~•◇chapter 10◇•~

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The word penis comes up. ALOT

Unfortunately, Logan and Patton had forgotten the box on the table.

"Dad! Why's there a penis on the table?" Remus called when they woke up the next morning

"Shoot, oh my gosh," Patton said, running in and putting the lid on the box quickly. "Blame your dad. This is his," Patton ran back to the bedroom. He threw the box at Logan, who sat up tiredly, chuckling.
"The boys saw it," Patton muttered.

"Whatever," Logan said getting up. He took a shower and when he came back, Patton was studying the toys with a slightly curious look. He somehow hadnt heard Logan get out and jumped when he saw him.
"I knew it," Logan said.

"K-knew what?" Patton said quickly, stepping away.
"You want to try some things out, don't you? You're curious about it,"

"N-no..." Patton muttered unconvincingly. Logan moved closer, grabbing Patton waist and pushing him into the wall.
"Don't lie to me, Pat," he whispered.
"F-fine, I'm a little bit curious about it," Patton mumbled, his face bright red.
"Yeah you are," Logan said smiling.

"Dad!!" Remus called.
"What's wrong kiddo?" Patton called, trying to keep his voice steady.
"Where's the crofters?" Remus called back.
"Stay out of my crofters you little monster!" Logan yelled smiling

"Says the one touching my dad!" Remus yelled.
"Remus!" Remy and Roman cried.
"Oh, Roman's awake, we should check on him," Patton said. Half to get away, half to actually check on the poor boy.

"Hey, buddy, how are you feeling?" Patton asked smiling softly.
"Remus said there was a penis on the table," Roman said.
"Stop bringing up the penis," Patton groaned, covering his face and groaning.
"I'm feeling better," Roman smiled. "So there was a penis? Remus wasnt lying?"

"Stop talking about it, PLEASE!" Patton groaned as he sat down.
"Your dad is getting embarrassed," Logan teased smiling.
"What's a penis?" The innocent little Emile asked.
"No!" Patton said as Remus opened his mouth to answer. "Do NOT tell him anything,"

"What, it's useful knowledge!" Remus defended smiling.
"Just be quiet, no talking about penises anymore this morning," Patton said as he put his head on the table, hands over his head.

"Good morning," Delilah said, happily skipping into the room.

"Hush," Logan said to Remy, knowing just what he was about to say.
"Why me?" Remy said, raising his hands in defence.
"I know you, Rem. You and Remus are both horrible about keeping your mouths shut. You have to...for simple words, blab about everything you hear," Logan said.

That day was a down day. They all just relaxed, Roman and Remus cuddled up on the couch while the kids all watched a movie, Logan doing a but of work, and Patton making cookies with Delilah.

~time skip 4 years~

Remy was 17, Remus and Roman were 15, Delilah was 14, Emile was 11 and Virgil was 10. Roman's arm is now completely healed.

The house was quiet. Too quiet.
"Where are the boys?" Patton asked when he realized it shouldn't have been that quiet on a Sunday morning in November.
"Remy said something about...a girl they were friends with," Logan said.
"Not a girlfriend?"
"No...I don't think so at least," Logan thought for a minute. It's the middle of November, and it's a Sunday. Nothing open at 9 am on a Sunday,"

"Re? Ro?" Patton called.
"They went out," Delilah said yawning. She had just woken up. She still had her short hair, because she absolutely loved it.

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