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A bit of incest, sorry again

Delilah was interested in what she read. Everything other people talked about feeling before they transitioned is exactly how she had felt for the past 3 years.

"I know dad will support me, he always does," Delilah told herself...or was it himself? The poor kid didnt even know at this point. She was so confused.

"You look stressed," Remy said, startling her.
"I-I was just thinking," Dee said quickly as she closed out of the computer.

"If you say so goofball," Remy ruffled her hair, smiling as she giggled and playfully glared at him.

Patton and Logan were making dinner.
"Dads?" Delilah said softly.
"Yes sweetie?" Patton said smiling.
"I-is it possible that...I-I'm transgender?" Delilah asked softly.
"Do you think you are?" Logan asked. Dee nodded.
"Well, whatever you identify as, whoever you like, we will always love you," Patton smiled.
"Thanks dad," Delilah said with a small smile.

~time skip 6 months~

Delilah had thought about it alot. And she was pretty sure she was actually a he.

During dinner, she stood.
"Everyone...I would like to announce that I am going by he/him pronouns and would prefer to be called Dominic,"

Aw, honey that's wonderful," Patton said smiling.
"I'm glad you were able to tell us, Dominic," Logan said.
"Wait, so Dee is a boy now?" Emile asked.
"Yes," Patton said.

Logan and Patton had to explain it a bit to Emile and Virgil, who eventually understood. Dominic didn't get upset if someone called them Delilah or used female pronouns, he just corrected them. He knew they were trying their hardest. Mostly it was Virgil or Emile, when they just forgot but quickly corrected themselves.

At school in September, they had started at a new school because their school shut down for some reason. It had been a small school, so not many kids actually went to school there.

At the new school, Dominic was happy to introduce himself as Dominic.

"How was your first day?" Patton asked as he picked the group up.
"Awesome!" Dominic said happily. "I got to say my name was Dominic and no one questioned it!"

"That is awesome, hon," Patton smiled.
"Remus got us in trouble in the first 10 minutes," Roman said tolling his eyes.
"That girl was making eyes at you!" Remus said.
"Whatever," Roman smiled.
"Sam goes here to, so I got to hang out with her," Remy said.
"I had a bad day," Virgil mumbled.
"Aw, baby, what happened?" Patton asked as they started driving.
"It was too loud and I couldnt handle it," Virgil said softly. Around this time was when his anxiety got really bad, and loud rooms and large crowds freaked him out, alot like they did with Dominic.

At home, the kids started on their homework, a little essay of their summer.

(Virgil is in grade 6, Emile is in grade 7, Dominic is in grade 9, Remus and Roman are in grade 10 and Remy is in grade 11)

After that they had dinner and some down time, relaxing and chatting.
"Oh, Dominic, we have a surprise for you," Logan said.
"What is it?" Dominic asked, sitting up. Patton handed him a small gift bag and smiled. Dominic opened it, excited and confused.

"What is this?" He asked softly.
"It's a binder," Logan smiled. "To hide your chest,"

"Really?!" Dominic cried, smiling wide. Patton nodded. Dominic jumped up and hugged them both happily.
"Thank you!" He said, holding them tightly.

Dominic ran up to his room and tried it on, smiling in the mirror. He put his shirt back on and stood in front of his family.
"Very nice," Patton smiled. Dominic was so happy, not being able to see his chest. He finally felt like himself.

That night, Roman woke up screaming. He shot up in bed, breathing heavily
"Ro? Are you ok?" Remus said as he crawled in bed beside Roman, who shook his head. He started crying and hugged Remus tightly. "It's ok, I got you," Remus whispered, rubbing Roman's back as he hugged him. "You're safe,"

Patton came in and turned the light on.
"What happened?" He asked as he sat with the boys.
"I just had a nightmare," Roman mumbled, still in his brothers arms. He  huddled into Remus' chest a bit and closed his eyes. "It was really scary,"

"Well, try and get some sleep," Patton said as he gently rubbed Roman's leg. The twins nodded and when Remus laid down, Roman smiled softly and snuggled into him, keeping close. Remus sighed softly, smiling as he rubbed Roman's back soothingly.

"Hey, Roman?" Remus said softly.
"Yeah," Roman mumbled.
"I love you," Remus whispered, kissing Roman's head.
"I love you, too," Roman smiled against Remus' chest.
"No, I love you," Remus said softly. Roman sat up and stared at him. Remus saf up a but, looking at Roman nervously.

"Y-you..." Roman muttered. Remus nodded and looked away.
"I'm sorry," Remus said softly.
"Re, look at me," Roman said. Remus look and saw Roman smile softly. His eyes softened and he moved a little closer. "You're a dork," Roman smiled wider and hugged Remus, who held him back.

"We can talk about it more in the morning," Roman mumbles as they laid down again. Remus let Roman lay on his chest and they fell asleep again.

The next morning, Virgil was oddly the first to wake up. He sat silently on his bed for any noise from outside. The first thing he heard was the door next to his room open. Dominic's room.

When he heard that he stood and cracked his door open. Dominic walked past his room, and Virgil opened his door the rest of the way to follow his brother.
"Oh, morning Virg," Dominic said smiling.
"Morning," Virgil said with a soft smile. He hated being the only one awake, so if he didnt hear people when he woke up, he waited for someone else to get up before getting out of bed. The two got their homework and everything in their bags and heard Emile wake up. They knew it was him by the footsteps. He was the only one skipping at this time.

"Good morning!" Emile said happily.
"You are way too happy for a Tuesday morning," Dominic said.
"It's our second day of school! I'm excited," Emile said. Virgil smiled and rolled his eyes. They sat talking for a bit, all looking at the front door when the doorbell rang at about 7:30

"Who would be here so early?" Dominic wondered aloud as he went to open the door.

"Hello?" He said. He looked around, then down.

"Get dads," he told Emile as he knelt beside the toddler. The little boy was crying.

"What happened?" Patton asked as he came over.
"Someone rang the doorbell and left a toddler," Dominic said, the crying little boy in his arms. Pattons eyes widened.

"The poor thing!" Patton gasped. He looked at the toddler in Dominic's arms and gently took him. "It's ok, buddy, don't cry," he whispered, wiping the toddlers tears.

"Who's kid is that?" Remy asked from behind Patton.
"We don't know," Patton said.

Ooh who's the kid???
I really liked writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night!❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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