~•♡chapter 15♡•~

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Omg I swear, I went ALL OUT on this one. I put in dirty stuff, fluffy stuff, angsty stuff(I added more Virgil lol) and um...yeah...I want to say, that I am sorry for this chapter... I don't know wtf happened to make me wrote this and you will see what I mean when you read it.

Incest (more then before. Be ready)
Cancer mentions

Me being a complete dumbass and joking about literally nothing

"What did you do?" Logan asked when Patton and Remus got home.
"Look, a kid was being really mean to Virgil so I hit him," Remus said, dropping his bag. "Brat had it coming,"
"How old was this kid?" Logan sighed.
"Emiles age," Remus muttered.
"Remus," Logan groaned. "You can't hit a 13 year old,"
"Well I did. He's been a jerk to Virgil since we moved to that school," Remus went up to his room. After a bit, Thomas came in and climbed onto his lap.
"What's up, kid?" Remus asked softly.
"Sad?" Thomas asked with a pout.
"No, just annoyed," Remus kissed Thomas' head and smiled a bit.

When everyone else came home, Roman hugged Remus from behind.
"Arw you ok?" He asked softly.
"I'm fone, just annoyed," Remus shrugged. He felt Roman's hand tracing his waist and blushed hard. Roman smirked started whispering in Remus' ear teasingly.
"Stop it, weirdo," Remus said even though he liked it.
"Are you sure you want me to stop?" Roman teased. Remus felt his face get even redder and tried to hide his face.

"Stop teasing him," Dominic said, rolling his eyes.
"Why should I?" Roman said. "He always teases me like this,"

"Do not," Remus defended.
"The day Reny showed us his new house?" Roman reminded Remus.

"Boys, quit arguing," Logan said. Roman let Remus go and walked away, but not before winking and making flirty eyes at him. Remus let out a soft distressed gay panic noise and ran to his room.

"Why does he have to be so hot," Remus groaned softly, sliding down the door.

Btw I may have messed up on their ages a bit before hand. Remy is 19, the twins are 17, Dominic is 15, turning 16 really soon, Emile is 13 and Virgil is 12 so yeah. Also in case you were curious, Logan is 41 and Patton is 40

Remus was suspended for 3 days. Those days, Patton and Logan made him do chores and school work. One day he had to babysit Thomas for two hours while Logan was out shopping, setting up everything for Dominic's nearing birthday. It was only a few days away and Patton never said where he was going, just that he was going to be back in a few hours.

While Remus was watching Thomas, he was playing hide and seek with the toddler. He heard something fall in the parents room and assumed Thomas was in there. He went inside and noticed some of Logans papers had fallen. The top paper though, caught his eye.

"Patton Sanders...bill...cancer..." Remus muttered as he read. He froze. "Wait..." he read it again. Patton had gotten a test for cancer. "Oh my gosh," he breathed.
"What's wrong?" Thomas asked looking over his shoulder.
"Nothing, let's go get a snack," Remus put the papers back and picked Thomas up. He got him a snack and they sat on the kitchen floor.

Unsanitary? Who's she? Never heard of her(I'm sorry😂)

When Logan got back, Thomas was in bed for a nap.
"Dad, can I talk to you?" Remus said softly.
"Yeah, of course," Logan said, shrugging his coat off.
"I found a something in your room..." Remus said slowly. Logan turned red, as if embarrassed. "A bill for the hospital?"
"Oh...that...OH, that," Logan seemed relieved for a second, then scared. "Um...yeah..." Logan didn't know what to say anymore. He sighed. "Sit down," he said. Remus sat on the couch, criss crossed.

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