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Virgil- 12
Emile- 13
Dominic- 16
Roman and Remus- 17
Remy- 19
Thomas- 3

Slight violence
Remus and Roman (again)
Slight dirty joking

(I made the art above)
A year and a half has passed. The date is May 19th, 5 weeks until school ended.

"Aw, I cant believe you're moving out," Patton said, hugging Remy. "You're so grown up,"
"Dad," Remy laughed. "I'll come and visit plenty, I promise,"
"Good luck, Remy," Logan smiled. Remy put the last box in his car and hugged his siblings goodbye.
"Watch out for Virgil for me, ok?" He said when he hugged Dominic.
"I will," Dominic said smiling. Remy got into his car and waved goodbye before driving to his new apartment with his bestfriend.

"Why does he have to go?" Virgil asked softly.
"Remy is all grown up, now hes going to live his own story," Patton said softly. He was sad to see Remy go, but was also so proud of his oldest son.
"You're more upset seeing him leave then I am," Logan smiled, pulling Patton into a hug.
"What if he forgets about us?" Patton said with a pout.
"He won't forget," Logan said, gently kissing his husband.

A few days later, Remy invited them to his place. The kids agreed to be calm.
"Crap, my seat belt's stuck," Roman said, trying to get it unlocked. Remus tried to help, and when it suddenly snapped out, Remus fell forwards, only inches from Roman's face. They both froze in shock, staring at the other. Remus smirked, licking his lips.
"Weirdo," Roman mumbled, turning red.
"You love it," Remus teased, making Roman even more red.
"W-whatever, get off me," Roman muttered. Remus only moved closer, biting his lip a bit as he made flirty eyes at Roman.
"You're a dork," Roman mumbled, pushing him away.
"I'm you're dork,"

"Are you weirdos coming or not?" Dominic called.
"Don't," Roman said before Remus could make some kind of dirty joke. They got out and followed their parents into Remys new apartment.
"My parents and siblings are here, get your hands off me!" They heard Remy say. Footsteps, then the door opened.
"Uh...Rem, your shirt," Logan said, raising an eyebrow.
"Crap, sorry, but come in," Remy quickly buttoned the top button of his shirt and fixed it a bit more.

"Guys, this is my roommate, Tyler. Tyler, my dads and my siblings," Remy said.
"Nice to meet you," Tyler said. Virgil narrowed his eyes at Tyler.
"Are you Remys boyfriend?" He asked. Remy turned red.
"Virg! Shush!" He hissed, covering the 12 year olds mouth.
"Well technically no," Tyler said with a smirk.
"Just shut up," Remy groaned.

"Technically no? What are you, friends with benefits?" Remus asked smiling.
"Maybe," Tyler glanced at Reny, who was bright red. Patton held back a laugh, biting his lip slightly to keep it down.
"So why don't I show you around," Reny said quickly.

They were there for almost and hour, and before they left, the twins pulled Tyler aside.
"We may be younger then Remy, but know this. You hurt him, we will find you and we will hurt you," Remus whispered.
"Ok," Tyler said slowly, a bit freaked out by how serious the two looked.
"Stop scaring him, dorks," Remy said, pulling the twins away. "Love you, bye," he pushed then outside, waved and shut the door.

"So you have 6 siblings?" Tyler smiled.
"Yes...and they drive me nuts," Remy chuckled.

"Lily, here girl," Roman called when he opened the door. Lily ran up, tail wagging happily.

"Dad dad dad dad dad dad dad," Roman said while poking Pattons arm.
"Yes, Roman? What do you need," Patton said with a smile at how dumb the teen was.
"I'm hungry,"
"Roman, you are 17, make yourself a sandwich or something," Dominic said rolling his eyes. "Also, can someone reach the crackers?" He tried and failed to reach the top shelf. Roman chuckled and grabbed the box of crackers from the top shelf. To be a jerk, he held it just out of Dominic's reach.
"Roman! Give it!" Dominic demanded, trying to get it. He jumped and Roman moved back, laughing. Dominic glared at him for a few seconds, before stomping on his foot. Roman dropped the box, holding his foot. He looked down and realized Dominic was wearing boots.
"Waot, those have like two inch heels, how are you so short," Roman said, trying to ignore the pain in his foot.
"Do it again, I'll kick you where it hurts," Dominic threatened before walking away.
"How is he so small and scary," Roman asked Patton, who chuckled in response.
"Don't pick on him and he won't hurt you. Think about it, Virgil and Emile are already almost taller then him," Virgil and Emile were only a few inches shorter then Dominic.

"You got bullied by a shortie," Remus teased.
"He stomped on my damn foot, shut up," Roman said, pushing him. Remus laughed.

Dominic sat on the couch, watching Lily play with Thomas Virgil and Emile. Emile held Thomas, so he was pretending to ride Lily. Thomas was giggling happily.
"Good girl, Lily," Virgil said smiling.

"Boys do any of you have homework?" Logan asked.
"Nope," Remus and Roman said before going back to their "fighting"
"No," Virgil said softly.
"I finished it yesturday," Emile said.
"Shoot, that's what I forgot to do," Dominic jumped up, running to his room.

At school the next day, Virgil tried to lay low. He walked through the crowded hall, and felt someone hold his hand. He looked, smiling at Dominic. Emile was at his other side, keeping close.
"If anyone picks on you, tell me, ok?" Dominic said.
"Ok, I will," Virgil said. The two left him at his classroom and walked to theirs.

"What's up, loser," a kid in the grade above Virgil said, pushing him.
"P-lease leave me alone," Virgil said softly.
"Why would I?" The boy snapped.
"J-just please...p-please go away," Virgil tried to be brave. But he couldnt get his voice much above a whisper.
"Wnat was that?" His bully snapped, moving closer. Virgil shrunk back and let put a soft whimper of fear.

"Remus," Roman whispered. He stopped walking and pointed down the hall. They could see a boy, a bit taller then Virgil, all up in his face laughing. Virgil was on the verge of tears, gripping his backpack tightly.
"Aw hell no," Remus growled. They walked over, Remus pushing through to place himself between the bully and Virgil. The bully was surprised by this and stepped back, bumping into Roman.
"Leave him alone," Remus growled. He felt Virgil grip the back of his shirt.

Both twins were really protective of their siblings. And seeing their baby brother being bullied made them very angry.
"He's a loser, why are you even bothering to protect him?" The bully snapped. Remus had to hold himself back from punching the brat in the face for that.
"Our brother is NOT a loser," Roman growled.
"Oh, so if he wasnt your brother you wouldn't care?" The bully laughed. That was it. Remus punched him hard. Roman stepped out of the way so the brat could fall over.
"R-Remus! You're gonna be in so much trouble!" Virgil gasped.
"He had it coming," Remus mumbled. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah," Virgil hugged Remus, who smiled and hugged him back.

"What in God's name is going on?" The principal said, walking over. Virgil hid behind Remus. The bully got up, holding his bloody nose.
"He punched me!" He said, pretending to me crying.
"He was bullying our brother," Remus defended angrily.

"Enough. Remus Sanders, Myles Ranger, follow me now," the principal said. Remus followed them and Roman sighed.
"Thanks for helping me," Virgil said softly.
"Anytime, shorty," Roman smiled before going to his class.

"You punched a kid?!" Patton cried.
"He was picking on Virgil!" Remus defended.
"Remus, that boy is two years younger then you! The same age as Emile!" Patton was beyond upset.
"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit him, but he was being a complete jerk!"
"You called for me?" Virgil asked softly, stepping into the office.

"Virgil, may you tell us what happened this morning?" The principal asked kindly.
"Well...um...i-i was about to go into my class when Myles came up behind me and pushed me. He kept calling me a loser a-and got into my face...Remus and Roman came over and told him to leave me alone. Myles kept going, calling me names. Remus punched him after he said that if they weren't my brothers, they wouldn't care that I was upset,"

"Thank you, Virgil,"
"Sweetie, I told you to tell me when the bullying happened," Patton said softly.
"I-I didnt want anyone getting in trouble," Virgil said shyly. Patton sighed and hugged him.

"Unfortunately, Remus needs to be suspended for 3 days. Thank you for coming in," The principal said. Patton took Remus home amd Virgil went to class. He saw Myles following his mom outside and couldnt help smiling.

Yooooo ok so I'm super stressed and writing his relieved a bit of it. Writing about a slight violence calmed me down in a messed up way. Also, while writing the beginning I started crying for some reason. Then I cursed myself for it. I shouldn't have cried just because one of the kids moved out! I'm ridiculous 😂😅

I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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