, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
"Virgil, you should have told us," Logan said, putting a gentle hand on Virgils knee.
"I know...I was just scared," Virgils voice was quiet, as if he was scared if he spoke too loud he might get hurt or yelled at.

"Honey, no matter what you are not a baby. You may be the baby of the family, but you know what? So was I," Patton smiled. "My older siblings were always there for me. And I never had the responsibility of taking care of a younger sibling like my oldest brother did,"

"So...being the youngest can have some good parts?" Virgil asked softly. Patton smiled and nodded.
"Being the oldest can suck sometimes. Means I gotta watch out for you little jerks," Remy smiled as he ruffled Virgils hair.
"You don't watch out for us," Remus and Roman said together.
"Because you both should be able to care for yourselves. Plus you have eachother,"

"Just be glad none of you are only children. That was boring and lonely," Logan said. "I always wanted a sibling, older or younger,"

"Daddy?" Thomas said softly. Patton squealed, picking the toddler up happily.
"Yeah! That's right!" He said smiling. Thomas giggled and smiled wide.

Sorry this one is a bit late, I have been oddly and uncharacteristically unmotivated to do....well, anything really.
For the past few days I've just wanted to sleep and eat, not do anything decent or productive. Even writing chapters for stories and coming up with ideas has been a struggle.

But today, I was live on my instagram, doing a bit of drawing and chatting. When I saw someone else joined. I read the name and guess who it was?! A cosplayer I absolutely adore and think is so cool! They joined my freaking live!!!
I literally fangirl squealed and started crying with excitement, probably embarrassing myself as I told then how much I love them and everything. And after the live, I just laid on my bed smiling because the unbelievable had just happened.

Like I'm not even bragging about it, im just so shocked and happy that it even happened. Like the fact that we are mutuals on TikTok is crazy, plus I'm friends with them on instagram now, yet I still look up to them so much

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night❤🧡💛💚💙💜😁

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