~•◇The Box◇•~

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A little bit of dirty talk

"The most voted name is....Lily," Logan said.
"Yay! I win!" Roman said.
"You didnt WIN, Roman," Remy said rolling his eyes.
"Yes I did, i won. Now shush, mortal," Roman said. Remy laughed at that

"Tomorrow, we can go get a tag made for her," Patton said. He carefully put the collar onto the little puppy, a light pink one with gems, a matching leash already hung up by the door

(I couldnt think of anything else, my dog had the same one a few years ago so)

Lily didnt sleep in any particular room. They tried to get her sleeping in her bed, but she ended up trying to climb onto Delilahs bed that night.
"Dad, can she sleep here with me?" Delilah asked as she held Lily on her lap.
"Sure. But don't blame us if she wakes you up," Logan said. "Sleep tight, Dee,"
"Night dad," Delilah said as she laid down. Lily cuddled up by her side, actually being calm and quiet.

A few months passed. Everyday, Patton walked the kids to the bus stop, now taking Lily out for a walk around the same time. Once the kids were picked up, he'd take Lily around the block.

"You slept well," Patton said as he kissed Logans cheek inside.
"I was very tired, you kept me up all night," Logan said smiling.
"Did not, if anything you kept me up all night," Patton giggled.
"Maybe, but I know I had fun," Logan kissed Patton and smiled at how easy it was to fluster him.

Logan went to work around 10 and Patton sat on the couch with Lily, teaching her a few things and playing.

The phone rang so he got up.
"Hello?" He asked, not looking at the number.
"Is this Logan or Patton Sanders?"
"Your son had an accident," the person on the other line said. Patton looked. The hospital.

Patton was in the car not a minute later, driving to the hospital. Logan got there soon after.
"What happend?" Logan asked the crying Patton.
"Remus and Roman were playing and Roman fell off the play structure," Patton said, hugging Logan.

"Mr. Sanders?" A nurse asked.
"That's us," Logan said.
"Your son is over here," she said. She lead them to a room where Roman was sitting on the bed.
"Hi...dads," he said softly, holding his broken arm. His face was cut.
"Baby, are you ok?" Patton asked, holding the boys face.
"Yeah..." Roman seemed tired and very much in pain. Tears stained his face. Patton helped him down, noticing he had also injured his ankle.

"Thank you," Logan said as they went outside.
"What happened, Roman?" Patton asked as he helped him into the car
"Remus and I were playing on the top of the play structure. We weren't allowed as high up as we were. When we got yelled at and tried to get down, I slipped. I hit the bottom ledge and broke my arm, twisted my ankle and cut my face on the wood chips on the ground," Roman said. "And now I'm really tired,"

(Logan got dropped off at work by Patton and took a cab to the hospital)

At home, Logan carried Roman, who had fallen asleep in the car, to his bed.

When the kids got home, Remus was a nervous wreck.
"Is he ok?" He asked in a panic. Paton took his shoudlers.
"He's sleeping. He broke his arm and twisted his ankle. Roman's in alot of pain right now, so I need you all to be calm, ok?"

"Hes in our room?" Remus asked softly. Patton nodded. Remus went to the bedroom, finding Roman on the bottom bunk, sound asleep. Remus sighed and laid next to him, putting his arm around his sleeping brother.
"I'm sorry," Remus whispered.

"I was there when it happened. Ro hit the ground really hard," Remy said.
"We know..." Patton sighed. "Now we'll have to deal with even more looks in public,"

"What looks do you get?" Delilah asked.
"Well, since we are a gay couple, and there are alot of people who don't agree with it, we get alot of dirty looks in public. And now that Roman broke his arm, people may think that we're bad parents," Logan kissed the top of Pattons head.
"Dont worry. Everyone who gives us bad looks are stupid and uncultured," Logan said as he hugged his husband from behind. Patton took a deep breath and nodded

When Roman woke up, he turned in Remus' arms and cuddled his brother closer.

Patton came in to check on the boys and smiled.
"They're both asleep," he said softly to Logan. That afternoon was spent helping Remy with his homework, making sure the kids all had baths or showers and struggling to get Virgil into bed because he was terrified of something in his closet.
"Baby, theres nothing in there," Patton told him
"Yes there is! Something fell!" Virgil insisted. Patton sighed and opened the closet. Nothing was there, but something had definatly fallen. Patton picked it up, confused by why it was in the closet of two five year olds.

"Lo, do you know what this is?" Patton asked.
"No..." Logan said slowly. "It might be something of my parents or something. But it definatly doesnt belong in here," Logan took the black box from Patton. It had been duct taped shut, with do not open on it.

"Should we open it?" Patton asked as the two sat at the kitchen table, staring at the box.
"I'm not sure," Logan said slowly. "I kind of recognize it, but can't remember why,"

"Well...it's probably not so bad," Patton took the scissors and cut the tape, half expecting something to jump out at him. When nothing did, he lifted the lid.

"Logan!" Patton screeched at the contents. Logan started laughing when he realized what it was and why it said no not open.

"Why do you even have these?!" Patton whisper cried, pushing the box away.
"Reasons," Logan chuckled. "What, do you not like it?" He pushed the box back to Patton, who shook his head wildly.
"Pervert," Patton muttered. Logan chuckled again and stood, grabbing Pattons waist and pulling him closer.

"Don't pretend you don't secretly want to try it out," Logan whispered.
"S-stop teasing me," Patton mumbled, turning red. Logan chuckled and kissed him, pushing him into the table. It got heated way too quickly.

"L-Logie, the kids could still be awake," Patton whispered into the kiss.
"Then you better be quiet," Logan whispered back smirking. Patton loved when he got like this, but was also really worried about being heard or caught by one if the kids.

I'm sorry for hurting Roman, but I wanted to add a bit of drama in a way. Thank you too my good buddy @Aloleann85 for the name of the doggo and if you are wondering what was in the box and dont know...you are way too young to be on Wattpad, seriously

Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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