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Slight incest warning, nothing huge but I feel like it needs to be warned

"But your neck is warm," Roman muttered in Remus', hiding in his neck. Remus tensed up but neither Roman nor Remy noticed.

Remus felt his heart pounding for some reason. It was weird to him. He had never felt like this before.

That night, Roman was still freezing and cuddle up close to Remus, who lay awake. Roman let out a soft whine like noise as he snuggled closer. He head was on Remus' chest, one arm to his own chest, the other around Remus' waist.

"Remus? Are you still awake?" Patton whispered as he peeked in the door. Remus lifted his free arm, the one that wasn't around Roman.
"Can't sleep," Remus muttered. "Is...is it normal to feel like this?"
"Like what honey?" Patton asked as he sat beside the bed.
"My heart keeps pounding. I feel different around around him. I want to see him smile...and to hear him laugh," Remus said softly.
"....Roman," Remus muttered, looking at his brothers peaceful expression.

"Well...what you're describing is exactly how I felt around Logan when we first started dating. The way I thought I felt around your mother so...so many years ago," Patton smiled.

"A crush?" Remus breathed.
"That's what I'm hearing but it's your brother so I assume it's that you want to see him happy because seeing him sad makes you sad...nope that still a crush. Uh...brotherly love is what most people call it. You want your brother to be happy because you're brothers and care about eachother. The heart pounding might be the teenage hormones,"

Remus cut him off
"Aa no no no!" He tried to cover his ears. "Nope not talking about that right now,"

Roman stirred and nuzzled into Remus' shoulder.
"I love you, Remus," he mumbled. Remus turned red.

"Get some sleep kiddo," Patton smiled. He left and Renus let out a soft sigh, holding Roman a bit closer.

The next morning, Roman woke up when Remus tried to sneak away.
"Good morning sleepy head," Remus smiled.
"Mmm...morning," Roman mumbled as he sat up.

Logan and Patton were making breakfast, Lily sitting by their feet, watching them. Delilah looked in, then went to where Remy and Virgil were in the living room.

"What's up, little sis," Remy said.
"I don't know," Delilah shrugged.

"Are you sad?" Virgil asked softly. Dee shook her head.
"No, just thinking," she laid down on the couch, sighing tiredly.

"Give me my hairbrush you heathen!" Roman said, chasing Remus into the room. Roman grabbed Remus' shirt, pulled him back and they both fell.

Remus caught himself before he squished Roman under him. They looked at eachother for a moment.

"Uh...s-sorry," Remus said quickly as he sat up. Roman got up and took the brush off the floor, going back to his room. Remus knew his face was red

"What was that about?" Remy asked.
"Nothing," Remus said as he stood. He went to the dining room and groaned as he banged his head on the table a few times.

"Aw, what's wrong, Remus?" Patton asked. Patton was the only one who could tell the twins apart. Usually, Remus wore greens and blacks and Roman wore red white and gold, but some days they wore the same colors and outfits to mess with people.

"It's just something about Roman," Remus sighed. "Youd support me in anything, right?"
"Of course honey, you know I'll love you no matter what," Patton sat beside Remus.

"I-is it possible that I like Roman?" Remus muttered shyly.
"It's very possible..." Patton said slowly. "Do you really think you feel that way about him?"

"I'm not sure..I've never really had an interest in anyone before. Like I don't think I've ever actually had a crush on anyone," Remus sighed.

"Well...I don't know what to tell you other then keep thinking about it. You'll figure something out I'm sure," Patton smiled. Remus smiled softly and nodded.

(This story has basically turned away from Logan and Patton, I'm sorry but the kids are older now and I want to focuse on each of them for awhile)

Delilah was still struggling to figure out who she was. She started hating little things. When her chest grew a but more she tried to cover it, to hide it with big hoodie and shirts. She didnt want anyone seeing it.

"Hey, you ok?" Remy asked her.
"I-I dont know," she shrugged. "I'm still thinking about the whole figuring who I am thing out,"

A few months passed. And for the first time, their small town was having a pride parade.
"This us awesome!" Patton squealed. "I'm so excited!"
"What's the pride parade?" Virgil asked.
"It's like the Christmas parade, but to celebrate people like dad and I," Patton explained

"Gay couples?" Emile asked.
"Yeah. And all the others. Your brothers friend Sam and her family are sure to be there, too," Logan said.

"Yeah, Sam said she, her parents and girlfriend are gonna hang with us if that's cool," Remus said.
"Of course it's cool. We love Sam," Patton smiled.

2 days later, Patton was in full rainbow, shirt, flag, headband and shoes. Logan wore his normal black shirt and jeans, his tie now purple blue and pink to match his sexuality.

Remus and Roman wore matching rainbow shirts and had bought rainbow shoelaces.

Virgil wanted to hold a flag and so did Emile. Remy wore his pink yellow and blue pan shirt and jeans with his normal leather jacket. Delilah just wore her normal attire, black leggings, a large black and yellow hoodie and comfy runners.

"Sam!" Remy called when they got there. They had even brought Lily, who had a rainbow collar on that they'd found and thought was adorable. Delilah held her leash so she'd stay close, Lily being a curious dog who really liked people.

"Oh! They're here!" Sam said excitedly. She was holding hands with another girl, slightly taller with short hair like Delilah. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Kay. Kay, these are my friend Remy Remus and Roman. Remus and Roman are twins, I still can't tell them apart,"

"Don't worry, I can't either," Logan said smiling.
"Nice to meet you guys," Kay said smiling.
"You have short hair like DeeDee!" Emile said smiling.
"Who's DeeDee?" Kay asked.
"Our sister, Delilah," Remy said. Delilah was always nervous in large crowds, as was Virgil. Both were close to Logan, holding his arms.

"Nice to meet, you Delilah," Kay said sweetly. Delilah smiled and hid in her dads side.
"This is amazing," Patton said smiling. "I can't believe it!"

Delilah saw a bunch of people with pink blue and white flags.
"Dad, what flag is that?" She asked.
"Oh, that's the transgender flag. It represents boys who turned into girls and girls who turned into boys because they didnt feel right in the other body," Logan tried to give a simpler explanation.

"Transgender..." Delilah repeated the word to herself softly. She smiled.

They had alot if fun at the parade and went put for icecream with Sam, Kay and Sam's parents afterwords.

When they got home, Delilah went onto the computer to do some research.
"What're you looking at?" Remus asked, looking over her shoulder.
"Just what transgender means," Delilah said as she read. Remus didnt think anything of it

I someone wrote this SUPER fast for once, I think cause the idea of a pride parade made me happy since I've never been to one, even though my town has been holding them for like 4 years
(I live in a small town, where for the longest time being gay was like the worst thing ever, and of you came out everyone knew so they only recently started it)

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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