~•♡Marry me♡•~

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A few more months passed. It had been a little over a year since they started dating. And Logan really wanted to ask Patton to marry him.

But, big surprise, he was too scared. He knew he loved Patton. More then he'd ever loved anyone (like in a romantic sense)

Finally, Logan got the courage to ask him.
"Hey, come with me," Logan said smiling after a really amazing date. He lead Patton into a clearing in the woods, and sat him down on a stump.
"What are we doing here, Logie?" Patton asked.

"I wanted to show you how I feel about you," Logan said. He took his guitar out and started singing the song his friend had helped him write. And by the end, Patton was in tears, smiling ear to ear.

Logan held out a hand and Patton took it.
"Patton Sanders, you are the most amazing man I have ever met. When I'm with you, I cant stop smiling, I just want to hold you and tell you how much I love you," Logan said. He went down on one knee, making Patton gasp.
"So, what I'm asking is...Patton Sanders, will you marry me?" Patton nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Yes!" He cried, hugging Logan. They shared a long, passionate kiss and Logan put the beautiful ring on Pattons finger. Patton stared at it for a long moment.

"I love," Patton said smiling. He hugged Logan again and they stayed in eachothers arms for as long as they could. After a few minutes, they walked back, holding hands. Inside, Remy was flopped on the couch with Delilah Virgil and Emile sleeping on top of and beside him. Remus and Roman were cuddled up on the other side of the couch.

"Sorry they fell asleep on the couch, they were watching a movie," the babysitter said.
"Its ok, thank you so much for watching them," Logan said as he played her. She smiled and left.

"Should we move them?" Patton asked.
"Let's let them be for awhile," Logan said. "I have some wine in the kitchen," Patton giggled and let Logan lead him to the kitchen. Patton sat on the counter, Logan smiling as they talked a bit

They heard someone coming closer, and both looked at the door. Roman stood in the doorway, his dragon plush in his hand
"Hey, kiddo," Patton said softly.
"Remus pushes me off the couch," Roman mumbled, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Patton smiled and hopped down. He took Roman's hand, taking him back to the living room. Logan watched them and smiled.

"Remus is such a bed hog," Patton said smiling.

(I'm Remus 😂)

Patton yawned softly and smiled at Logan.
"Let's get you in bed, too," Logan said. He gently led Patton to his room and laid him down, kissing his head.
"I'm going to put the kids to bed, then I'll be back, ok?" Logan said. Patton nodded sleepily, closing his eyes.

Logan smiled and went to the livingroom. He carefully picked Virgil up, and nudged Delilah awake. She sat up and Logan took her hand.

Once all the kiddos were in bed, Logan climbed into his bed next to Patton. Patton turned over and cuddled into Logans chest, nuzzling him before relaxing in his arms.

"Love you," Logan whispered.
"Love you, too," Patton whispered back.

The next morning, the Patton woke up first. He felt Logans arms around him and smiled softly, notnwanting to wake him. He saw the ring on his finger and smiled wider.

In his sleep, Logan pulled Patton a but closer and mumbled something. Patton giggled and managed to sneak away.

"Pattttt," Remy whispered as Patton stood up.
"What?" Patton whispered back, shutting the door once out of the room.

"I'm hungry," Remy said. Patton smiled and started on breakfast for the kids.
"Remus! Stop pushing me," Roman whined from the livingroom

"You're on my feet," Roman said back.
"No I'm not!" Roman said.

"Boys, be quiet," Patton said softly. "The little ones are still sleeping,"

"He keep kicking me," Roman said

"Get off me," Remu said. He pushed Roman once more, and Roman fell off the couch. He laid there, glaring up at his brother.

"Roman, don't call him a jerk. But Remus, you didn't need to push him like that, either," Patton said sternly. The twins got up and watched as Patton finsihed making food. Logan came in after a bit, rubbing his eyes

"Morning love," Patton said.
"Good morning," Logan said softly, hugging Patton from behind. Patton smiled and kissed Logans cheek

Hey y'all, how are you? I'm depressed but happy at the same time, it's really weird. Like I want to cry, but i also can't stop smiling

How you enjoyed, have a great day/night!❤

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