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Blood warning, a bit closer to the end

The next morning, Delilah woke up first. She looked around, confused about where she was for a minute before remembering they were at the cabin. She ran to a window and looked up at the trees and out onto the lake.

"Hey, Dee, what're you doing up so early?" Remy asked, yawning. He had heard her quick little footsteps and woken up.

"Look at how pretty it is, Remy!" She said excitedly. "I wanna go swimming!"

"We have to wait for dads to wake up to go swimming. Just play or something until then," Remy said. He laid back down, watching as Delilah sat on the floor next to her bed and hummed softly to herself.

Roman woke up next, though he couldnt move until Remus woke up, and didnt really want to wake him. Remus had his arms wrapped around Roman, his face in his chest as he slept. It was normal for them, Remus didnt really like to sleep alone and often ended up in Roman's bed, at least 5 times a week.

"You good there, Ro?" Remy asked smiling.
"Hush, peasant," Roman said. Remy rolled his eyes and smiled. When Patton finally woke up, he saw how quiet the kids were.

"Help me," Roman whispered.
"Aw," Patton giggled at the twins. He took a picture and Roman gave him a glare. Patton knew Roman couldnt help smile for pictures.

"Cmon, smile Ro," Patton said smiling. Roman smiled and Remus finally stirred, loosening his grip on Roman enough Roman could slip out from under him

Patton kissed Logans face until he woke up. Patton giggled and laughed harder as Logan grabbed him and laid him on his chest, holding him close.
"Logie!" Patton giggled. Logan let him go and they got up. Roman Remy and Delilah got dressed and Virgil sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Morning buddy," Logan said smiling. "Youwant to go swimming?" Virgil nodded happily.

Logan and Patton held Emile and Virgil, Roman and Remus pushed eachother into the water and Remy sat in the shallow water with Delilah until she was ready to go deeper (get your mind out of the gutter)

"You can do it, come on!" Logan encouraged Delilah as she slowly got into the water more. She shook her head, not liking the cold water.
"Just dive in," Remy said before going under the water. He came up and took his sisters hand, gently pulling her into the water more until she was able to cling to one of the adults. And that she did.

"Good job, honey!" Patton saidx smiling. "See, it isn't so bad, right kiddos?" Emile wiggled from Pattons arms and tried swimming a bit on his own
(Virgil Emile and Delilah were wearing life jackets and Roman and Remus were told they had to be able to touch the bottom, Remy just kinda stayed close)

Emile swam around and tried to get Virgil to do the same.
"Cmon! It's easy!" Emile said happily. Virgil looked at Logan nervously.
"It's ok, you can do it," Logan said. "I can hold your hands until you're ready,"

"I-I dont want to sink," Virgil said softly.
"That's what this is for," Logan said, gesturing to the life jacket. "You can do it,"

Virgil nodded slowly and carefully let his grip loosen around Logan's neck. He held Logans hands tightly and tried to swim. After a few minutes he did.
"Yay!" Patton said smiling.
"You did it!" Logan smiled.

"Remus!" Roman screamed. They all turned and saw Remus, sitting on his brothers shoulders.
"I'm taller then everyone!" Remus sang smiling.
"Not for long," Roman said before leaning back, both of them falling into the water. They came up laughing.

Even though the twins fought alot, they also got along really well and were eachothers bestfriend and comforter. If either of them had a nightmare, they would be with the other.

After about half an hour of swimming, they got bundled up by the fire and made marshmallows and hotdogs.
"Hands away from the fire, Re," Patton said without looking up from getting a drink.
"How'd you know I was trying to touch the fire?" Remus said softly.
"Because I'm your father. I know everything," Patton said smiling.

On the last day of the trip, Patton and Logan sat out and watched the sun set. It was nice and romantic. They sat on the cabin porch, drinking hot chocolate and cuddling.

And after it was dark, they just sat in a comfortable silence and looked at the stars.
"I love you so much," Logan said after awhile, kissing Patton.
"I love you too," Patton said smiling. They went inside after a bit and got cuddled up happily. Patton was absently playing with Logans hair, both falling asleep. Patton leaned down and kissed Logans cheek and neck.

The next morning, they let the kids play outside while they packed up.
"Leave the first aid kit out, knowing the twins someone is going to get hurt," Patton said as he checked under the beds for socks and toys.

And as if on cue.

"Daddd!" Roman screamed.
"Looks like you may have been right," Logan said as they rushed out. Delilah was sobbing, the others gathered around her.
"Oh my goodness, what happened?!" Patton gasped as he saw her bleeding leg.
"We were playing tag and she tripped! She cut herself on a rock or stick or something," Remy said.

Logan ran back inside and got the first Aid kit as Patton sat Delilah on the stump.

"Ok, sweetie, this will sting, ok?" Patton said before he started disinfecting it. She nodded and flinched as it stung.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry," Remy said.
"Its not your fault," Logan said. He noticed how freaked out Emile and Virgil were freaked out from the blood and he took the other kids away.

Once Delilah was cleaned up and her leg was bandaged, he picked her up and sat her on one of the beds.
"We'll be ready to go soon, just relax  ok?" Patton said. She nodded and hugged her stuffed animal as she tried to calm down. The adrenaline rush from her fall made it impossible to stop her heart from pounding.

After a bit the car was packed.
"How are you feeling?" Logan asked as he helped Delilah up.
"Better," she said sleepily. "Can I sleep in the car?"
"Of course, hon," Logan said. He helped her into the car and after a few minutes they were ready to go home. And after triple checking the cabin they drove home

This ones a little longer, and I had alot of fun writing it

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